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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 697 The little boy is here

“Yes and no.”

Kudo Yusaku said seriously: “There hasn’t been any action from the major intelligence organizations, but the news has already arrived. Considering the worst case scenario, a war may come. Maybe it will be a war directly targeting the entire neon. It will be very soon when the time comes.” Many innocent people may die because of this, and in order to avoid this situation, we must solve it first.”

At this point, Hui Yuan Ai probably knew that this was no longer something he could stop by just interfering in the middle.

…We have to find an opportunity to inform Sano.

Haihara Ai decided to go undercover in this team to find out more information: “So, we have to have some clues about what we are going to do.”

“Isn’t this just the beginning of the details?”

Kudo Yusaku gathered the remaining half of the documents together and started chattering again. After a lot of discussions, it was almost dawn outside.

Hui Yuan Ai sat there all night, feeling almost numb.

Due to the limitations of a child’s body, I was so sleepy that I almost fell asleep in the middle of the journey… But fortunately, Haihara Ai still memorized several key points. The rest was to find opportunities to secretly spread the news. .

After watching Toru Amuro and others leave.

Haibara Ai turned her attention to Conan, who was about to return to the Maori Detective Agency: “Kudo, your father said that our relationship may have been manipulated. What this means is that in addition to the believer-style brainwashing, through the Are there other ways of brainwashing that hypnotism can do?”


Conan rubbed his eyes: “To put it bluntly, believer-style brainwashing is to use unfair means to deepen the normal feelings between the two parties. It does not necessarily mean letting the user do whatever they want and mold themselves into gods. It can also be molded into very good friends. A friend whom you can trust unconditionally like a family member, this should be easier even though it has limitations.”

Hui Yuan Ai nodded thoughtfully.

“But in the final analysis, we still have doubts about Sano.”


Conan nodded and said thoughtfully: “And to be honest, I always feel that these so-called flaws at the moment are all things that can actually be avoided, especially for Sano, but it doesn’t sound like frame-up…”

“Don’t think about it. We’ve already decided to do it anyway. There’s no point in thinking about it any more.”

Haibara Ai was too lazy to waste time. When she returned to Dr. Ali’s house nearby, she quickly went to the toilet, took out her mobile phone and started coding to send a text message to Sano.

On the second floor of Kudo’s mansion, Akai Shuichi, who was watching Haibara Ai return, pushed up his glasses without a prescription and raised Conan’s doubts. Kudo Yusaku made his own understanding of this.

“This is normal, maybe because of overconfidence, or simply indifference, just like criminals often return to the scene of the crime afterwards. Even if this will increase their own risks for no reason, they still do it. , and maybe he hopes someone can stop him, after all, human beings themselves are a combination of contradictions.”

Kudo Yusaku’s voice paused.

“In short, no matter what, if we want to win this battle, we can only be shameless and hope that the other side can take the initiative to give us a chance. Otherwise, it cannot be said that we will definitely lose everything. At least the probability of success is really It’s hopelessly low…you know what I mean.”

Akai Shuichi did not agree, but instead asked: “Since the probability of success of this plan is very low, why do we still do it? Are we just taking such a big risk to gamble on a chance given by the opponent?”

“So be it.”

The corners of Kudo Yusaku’s mouth raised slightly: “But there are some tricks in it.”


At the same time, Sano on the other end received the text message from Haibara Ai, but he didn’t take it to heart… Just kidding, let’s not talk about whether what these guys are doing is likely to succeed. It’s obviously a bit whimsical. Whether or not they will do this is a question.

Will the extremely confidential and desperate plan be revealed to Haibara Ai?

Not to mention that Hui Yuan Ai specifically mentioned it again, she was already under suspicion.

There is no doubt that this was revealed deliberately.


…It can be said that Kudo Yusaku’s character is not so bad as to think that he will be like Shabi, so he just believed Haibara Ai’s words and reacted.

After closing the phone, Sano raised his eyes and looked at Gin.

“What did you just say?”

“…I said the Neon Police are planning to take action against us.”

Gin rubbed his temples. Considering that the relationship between the two of them had been reversed, he could only hold back his dissatisfaction and said patiently: “It’s an undercover guy we supported earlier. The information sent back is not very good.” Sure, but it seems other countries are involved.”


