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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 689 Sano wants to be the Pirate King

There are more than ten people, which is easy to deal with and difficult to deal with.

Under normal circumstances, it can only be said that it is a bit risky for Mao Lilan to deal with it alone, but considering the style of this group of bodyguards, they may be of sufficient strength, and the risk factor seems to rise sharply.

…But with Sano’s support, it shouldn’t be a big problem?

But just when Mao Lilan felt that she didn’t even need a reply and was about to rush forward, Sano suddenly put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

“Don’t take the opportunity for a hero to save a beauty.”

The next second, the figure flew up, and Huang Mao, who heard the scream, looked back.

All he saw was that his bodyguards had all fallen down.

Huang Mao was very angry when he saw this, and immediately arrogantly planned to have a fight with Kyogoku, but the result… naturally he could only run away in despair without even daring to say a harsh word. Suzuki Sonoko threw herself shyly In each other’s arms.

It was clear that she was fearless just now, but now she has become Sister Lin again, spreading a wave of dog food in front of Sano and others.

There was nothing special after that, except Kyogoku said hello, then stared at Kuroba Kaito for a long time and said, “It always feels so familiar.”

This made Kuroba Kaito feel so guilty that he almost didn’t run away.

“Okay, now that we’ve met, let’s go to the restaurant quickly. It’s so hot.”

Kogoro Mori led the way.

But in the middle of the chat, an accident occurred again.

…It was Kyogoku who said that he might not be able to participate in the martial arts competition. The reason was that the lawyer named Chen Xuelin who sponsored him was killed.

Hmm…a little subtle.

Speaking from experience, is it either the beginning of the murder or the motive?

Just as Sano thought this, Suzuki Sonoko waved her hand and finally began to use her attributes as a wealthy daughter to become Kyogoku’s real sponsor.

But what’s more surprising is that.

Kyogoku Makoto actually didn’t refuse…Normally speaking, this should not happen. The woman was worried about hurting the man’s self-esteem, and the man had too much self-esteem. He felt that this would be a soft meal, so he chose to refuse, even for both parties. Is there any point where we might get into a big fight?

After the minor problem was solved, the group continued their journey, but before they could walk a few steps, a thin little black guy coughed. I don’t know whether it was due to the weather or stereotypes here in Singapore. It seemed that people with darker skin still… Quite a lot, at least aside from Conan who was manipulated by Kuroba Kaito, the squinty-eyed young man in front of him who was a bit short and had half-long hair was also a relatively dark guy.

This man seemed to recognize Mouri Kogoro, or in other words, he came for him.

He said that he had long admired his name, had been waiting for it for a long time, and wanted to ask for something.

Anyway, the last group of people changed their destination and left with Rishi, who claimed to be some kind of reserve police officer… It seems to be this name?

However, Kuroba Kaito’s help is indispensable in this process.

…This kid wants to follow. Could it be that the owner of the gem, or the real purpose, is here?

Sure enough, Rishi explained it later on the way.

First, he briefly introduced the gem called the Cyan Blue Fist, then introduced its current owner, an industrialist named Li Zhonghan, and finally introduced the person he wanted to see Kogoro Mori.

Rich’s master, a famous criminal psychology expert, Lyon.

Currently, he is the president of a security company…and that’s the problem.

Leon was entrusted with the task of protecting the Blue Fist.

But at the moment, the warning letter of Kaito Kidd has arrived. In other words, Leon feels that there is a risk, so he hopes that Mouri Kogoro can help.

this is all.

“We’ve arrived.”

The car stopped, and a group of people got out and entered the manor-like building in front of them.

The decoration inside is naturally extremely luxurious.

Especially the one in the middle, the statue of a Western knight riding a horse, is quite impressive… It seems to be not made of stone, but pure steel.

Mouri Kogoro also approached curiously.

In the end, it was just an accidental touch that caused the knight’s gun in his hand to fall. It was Kyogoku’s quick eyesight and quick hands that prevented Mouri Kogoro from being smashed to the head and bleeding… but he also had to be scolded.

“But having said that, since the owner of the Cyan Blue Fist is Chen Zhonghan, then this notice letter should also be sent to him, right? Why don’t we go directly to him instead of coming to Lyon’s mansion?”

Conan asked.

Rishi said that the Cyan Blue Fist is here.

