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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 69 69, Mao Lilan’s abduction plan?

Conan replied: “Maybe it’s because I’m in the reception room, so I can’t hear it.”

Mouri Kogoro curled his lips again and could only go to answer the phone. However, just a second before he was about to pick up the phone, the call was hung up, probably because no one answered for too long.

Maori Kogoro:”……”


Although Mouri Kogoro shouted “How can it be repaired?”, Sano still understood the emotion behind the other person’s words. It was also at this time that Sano and Conan suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the reception room, attracting Maori Ran and Suzuki. Yuanzi immediately became confused.

“What’s wrong, senior, Conan?”

Conan did not answer Mao Lilan, but asked Sano: “Did you also hear the sound just now, brother Sano?”

“what sound?”

Sano lightly lit a cigarette: “I was just wondering when the delivery would arrive.”

Conan showed his dead eyes: “How could it be so fast?”

About an hour later, the delivery arrived. Fortunately, Sano didn’t see his boss who was working everywhere again this time. After paying the money, he started eating in the corridor.

Sano ordered two pizzas and some snacks, the aroma was wafting, and the wooden door of the corridor slowly opened a crack, revealing the resentful eyes of Mouri Kogoro.

“Why didn’t you call me when the food was delivered?”

Sano said doubtfully: “I didn’t order it for you either. Why are you asking you to watch us eat? That’s so pitiful.”

Mouri Kogoro’s face darkened, he opened the wooden door and rushed over: “I don’t care, I want to eat!”

After eating and drinking, the group sat in the corridor for another hour.

During this period, Sano was bored, so he picked up the newspaper and started reading.

As expected, Sano saw Mouri Kogoro… In fact, it was the two cases that Conan solved, which made Mouri Kogoro’s somewhat embarrassing reputation rise again.

In addition, there is another thing that worries Sano, which is the news of a big explosion in an abandoned factory last night.

Although there is no clear information, Sano is still sure that this is the trading place where the Gin duo was attacked last night.

Sano recalled that before leaving last night, he asked Gin what to do with the corpses. Gin just lit a cigarette and replied lightly.

“Don’t worry about it, I will take care of it.”

…This is really, really clean. The organization has too much explosives to use.

“Hey, there’s a new one out of Tokyo Monster Story.”

Just when Sano was speechless, Suzuki Sonoko, who was standing next to him, started shouting.

“The invisible other person…what a strange name.”

Hearing the words “Tokyo Monster Stories”, Conan and Mao Lilan also turned their eyes to Sano.

“That’s right, senior.”

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Sano curiously again: “I read the newspapers a few days ago, and they all said that the senior is the Rice Krispie Hammer Man. Is this true?”


There were exclamation marks on both Mao Lilan and Conan’s heads.

In fact, as people who personally experienced the Sano Hammer Man incident, the two of them originally made speculations about whether Sano was the Rice Hammer Man, but in the end they were just speculations.

Afterwards, major newspapers made a big fuss about this matter, which aroused the curiosity of the two of them.

Just because the direction of public opinion was not right at the beginning, even if the two really wanted to ask something, they were afraid of getting into trouble with Sano, and because they had no chance, they delayed.

But who would have thought that Suzuki Sonoko would go straight to the point and forcefully open the door!

Although it doesn’t seem good to think this way, since someone has taken the initiative to get into trouble, they can only choose to accept it.

The young and old all pricked up their ears and blatantly eavesdropped.

Especially Conan, because of the sudden thought just now, his curiosity about Sano has reached its peak, and he can’t wait to pick out all the eighteen generations of Sano’s ancestors.

Sano glanced at Mao Lilan and Conan, and lit a cigarette: “Maybe, I don’t know for sure, because I did meet some petty thieves on the road by chance, and I gave them a lesson. , As for the Rice Krispie Hammer Man in the newspaper, I don’t know much about it.”

“That’s it…”

All three of them touched their chins thoughtfully.

“But Brother Sano, you are so good at fighting, why were you bullied by bad boys before?”

Conan rolled his eyes and began to make insinuations.


Mao Lilan was startled by Conan’s question and quickly covered his mouth.

“So, I have not been bullied at all, it’s just that you misunderstood me.”

Sano glanced at Conan sideways and answered. Conan still wanted to ask, “Then how did you get injured?” But it was a pity that Mao Lilan didn’t give him a chance to ask.

“Speaking of which, senior, your physical fitness is not very good, but you are surprisingly good at fighting. How did you do this?”

The nervous Suzuki Sonoko just changed the topic. Before Sano could speak, Mao Lilan answered first: “This has nothing to do with physical ability. Just like me, my strength is not as strong as that of many adult men, but really Wouldn’t they be able to defeat me in a fight?”

Suzuki Sonoko tilted her neck: “It seems so.”

After hearing Mao Lilan’s words, Sano looked at Mao Lilan with some surprise: “Aren’t you strong enough?”

Mao Lilan touched the back of his head and said with a smile: “Although it’s not small, it’s definitely not big either.”

Sano approached Mao Lilan and asked about the other party’s direct data performance in related sports.

For example, bench press, 100-meter run, etc.

Although some data are not tested by ordinary people, with the combination of various aspects, Sano still has a number.

Then Sano was shocked to discover that although Mao Lilan’s physical ability was indeed very strong, in comparison, it was actually not as good as his own physical ability after putting on the special attack suit.

Sano asked again about Mao Lilan’s karate situation, and then finally understood.

Although the attack speed and power that Mao Lilan showed before were indeed based on her karate skills, it was not like what Sano thought. The more she practiced, the stronger her physical abilities would become.

Rather, it allows limited physical abilities to exert stronger effects.

For example, Sano can now send a person flying three meters away with one punch while wearing a special attack suit. If he masters the same skills as Maori Lan, he might be able to hit a person six meters away with one punch.

…This seems to be the same thing, but it is different for Sano.

Because Sano has always been thinking about how to further develop the effects of the special attack server.

One of the effects of the special attack server describes that “the explosive attributes and flexible attributes will be upgraded to the pinnacle of Tokyo’s bad world.”

In other words, this effect can also be changed according to changes in Tokyo Delinquent Summit.

Of course Sano thought about using his own means to raise this peak, for example——

He abducted Mao Lilan, who had the strongest “attack power” at close range that he had ever seen so far, and tricked him into becoming a bad boy… a girl or something…


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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