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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 7 7. You said you didn’t follow me! ?

And what the hell is keeping a student status? Normally, shouldn’t everyone be given some unusual tasks, like being a hero or a villain?

Sano sucked all the instant noodles hanging on his mouth into his mouth with a “slip”, and was speechless in his heart.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered. Please follow Okino Yoko and find her residence. If you complete it, you will get 20 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 7:59:59.”


The instant noodles in Sano’s mouth suddenly spurted out, and he kept coughing.

“What the hell, is this an unusual mission?”

Sano stared. The enhancement he got when he first time traveled was the Hammer of Justice. He thought the system wanted him to be a messenger of justice, but the task that followed was to help people hide criminal evidence and then obtain The reinforcement turned him into a bad boy again. In the second mission, he became a good guy who rescued children. In the third mission, he kept his status as a student. In the fourth mission, he was directly upgraded to a stalking idiot?

So what exactly does this dog system want to do?

Sano frowned, and the reward for this mission to track Okino Yoko was something he had never seen in previous missions.

Strengthen it?

Sano pulled out the system and studied it carefully, but found nothing related to strengthening points.

“The reward of strengthening opportunities has been cancelled, so the strengthening points should be used for strengthening, or should the existing strengthening items be strengthened again?”

“But why is this? Is it because this task is too simple, and the system feels that it would be too much of a loss to directly give the opportunity to strengthen, or… in fact, the first three tasks are all beginner level tasks, so the rewards are better?”

Sano, who was sitting on the ground, thought for a while and felt that it was pointless, so he simply turned off the system, picked up the fork again, and continued eating noodles.

The world is big and the food is the biggest.

Now that the tasks have come, what else can Sano do? Just do it. These two tasks are not as simple as the previous tasks. If you don’t do it, wouldn’t you be sorry for yourself?

After finishing the meal, Sano first came to the door, and after a while of operating the telephone on the cabinet, he saw more than a dozen missed calls and messages.

Sano listened for a while, and it was nothing more than some formulaic greetings of concern and asking when he could go to school.

The only useful information is that if Sano misses ten more classes in a row, he will most likely be dismissed.

The message in which this message is located was left at noon yesterday.

It’s only one day, so there shouldn’t be ten classes.

Sano rubbed his fingers and fell into deep thought. Neon’s school was different from the schools in his previous life. Even in high school, it was impossible to have seven or eight classes a day without studying late.

Therefore, the task of student identity can be put aside for the time being, and the priority is to complete the crazy… tail… tracking task that only has an eight-hour task time limit.

Okino Yoko sounds like a female name at first glance.

However, trying to find someone you don’t know in Tokyo or even in the entire Neon, and it’s still eight hours, is basically the same as finding a needle in a haystack…

Generally speaking this is the case.

But Sano is different, he has a plug-in.

After all, wouldn’t it be easy for Sano, who owns the system map, to find someone the system asks him to find?

As expected, the tail… tracking mission went very smoothly.

However, although Sano had a system map and could quickly find the mission target, he did not forget that the mission requirement was to track until he found the location of the opponent’s home.

In this way, if the mission target has no intention of returning home before the system mission’s time limit expires, Sano’s mission will naturally be considered a failure.

But it was obvious that Sano’s luck attribute was not low. It had only been two hours since he found the mission target, and the target had returned home.

Although I don’t know why he left in a hurry later, Sano’s mission was completed anyway.

In Sano’s personal interface, there is also an additional column with only twenty strengthening points.

Sano touched the strengthening point with his mind, and a prompt quickly appeared in his mind.

“When you reach one hundred strengthening points, you can start the next strengthening.”


After knowing what the strengthening points were for, Sano was no longer interested in paying attention anymore, and turned around to prepare a bucket of instant noodles for dinner.

“Bang bang bang!”

Sano turned to look at the door that was shaken by the shots, and frowned slightly. What happened today? People came to the door one after another.

After opening the door, what caught Sano’s eyes was indeed the police officer Sato Miwako.

Only this time, Sato Miwako’s face didn’t look so good.

Full of seriousness, but also with a little anger and disgust.

“Sano Shinichiro, you are suspected of following, please come with us!”


The corner of Sano’s mouth twitched, “Good guy, retribution comes so quickly. Okino Yoko, who was only found in the afternoon, was arrested in the evening?”

Facing the serious-looking Miwako Sato, Sano pretended to be calm and said: “I don’t know what you are talking about, and if you want to arrest someone, you must at least produce an arrest warrant, right?”

In fact, before taking action in the afternoon, Sano had already understood the neon legal issues surrounding the act of tailing. Generally speaking, depending on the situation, he would only be detained for a few days at most, depending on the situation.

But the problem is that such a judgment would only be made under the most serious circumstances. Sano was just following Okino Yoko for a while, and he could only give a few verbal warnings. Why did it look like he was following Okino Yoko? Like a murderer?

“In addition to following you, you are also involved in a murder case. We have the right to ask you to assist in the investigation!”

Miwako Sato said.


Sano was confused. Although he had indeed done a lot of things during the day or so since he traveled back in time, it was unlikely that he would be involved in a murder case…

Is it the trouble left behind by the original person, or is it because of the roller coaster murder case at the amusement park yesterday?

But no matter what, if this happens, whether it’s true or not, it seems that Sano really has to go with the other party.


Sano nodded helplessly, and then under the joint supervision of Sato Miwako and a male police officer who called himself Takagi Wataru, he took a police car all the way to the place where Sano followed Okino Yoko in the afternoon.

Why are you here?

Could it be…

“The person who died was Okino Yoko?”

However, after these words were spoken, Miwako Sato, who was walking in front, stopped for a moment, suddenly turned around and stared at Sano, her eyes full of evil: “You still said you didn’t follow me?”

Sano was stunned for a moment and then realized that if he hadn’t been following him, how could he have been reminded of Okino Yoko as soon as he arrived here?

It’s not self-inflicted, this is…


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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