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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 698: Why don’t you kneel down and kowtow?

Kudo Yusaku, who was covered in cold sweat, was so shocked that he never expected it.

Things turned out to be like this.

Sano took back his cell phone: “America’s side will probably be in chaos now, and there will be no time to take care of things here, right?”

Kudo Yusaku came to his senses and asked angrily.

“You actually brainwashed the person who controls the nuclear button!?”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.”

Sano smiled and shook his head: “Instead of thinking about this, you might as well think about what if I didn’t throw this mushroom bomb in America, but in Neon, or even in other countries that have mushroom bombs.” side……”

In an instant, Kudo Yusaku’s face turned as pale as paper.

There is no doubt that if this were done, world war would begin tonight.

What is brainwashed and artificially provoked?

Once someone is really hit on the head by a mushroom bomb, no one will care about it and will become a mad dog.

“The mad dog in the winery is truly a mad dog…”

Kudo Yusaku’s face was extremely ugly: “It’s really surprising that your actions are so fast. I thought that until you mastered the winery intelligence team, you would start to set your goals around the world…”

Sano had a slight smile on his face, neither confirming nor denying this.

…Actually, Kudo Yusaku was right.

Before taking charge of the winery’s intelligence team, Sano never thought of placing his target abroad. After all, there was no source of intelligence and it would be too troublesome to do so.

But this is from Sano’s perspective.

From Kudo Yusaku’s perspective, is it a bit of a gamble to think so?

Sano is not very understanding, but this does not prevent him from knowing his disadvantages early on. Brainwashing is slow and troublesome, so why not simply replace him, although it is not a long-term solution.

But at least temporary emergencies are really not a problem.

This current step is the best proof.

…Sano didn’t know how the countries with nuclear buttons in his previous life were responsible for keeping them, but what he had here was nothing more than a military department similar to major intelligence organizations, with grassroots and decision-making levels.

If you want to push that taboo button, you have to first issue an order through the decision-making level, and then have the grassroots execute the order, which is very troublesome.

Especially the former.

The problem with the latter is that you may notice something is wrong when executing the order, and then raise questions or quietly report it.

Although there are many people at the grassroots level, it is very easy to find an opportunity to brainwash.

But the decision-making level is different. Since it is related to the nuclear button, those people have professionals around them 24 hours a day. Once there is any mistake, it will be a failure. The level of trouble is far higher than that of the senior leaders of Neon Official. …But if we only brainwash a few key nodes at the grassroots level, then target a certain decision-making person, and kill them directly when necessary, or even just take over the action without even taking care of them.

Then it would be much simpler to take tough measures in the end to get the button pressed.

Hmm… there are quite a lot of specific details, but that’s the general outline.

“You won’t always be unscrupulous. America will soon notice the anomaly over there. The investigation of this kind of matter will definitely soon replace the entire department and put it on trial. It will definitely be more strict in the future…”

Kudo Yusaku started to pull apart again.

However, Sano didn’t care about this: “But it’s a pity that as long as you are a human, there will be flaws. Forget it, it doesn’t make much sense to say this. You still have to see the real chapter. But at the moment, why do you feel , I currently only have one nuclear button, América?”


Kudo Yusaku’s pupils were constricted and his heart was about to stop.

“Ha, just kidding, I’m not that free yet.”

Sano changed his tone again, making Kudo Yusaku’s back wet.

…Isn’t this guy telling the truth?

Is this statement true or false? Are there really no problems with other nuclear buttons?

Kudo Yusaku felt crazy and uneasy.

Seeing Kudo Yusaku completely silent, Sano was a little curious about the other party’s “preparation”… Although he had already sneaked into the opponent’s face, logically speaking, he should have already taken the whole situation into his eyes. But it was precisely in order to sneak in that he deliberately avoided those guys hiding in the dark, otherwise there would be an accident if the car overturned.

It’s a bit embarrassing after all.

Sano actually has some idea in his mind, but after all, he still hasn’t experienced it personally.

However, after waiting for a few more minutes, there was still no movement. Sano couldn’t help but become a little impatient and exhaled: “Hey, let me tell you whether you want to fight or not. If not, then I will go home to wash up and sleep.” Yes.”

