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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 699 Battle in Tokyo

Sano didn’t care about this. He snapped his fingers casually, and a black shadow rushed out from the building behind him, almost forming a shadow and sticking to the killer at the front. With one punch, one of them looked like he had at least two punches. The fat man, weighing a hundred kilograms, flew back more than ten meters.

Knocked down several people.

After a slight uproar, all the killers focused their attention on the figure that suddenly appeared. The outstretched fist with a white bandage slowly lowered it. The windbreaker of the special attack suit swayed in the wind. A pair of cold black eyes gradually appeared. Like the word “kill” on the mask, it turned red.

“…Black Death?”

Amuro Toru, who was watching upstairs, frowned in surprise.

“This trip was carried out by two people…but how could it be these two teams?”

Kudo Yusaku also frowned.

Indeed, judging from Heiyi’s past deeds, even if two people work together as a team.

The one who is on the same team as Rye should be the Black Cat.

And Black Death should be on the same team as Black Mask, is this a bit weird now?

The people at the top are weird, but the people at the bottom can’t control that much.

Black Death’s distinctive features were immediately recognized by the killers as another mission target, and the original reward was doubled.

Apart from being excited, he didn’t even think about it.

“Go together!”

The dozens of people closest to him suddenly surrounded Heidi.

But in this regard, Heishi was very calm and calm. He took his stance unhurriedly, constantly making defensive counterattacks, or seizing the opportunity to take the initiative to attack. In just a minute or two, there was something on the ground. Pour a slice.

Even though Heidi didn’t deliberately hit the target, these people were still at least seriously injured, and a large part of them were no longer breathing.

This allowed the killers to finally accept the truth.

That is, it is no longer possible to capture them alive, and they can only be paid per head.

Maybe there are still people who want to bite the bullet and try again.

But when the first person who couldn’t bear the fear appeared, he drew his gun and pulled the trigger.

Things can no longer be controlled.

“Bang bang bang!!”

After all, they are all professional killers, and all they pull out are pistols.

Only a few of them had decent firepower weapons.

As for the heavy firepower… it’s even better to have none at all. Naturally, even Heidi’s defenses can’t be broken, and they are slaughtered like cattle and sheep.

“Damn, what a monster!”

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer killers in the front row, and the remaining ones were already showing obvious fear. Several killers who were further away looked at each other, then turned around and took out the trump cards that they had prepared. .

…Although as a professional killer, he rarely uses powerful weapons.

But this does not mean that it cannot be used. If it is not used, and whether it is available or not are two different things.

Especially when you already knew about this mission and were planning to come over to fight, how could you not prepare some special means?

The light machine gun and rocket launcher turned towards the figure at the same time.

This made the killers around Heidi’s expressions change wildly while they cursed in their hearts… Although it seems that everyone is only cooperating temporarily, why don’t they just cross the river and burn bridges like this?

Don’t you care about the friendship between your colleagues?

Facing the fire from his teammates, the killers around Hei Shei couldn’t care less. They quickly distanced themselves. Even a few unlucky guys with severely fractured sternums and internal bleeding who fell to the ground were rolling and crawling.

However, just a second before these heavy firepower was about to start.

“Bang bang bang!”

Several gunshots rang out one after another, and several killers with heavy firepower were shot in the head on the spot. The attack was interrupted, leaving several killers near the points stunned.

As a professional killer, identifying the location by listening to the sound of gunshots is basic.

Leaving aside Rye who looked like he was watching a show and is now holding a pistol, the key is the figure holding a sniper rifle on the four-story building on one side. He is in a black suit and sunglasses. If it weren’t for the black hair on that end, I’m afraid all the killers present thought it was a black cat… But because of this, all the professionals suddenly became confused. They didn’t know very well who this sniper was and who was the target of the mission?

Before the killers could react, the sudden gunshots continued to come, but this time it came from a new source, and there were still several at once.

“What are you doing!?”

Amid the angry comments in English, there were five or six men with ferocious features among the killers. They ignored the calls of their companions and fired randomly at the surroundings with their pistols, not to mention those colleagues who were only temporarily cooperating.

Even teammates who truly belong to the same team are forced to fight back. Even if these people fall down, they continue to attack the people around them like crazy until they completely lose the ability to move, or He died on the spot and finally stopped the attack.