Because this place has the best security system, the owner of the gem can feel more at ease if he puts things directly here… As a result, Suzuki Sonoko was dissatisfied. As a fan, she felt that Rishi was looking down on her idol.

After a moment of indignation, it turned into exaggerated appreciation, and finally turned into a nymphomaniac, causing Kyogoku Makoto, who was still holding the knight’s gun in his hand, to almost burst the thing without realizing it. Lose.

It was Mao Lilan who reminded her carefully, and Suzuki Sonoko was shocked to realize that she seemed to have said something wrong, and quickly made up for it to appease Kyogoku.

As for Kuroba Kaito… he already wants to run away and can no longer think about it.

Fortunately, Lyon came out to meet the guests soon, and he also brought a strong bodyguard with pigtails. The casual introduction said that he was the world’s top karate master, and he also participated in the martial arts competition and was a popular seed to win the championship. , which made Kyogoku really interested.

And that person seemed to be also very interested in Kyogoku.

The two people started shaking hands as soon as they met. Leon shook hands with Mouri Kogoro, and then showed a very, or perhaps said, surprised expression, and then greeted Kuroba Kaito again, saying ” Magician” tag.

It seems a bit interesting…criminal psychology?

I just don’t know if it’s really there, or if I know the inside story because of the conspiracy behind it?

Sano looked at Leon.

He is about thirty years old, seems to be of mixed Chinese and Western descent, has brown hair and a short beard, and is wearing a very neat suit. He looks like an elite.

And when Leon turned his eyes, he looked at Conan with a surprised expression.

Sanoye probably knew it.

…It seems like there’s really something to it?

“That one should be the daughter of the Suzuki Consortium. As for this one…”

Leon looked at Sano. He had just recalled the collected intelligence information and was about to name another high school detective. However, his pupils shrank in the next second, and there was an unconcealable sense of horror in his eyes.


Sano, who was sitting on the sofa, held up his chin, pulled his eyelids and looked at Leon.

Why are not you talking?

“The famous detective Shinichiro Sano, a name I have admired for a long time.”

Leon, who was covered in cold sweat, forced a smile and said hello.

Sano asked with some curiosity: “Why does Mr. Lyon seem a little afraid of me?”


Leon looked away almost subconsciously: “How could…”

… Almost everyone can see that Leon is definitely afraid of Sano.

But since he refuses to tell the truth, it’s not good to open fire unprovoked.

Sano retracted his gaze and said nothing, but he still took out his cell phone and planned to explore what this criminal psychology expert had.

Considering this is abroad.

It may not be too difficult to explore a person’s information, but it is not easy either.

Especially at a deep level.

At least Sano’s intelligence network is mostly useless, but if it were another intelligence network that had just become his subordinate and covered the world…

But the problem is that there are still some troublesome “procedures” in using this intelligence network.

No, I just took out my phone and opened it, and before I did anything, Gin’s call came again… It’s been almost a day of calling, aren’t you tired?

After hanging up with some speechlessness, Sano directly sent a video to Gin, and then connected it with another text message – “I didn’t mess around because it was his own wish. Yesterday’s surveillance is enough to prove that I didn’t mess around.” , the intelligence team is now in your charge, and the following comfort work will also be left to you. In addition, help me check the information on the president of a security company in Singapore called Lyon, the more detailed the better.”

After sending the message, Sano didn’t care whether Gin could accept it or not. He put the phone back and looked at the front again. There was already another old man.

It was the owner of the gem, Chen Zhonghan, who came after receiving the news.

He is obviously in his late 70s and 80s, and he still has the attributes of a famous industrialist, but his whole person is… well, it can’t be said that he is idle, but he is not serious anyway. When he came up, he grabbed Kyogoku Makoto and Mouri Kogoro and asked for a photo.

The next step is to actually watch the so-called Cyan Fist.

By the way, you can also observe the protection system here. In fact, there is nothing much to say, it is nothing more than monitoring password fingerprints and the like.

I have to say there is nothing special.

There are many safes in the room where the safe with gems is placed, and these safes are movable and change positions at any time. In other words, if you cannot determine which safe is the target, then you can only gamble on luck. Cracking one by one, or simply cracking them all, will take a lot of time.

…The premise is that this guy doesn’t take out the gem right now.

Sano did not get closer to look at the big gem, but just watched Kuroba Kaito take out a pen from his pocket, pretended to be nothing, scratched the safe, and then turned around to find that he was After looking at it, his body immediately stiffened and he looked away guiltily.