“…Can you answer me a question first?”

Kudo Yusaku calmed down a lot and tried: “You just said that we should not think that if all the Internet is cut off, you will not be able to find the meeting place. But in fact, the Internet there is not cut off, and we even use online During the meeting, our network was completely disconnected…”

“You want to ask why I didn’t follow the bait over there and was touched by you, but instead followed the bait here to get in front of you?”

Sano tilted his neck and told Kudo Yusaku the true meaning of the question.

Kudo Yusaku remained silent for a few seconds, which was regarded as acquiescence.

“…Sano told me.”

Sano’s voice paused: “You want me to give this answer?”

Kudo Yusaku’s eyes twitched slightly… Sure enough, he had been completely seen through.

Since this false location that was cut off from the Internet was only passed to Sano through Haibara Ai, Rye’s presence here was very problematic.

Although the safe house over there is using the Internet, it has also assembled the top hackers in the country for defense. Once attacked, it will quickly fight back.

Of course, it is also possible that the hacker technology level on the other side is strong enough to crush them, but the other side still did not go there, but came here.

Directly point out the core of Sano.

It seemed like it was a straightforward showdown, but it also seemed like it was sowing discord and trying to be mysterious.

Kudo Yusaku can no longer grasp the accuracy.

Of course, the more critical thing is that a hidden possibility has emerged, that is, besides the possibility given to Sano by Haibara Aito.

The appearance of rye here may also have come through other means.

For example, there are undercover agents in this team or something…

This possibility is very small, or Kudo Yusaku doesn’t dare to think about this possibility. It’s okay when you don’t think about it. Once you pay attention to it, it’s over. Everything will return to the original point. It’s a waste of time… To put it bluntly, it’s just a single It is already impossible to use logic to prove it.

Still need decisive evidence… That’s not right either.

At least the goal is in sight.

Kudo Yusaku quickly calmed down and the plan must continue!

“…Speaking of which, is it really okay for you to waste your time here?”

But just a second before Kudo Yusaku was about to fight, Sano suddenly asked, successfully making the top detective confused: “What do you mean?”

Sano took out his phone again and started operating it.

“It seems that you still don’t know that while you are taking action, those guys seem to be taking action as well. Thousands of killers have entered the country today.”

Sano turned the phone screen to Kudo Yusaku again.

The above is the reward entrusted by the professional killer platform. For each of Yu Sano’s vests, one billion will be taken for each alive, and only 200 million will be taken for the head.

Oh, the unit is US dollars.

“It’s really a big deal. Almost half of the professional killer world has come here.”

Sano clicked his tongue in surprise: “It makes me want to send myself to the door to get the money.”

Kudo Yusaku: “…So, what do you want to express?”

Seeing that Kudo Yusaku couldn’t understand what he meant, Sano couldn’t help but shake his head and chuckle: “Hey, don’t you think that these things will only bring us trouble? Don’t forget that we can never find them. If you don’t want to find a needle in a haystack, you have to start with the relevant people.”

“It is obviously not a wise choice to go head-to-head with the thorns such as the Black Death God and the winery. But if we select the weak persimmons who have the most contact with us from all the official archives…”

Sano took back his phone and deliberately paused for a few seconds with his hands in his pockets.

“Who do you think it will be?”

Kudo Yusaku frowned and thought for a while, his eyes gradually became horrified.

“It seems that he finally came to his senses.”

Sano snapped his fingers: “The Mori Detective Agency, the policemen from the Metropolitan Police Department, those kids, and those doctors. If I guessed correctly, the killer should be outside the door already.”

“Damn it!”

Kudo Yusaku was shocked and angry. He never expected that he would be stabbed in the back so hard by his “teammate”.

…Just like Sano said.

Among the many deeds that the members in black have done, there are very few people who have had multiple contacts with them, especially those in the peripheral departments of black. However, the most prominent among them happens to be Conan as the center. Circle, it was fine when the problem was not very serious.

But once this time comes.

Judging from the cold-blooded and ruthless style of professional killers, it is very possible to directly kidnap and torture, or even kill the target to test the target’s performance.

A discerning person should basically be able to see this step at a glance.