However, before all the killers could breathe a sigh of relief, a killer who had just fought back suddenly turned his gun again, and like the previous wave of people, he started shooting wildly in all directions, and it was not just this person who went crazy.

In shock, the killers quickly eliminated the second wave before the casualties increased.


The third wave is coming…

“…What happened? Why did you suddenly start killing each other?”

Judy and others upstairs were puzzled. From the killer side taking out heavy firepower, to Rye Kurosawai taking action, to the first wave of killers backstabbing to the third wave.

In less than a minute, dozens of people fell down.

“Could it be that Black Fox had already buried nails in it?”

Judy made a guess, but was rejected by Akai Shuichi: “It’s impossible. If that’s the case, then it’s impossible to develop like this, taking turns to kill each other… But before this matter is over, it starts because of It seems unlikely that there would be a fight due to uneven distribution of the spoils…”

“No, it’s the black fox.”

Toru Amuro suddenly spoke, and then stretched his neck to observe the entire battlefield at an angle of 360 degrees.

Finally the target was successfully locked.

“Right there!”


A group of people followed Toru Amuro’s line of sight, and sure enough, at a high point not far from Kurosawa Well, they saw a masked figure in kimono, whose eyes fell on a group of killers caught in a commotion below.

As the muzzle of the gun kept turning, and his eyes moved, it was as if he was using his own eyesight to turn into invisible threads to control the killer’s movements.

“…It’s not brainwashing, just relying on hypnosis to sow discord?”

Akai Shuichi frowned, but Toru Amuro was very calm: “I have told you before, this guy’s hypnosis can even control people’s senses. I have experienced it personally, and I didn’t even notice it at that time. No, look at it now, changing the people around the target into enemies, especially on a rapidly changing battlefield where reaction speed is important…”

“That’s even more terrifying than brainwashing…”

Kudo Yusaku took over the topic: “But counting the black foxes, there are four here now. This is not right. Could it be that the other two are also…”

The words just fell.

The killers below finally noticed the existence of what they thought was the third mission target but was actually the fourth. Sano didn’t know if the intelligence information there was sufficient to see this fratricide. The development is the result of Black Fox’s manipulation, but it is the goal anyway.

A large group of killers rushed over, intending to kill the black fox and Kurosawa.

As a result, as soon as they reached the top floor, a black wooden knife blocked the way.

“Kurosawa Blade…”

The killers immediately recognized the mission target, but before they could make any move, another black shadow fell from the sky from behind. They pinned the two men down and broke their necks, so that even a scream could not be uttered.

Just a muffled groan.

“The black cat is here too.”

Kudo Yusaku and the others looked solemn.

“It’s really not right that they all appeared at once. Maybe there are other purposes?”

Toru Amuro had some guesses in his mind, but he didn’t know if they were correct or not.

We can only be patient and continue to wait and see.

And below, the fighting didn’t stop for a moment.

On the whole, the Black Death is still the main combat power. Because of the Black Fox’s characteristics, at least Kudo Yusaku and others feel that they still put in a lot of effort.

As for everyone else.

Whether it is Black Cat Rye or Kurosawa I, Kurosawa Blade, it feels more like being on the edge of fishing in the water. Of course, it is not purely a matter of not doing anything. At least everything that needs to be done is done, but in this way It does feel a bit like killing a chicken with a butcher’s knife.

It doesn’t sound like he wants to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, but it’s not a deterrent.

While thinking about it, most of the hundreds of killers had been killed or injured, and it was finally clear to the remaining ones that this trip was all about death.

It’s time to give up the fantasy and return to reality and run away.

But these people wanted to run away, but that didn’t mean Sano was willing to let them run away.

What could have been considered a back-and-forth massacre at first turned into a battle royale. The killers who were still able to escape never expected that they were planning to abandon the mission and run away, but the mission target was still clinging to it. .

Yes, it’s normal to kill someone yourself and be killed in return.

But with so many people escaping together, is it necessary to be so stubborn and not let anyone go?

“Don’t go too far. Keep a line in your behavior so that we can meet again in the future!”

A killer who knows a little Japanese tries to negotiate in broken Japanese.