Sano nodded thoughtfully.

Kudo Yusaku’s plan mentioned in the text message sent by Haibara Ai just now is to attack the brewery owned by Rye, and the reason is very good.


There are currently four peripheral departments under Hei Yi, the Black Death Zoo fff group and the winery, but for the two middle ones, either the person or the right owner cannot be found, so they can start from the Black Death or the winery.

After all, the two families have big businesses and are relatively easy to find.

And the second.

That’s why I chose a winery instead of Black Death, because compared to the former, a place where most people are ordinary people, the latter is a criminal organization, which makes people feel more at ease.

In addition, in the name of “justice” in black, it is natural for the authorities to arrest criminals. Once they really want to confront the main force, the possibility of other people getting involved is relatively small. In addition, the threat of the winery bigger.

One is a shallow intelligence network covering the entire country.

The other is a deep intelligence network covering the whole world. Which one is more important is obvious.

The third one is more interesting.

That is why Kudo Yusaku feels that Rye is the weakest.

Well… to be precise, it is the easiest to deal with. For example, Rye’s strongest point is dodging bullets and bombs, but the former is also ineffective against Black Death, and the latter is only more effective in large-scale long-distance battles.

Other places may be worthy of mention, but in the end they are not as good as others.

The most important thing is that the information about Rye is the most complete. This is also thanks to Toru Amuro. Of course, the part that is particularly useful is the part where Sano stepped on the big hole.

This gave Kudo Yusaku confidence.

…All in all, this is probably the situation.

First, Haiyuan Ai passed on the news, and then the winery got wind of it.

From this point of view, the taste of the bait seems to be too obvious… But in fact, there is no point in worrying about this. It is already similar to the two options of lasagna, and to be honest, Sano doesn’t think he can compare with it. Kudo Yusaku, but if this is true.

The current figure in Neon’s official decision-making level is no longer trustworthy.

Of course Sano didn’t care.

Otherwise, as early as the day after the incident ended, Sano would immediately plan to have his believer replace this person or turn the other person into a believer.

“…What are you going to do?”

Gin waited for a long time, but didn’t wait for Sano’s response, so he asked impatiently… He was quarreling with the officials of so many countries at once.

Of course Gin is not afraid, after all, the relationship is originally hostile.

Even if there is a fight, it will be a small fight at best, because the decisive thing has not yet come out, and no matter which force is involved, it is impossible to attack with all its strength.

But now it’s different.

Multiple forces jointly took action, whether in terms of intelligence or strength.

The losses that will be caused to one’s own side will be much greater.

Even if they are not completely eradicated, at least ten years of hard work will be ruined, and they will have to start all over again before liberation overnight.

You have to react as quickly as possible.

Whether he was defending and counterattacking, or retreating and hiding, he couldn’t just sit back and wait for death, but for such a major matter that affected the entire organization, even if Gin had become the real second-in-command, he still had to ask the boss.

…and about Sano becoming the boss.

Although he still has some doubts, Gin has accepted it. Anyway, just like what Sano said earlier, he is loyal to this organization.

rather than a certain person.

Even if he is only loyal to the original boss, since that person has chosen to pass his position to Sano, what can Gin do besides being obedient?

You can’t seek power and usurp the throne, and be the master of your own country, right?


Sano came to his senses and waved his hand: “Don’t worry about it, I will take care of it.”


Sano himself felt that no matter what kind of medicine was sold in Kudo Yusaku’s gourd, he had to give it some face to go take a look after putting so much effort into it, but Gin didn’t quite understand and quickly grabbed him.

“Are you going to handle this alone?”

“if not?”

Sano raised his eyebrows and said, “Can you solve it with your help?”

Gin choked and was silent for a long time, then let go of his hand and let Sano leave.

Then it was midnight.

In a building in Tokyo, Kudo Yusaku and others were hiding in the dark, waiting for something.

“…No, it’s almost over. Why haven’t you seen anyone yet?”

FBI Judy Fang’s voice came from the headphones.

Kudo Yusaku just pushed up his glasses: “Don’t worry, it’s okay if you don’t come.”


Judy was stunned for a moment: “Isn’t our purpose just to lure the snake out of its hole?”