Although Sano did not say it clearly, it was clear who took this step. It was not just foreign countries. So many professional killers were able to enter the country in such a short period of time. Did Neon officials also acquiesce?

What a good guy. He has worked so hard and is still here thinking about how to solve the problem, but those bullies just want to solve it for him, right?

Kudo Yusaku’s molars are almost dry and broken.

“Hey, hey, don’t leave in a hurry, you’re just kidding.”

But just when the horrified and furious Kudo Yusaku was about to give up the current plan and rush back to save people, Sano suddenly interrupted: “After all, he came for us, so I I have disclosed my location in advance and asked all those guys to come here to find me, so I won’t take action against others at all.”

Kudo Yusaku was stunned again and again.

“…Are you here to help us?”

“Otherwise, why don’t you kneel down and kowtow to me?”

Sano did not deny it, but turned to look at the door: “Or are those guys outside the door still planning to fight against me or even join forces with the killers?”

Outside the door, after receiving the first greeting from Kudo Yusaku, they rushed over quickly. However, they did not act rashly when they found out that the two people inside were talking. The group of people who were waiting for the best opportunity tensed up when they heard this. .

“Forget it, I won’t talk nonsense to you, my guests have already arrived.”

After Sano said a word, he turned around and jumped out of the window.

Seeing Toru Amuro, Shuichi Akai and others outside the door, they didn’t care anymore and rushed in quickly, taking a look with Yusaku Kudo.

as expected.

Downstairs, people were already appearing everywhere.

They cautiously surrounded the figure from all directions. They didn’t know how they landed safely. They looked at each other with some hostility, but they tacitly agreed not to mess around, but decided to cooperate.

…It’s somewhat similar to the earlier wave where Sano was put on a bounty because he was a substitute messenger.

Of course, twice is not the same level at all.

Regardless of quantity or average level, after all, such a price can be said to be almost unprecedented. When the bounty first came out, some people even questioned whether some evil person with a relatively large background was joking. Until the platform came forward to guarantee it, this It caused a sensation.

“Most of the professional killer world” is not Sano’s nonsense.

Although there are many of them, they just want to come and join in the fun.

But after Sano deliberately seduced her, the scene still seemed too crowded.

Kudo Yusaku glanced at it and saw that there were at least several hundred people there.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that a killer is here to assassinate someone. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the army is here to fight.

In this way, we still consider that some people did not catch up in time, or they caught up, but they were worried that it was a trap and chose to wait and see for the time being.

These can only be regarded as first-rate birds.

“…Rye is planning to take down these killers alone?”

Hearing Judy’s doubts, Toru Amuro snorted unconsciously and said: “Black Mask can take down an army of nearly ten thousand people by himself. There are only a few hundred members in black. Do you think he can?” Are you afraid?”

Judy: “…”

Just explain, why are you talking like you’re an idiot?

After touching her nose angrily, Judy didn’t dare to say a word.

Although it sounds like they are acting cooperatively, and the FBI is even here to help Amuro Toru, the neon police officer, in the final analysis, this is really the fault of foreign countries. As for which country… the professional killer platform belongs to the West.

It already explains the problem very well.

As for the earlier conflict between the black-clothed and neon officials, because it was a domestic matter belonging to neon, Judy and the FBI had no way to intervene.

If not, it might become a trigger of war, and the more you help, the more help you will get.

As a result, I didn’t expect that Neon officials had already lost before the application to the higher authorities was concluded… Therefore, the FBI was actually a little embarrassed.

He couldn’t do anything, but he seemed to owe Toru Amuro.

This time I thought it was to make up for my mistakes, but who knew that something like this happened again.

In the end, we had to rely on the enemy to “save the situation”…even though the root cause was the black clothes.

Come to your senses.

The fight has begun below.

Perhaps they were curious and greedy about Sano’s almost supernatural power. The price for capturing alive in the reward order was several times higher than the price for killing him. Although these killers also understood the difference in income, most of them also accompanied it. The risk difference is huge, and there are many deeds and achievements that can be explored on the surface.

But the benefits are so exciting. Faced with so much money, I want to give it a try after all.

Therefore, no one drew their guns immediately, but they drew out cold weapons in a tacit understanding, or they were gearing up for a close combat.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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