Fortunately, Sano didn’t do anything and ignored it as if he hadn’t seen it.

This made Kuroba Kaito breathe a sigh of relief, and then he found another opportunity to shake hands with Leon. He must have successfully obtained the other party’s fingerprints and palmprints… Sano always felt that there was a pit in it, because it went so smoothly. If this can be done, then he has to complain about why, as the most important place, there is no 360-degree surveillance to detect the opponent’s hands and feet… Of course, if he is really stupid, then he has nothing to say. .

This is where things started and almost ended.

Originally, the next group of people should have gone back to their respective homes, but when Sano saw the big blue gem being put back into the safe, he couldn’t help but suddenly thought: “Hey Kyogoku, in that tournament of yours, I Can you participate?”


As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned and looked at Sano.

“Senior, are you also interested in this gem?”

Kyogoku Makoto was still wondering if Sano finally had a heart as a warrior, so he also wanted to compete with international masters.

But then I thought about it, Sano had been silent before and didn’t bring it up until now. Sure enough, it was because he actually saw the gem, right?

Mao Lilan and others looked weird for a few seconds, and then gradually recovered… Yes, for such a big gem, it’s not surprising that Isano wants to get it after seeing his temperament, right?

As long as the acquisition method is legal and not illegal, what’s there to say?

To this, Sano’s answer was.

“Almost, after all, I am the man who wants to be the Pirate King.”

…According to the additional explanation made by Leon after the gem appeared just now, this gem originally seemed to belong to some kind of pirate king.

Sano didn’t listen carefully to the details, but this alone was enough to arouse his interest. Moreover, this thing is indeed valuable, since it can be obtained openly.

Then why not?

As for Sano’s answer, a group of people just felt confused. Only Kyogoku hesitated after thinking seriously. He was not worried that the other party would lose if he participated… No matter which side it was, the problem lay in the nature of this game. Rather special.

“…Senior, you may not be able to participate.”

“Ah, why?”

Suzuki Sonoko jumped in directly: “If you need a sponsor, can’t I just come?”

“No, the problem is not the sponsors.”

Kyogoku scratched his head in embarrassment and said: “But this is a karate competition…”


The scene fell into silence for a while, including Sano. It was not until a while later that he showed a few karate poses and said: “I know a little bit about karate, but the competition stipulates that only karate moves can be used during the process, or Is it necessary to have a dan certificate or something?”

“There is no need for certificates or anything like that.”

Kyogoku really touched his chin: “But during the game, it really depends on the referee…”


Sano smacked his lips: “Let’s forget it, it’s too troublesome.”

…This is obviously because they are worried about turning back the sponsorship and throwing it in, and then being judged to have committed a foul and withdrawing from the game midway. If they steal the chicken but fail, they will lose the rice and the wife will lose the army, right?

The fish-eyed Conan immediately guessed Sano’s thoughts.

After that, there was nothing more. The group returned to the hotel. Of course, this was only on the surface. Behind his back, Kuroba Kaito took action immediately after dark, but Sano estimated that it was impossible because Kyogoku was really there. I sent him a message saying that Lyon invited him to exercise there in the evening.

Hmm… Besides, Conan is also missing.

I just don’t know whether this god of plague is going to help Kuroba Kaito or Kyogoku Makoto. He probably wants to maintain a balance and help whichever side doesn’t work.

Wearing sunglasses, Sano was lying on a chair, looking at the handsome men and women in the swimming pool in front of him. He couldn’t help feeling that it was great to have money. As the top hotel in Singapore, the facilities and services were worthy of the price.

Sano’s eyes turned, and Kuroba Kaito, wearing Kaitou Kidd’s suit, had returned with Conan… and he fell from the sky so blatantly.

This guy’s courage is really ridiculous.

Seeing Kuroba Kaito transform into Kudo Shinichi again and go to meet the two best friends, Conan came to Sano to communicate.

“Hey, Sano, that Leon, do you think he is a good guy or a bad guy?”

Sano glanced at Conan: “What’s wrong?”

“Well, I heard some rumors. It was actually Leon who first started looking for the Cyan Blue Fist. But just when he was about to get it, Chen Zhonghan got the information from someone who didn’t know where he got it, and he salvaged it first.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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