“Then I’m not sure if there is a snake in the cave. It’s normal that it can’t be lured out.”

Kudo Yusaku was a little helpless.

…The purpose of luring the snake out of the hole was indeed to use Haibara Ai to send a message to Sano to see if this guy would show up at the meeting place to cause havoc, but let’s not talk about the possibility that Kudo Yusaku’s speculation might be wrong.

That’s right.

With Sano’s mind, the probability of seeing that this is a bait is still very high.

Kudo Yusaku was betting that Sano would find his bait too unchallenging, and instead become curious about what he wanted to do, which would lead to him popping up.

Of course, if it doesn’t work, it really doesn’t matter.

Because the original plan was not really nonsense.

Kudo Yusaku looked through the window at a certain floor of another building next to him.

There is a safe house for the Neon Police.

A decision-making leader of the public security department is inside, and is currently conducting an online multi-party video conference with leaders of intelligence organizations such as the FBI.

Yes, the action plan for wineries is both bait and reality.

The rhetoric used to convince Haibara Ai that this action was a fact was not just to convince the fake lolita. Let alone the fact that such a powerful intelligence network would fall into the hands of Rye. Accidentally, it was also the deliberate operation of Hei Yi. If he couldn’t wait for anyone at the moment, would he really have to run around like a headless chicken?


Fighting against the members in black is inevitable, it’s just a matter of how to fight.

Therefore, except for the wrong meeting location, the other contents of the meeting were all serious, if the other party did not step in out of caution.

Then the next step is action against the winery.

Calculating the time, it’s almost over over there… Kudo Yusaku has gradually begun to relax his vigilance, wondering if it’s time to start arranging the retreat of his teammates, but he just raised his hand to press the earphone.

A dark shadow in the corner of the eye made one’s scalp numb instantly.

“The talks there seemed to be going well.”

Sano, who had already put on a rye vest, lay on the window frame and looked at the safe house in the opposite building and said, then turned to look at Kudo Yusaku.

“You’ve been there for so long, are you tired?”

“……he came!”

Kudo Yusaku was panicked for a moment, but fortunately he calmed down quickly. After saying hello to the headset, he looked at Sano who didn’t take action immediately. He didn’t move either: “…you want to talk to me? Talk?”

“What do we two have to talk about?”

Sano sneered and said: “The Hongmen Banquet has been prepared, why do you still expect me to sit down and eat? But I am very curious, why do you think that if you disconnect all the Internet, I will definitely not be able to find the meeting place?”

Kudo Yusaku’s expression froze, but he still pretended to be calm.

“We won’t let you mess around…and even if you really stop this meeting, you can’t stop the general trend. You have been completely targeted.”

“Well, you’re right, so I’m going to give you a warning.”

Sano suddenly took out his mobile phone, and after one operation, he turned the screen to the opposite side.

Although Kudo Yusaku felt strange, he still looked at it intently.

“Is this…a live broadcast?”

“Well, we invaded the TV stations of several major countries and forced live broadcasts.”

Sano zoomed in on the screen.

“Can you recognize where this is? Just a reminder, it’s America’s place.”


Looking at the bustling area in the picture, which was obviously daytime, Kudo Yusaku squinted his eyes: “Is it the safe house of the leaders of the FBI or CIA?”


Sano snapped his fingers: “Next, please enjoy this scene.”

……What’s the meaning?

Kudo Yusaku’s face was full of hesitation, but he couldn’t do anything else. He could only watch the live broadcast patiently while waiting anxiously for his teammates to arrive.

Then, about ten seconds later, an extra black spot appeared in the sky in the live broadcast screen, and it was still falling rapidly. Just when Kudo Yusaku was wondering what it was, Sano suddenly tilted his head and revealed one eye. On the screen of the mobile phone, he whispered: “The little boy is coming.”

Little boy…

Suddenly, Kudo Yusaku’s pupils shrank, and he had a terrible suspicion in his heart. He felt that his own heavenly spirit cap was letting out cold air: “Could it be…”


There was a rumble from the phone, and a black-red mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Kudo Yusaku’s suspicion was confirmed.

Sano, who was raising his head, had a joking smile on his face.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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