“Even if you kill us now, there are still thousands of professional killers in Neon Territory, which are several or even ten times more than us. I know you may not be afraid, but it is still a bit troublesome after all. Isn’t it? If you let us go, we will go back and spread your terror. Only in this way can we reduce your troubles to the greatest extent!”

Facing the speech of the killer in front of me.

While Sano watched his various vests chasing the fleeing killers, he tilted his neck and thought for a few seconds: “Did you misunderstand something?”


“Do you think I only want to kill the assassins present?”

Sano took out a few steel balls and played with them in his palm, and said with a smile: “You should have received the information earlier. There are other people working under our targets. So why do you think they are not here?”

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the killer in front of him suddenly became stiff.

The smile on Sano’s face became extremely bright.

“Yes, from the moment you entered Neon in order to kill us, it was destined that you would never be able to leave again, not even one of you.”

The killer was shocked and Sano threw the steel ball.


The fireworks finally started to go off.

And Toru Amuro, who was above, also received a call from the Neon Police.

Roughly speaking, it was neon, or to be precise within Tokyo, many police calls were received in a short period of time, all of which were murder cases.

On the streets, in hotels, and restaurants, foreign-looking people were constantly being killed. Some were killed in public, and some were killed only after their bodies were discovered. According to the current situation and eyewitness testimonies.

“…Wanshiwu Zoo and the winery are taking action. Their goal is very clear. They want to directly wipe out the entire professional killer world.”

After hanging up the phone, Toru Amuro looked heavy.

Most of the world of professional killers will be wiped out at the drop of a hat. Whether it is in terms of strength or style, it is undoubtedly a terrifying thing. However, although it is not appropriate to say it, Amuro Toru feels that this is really a happy thing.

Treating your own home as your back garden is a no-brainer, and you deserve to die.

But outside of this, the professional killers have been eliminated, and what happens next… Fortunately, there is no opportunity for Amuro to feel uneasy down there.

A finishing touch, quickly completed.

Sano looked at the corpses lying on the ground and felt a little bored.

…This was the first time that all the vests came out, but the opponent turned out to be too weak.

Not having fun at all.

As for why Sano, who could only dispatch three vests at a time in the past, can now have six, we have to mention the final enhancement.

That’s right, finally.

The target was power-up items, and there was nothing special about the effect. There was no limit on the number of A-level and above power-ups that could take effect at the same time. Originally, Sano actually had the idea of ​​​​going into battle with all members.

The process has even been drawn up.

That is to take advantage of the absolute loyalty of believers and let them act as their own vests, but that would be troublesome in disguise, and secondly, it is not a real vest after all, and neither fingerprints nor DNA will match it.

Finally, there is the issue of equipment permissions.

A maximum of two top-level equipment can take effect at the same time. Even if there are other low-level equipment stacked up, there will only be three, but now it is different.

Without quantity limit.

Sano can also use the blessing of the masked form of the thug suit to transform his real vest, so that its effect changes from a fabricated resurrection vest to one that can split the fabricated body at will.

Aside from losing the ability to change clothes, these split bodies all have independent consciousness, which is equivalent to each one being Sano, and he no longer needs to be distracted and controlled. For the time being, it can be regarded as improved.

Especially when paired with the equipment authority upgrade point, it is a perfect match.

It’s a pity that the split body can only exist for ten minutes.

If you don’t resolve the battle and retreat within ten minutes, you will be transformed into a living person on the spot.

But it’s not a big problem.

If all the split bodies were used, the battle would not be resolved within ten minutes.

Then Sano might as well go home and wash up and go to bed as soon as possible.

After coming back to their senses, the split bodies all started to exit on their own very sensibly.

Only Sano turned his head and looked upstairs.

The next step is almost the real end.

“Hey, go back and tell your leader that you will be given three days to clear out all the ordinary people in Tokyo. Three days later, at twelve o’clock in the morning, the decisive battle will be here. It’s best not to make any small moves, otherwise we will really I won’t hold back anymore, don’t think that everything will be fine if you replace the nuclear button department, after all, no one knows whether the top leader of a certain nuclear country has been controlled by us, do you understand what I mean?”

After throwing the declaration of war upstairs.

Sano didn’t care whether the other party agreed or not and left directly.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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