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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 701 Finale

The phantom evil spirit is attached to Sano himself.

The target is of course not Sano himself, but the black masked skin outside.

Black mist floated up from his body and gradually condensed into a skull the size of a small car on top of Sano’s head.

The ear-piercing roar seemed to come from hell.

All the soldiers who witnessed this supernatural scene were in an uproar unconsciously.

Sano stepped forward with one foot, the arc flashed, and the knight kick started.

With the blessing of several pieces of core equipment, Sano may have exceeded 300 points of terrifying explosive power, multiplied by the multiple of Knight Kick.

The distance of tens of meters was covered almost instantly, as if teleporting. This made the soldiers on the opposite side, who thought they had maintained a relatively safe distance, no time to react.

Toru Amuro in front was even more confused.

Because of what Sano did just now, he almost rushed towards Toru Amuro.

Obviously I just need to take it with me.

He could cut off his own head, but he didn’t do it. He looked down on himself.

Or is it true that there is really no way to delay even such a move?

Toru Amuro quickly turned around, only to see a pool of blood flying up.

There were panicked shouts and screams, and there was no hesitation in deploying firepower in other directions, regardless of whether there were teammates around Sano.

The firepower was all turned on at once.

…Of course, it may also be because the soldiers on both sides do not actually belong to the same country. Anyway, they are almost equivalent to death squads.


Sano concentrated his attention. Those machine guns were okay, but the artillery shells had to be dealt with first. At the same time, they were also the best to deal with, because they were small in number and slow in speed.

As long as he cuts it in half in mid-air, there will be no harm.

As for those bullets, Sano didn’t have the time to cut them, and he couldn’t cut them at all.

Use speed to reduce the probability of being hit, and also guide projectiles to injure enemies.

Kill two birds with one stone.

At the same time, in a hotel outside Tokyo.

Conan, who had just evacuated Tokyo, was watching his friends making noise.

In a daze, Conan discovered that Haihara Ai was also in a daze.

But unlike Conan who was staring at his friend and Mao Lilan’s family, Haibara Ai was staring at the Sano father and daughter over there.

Conan immediately recalled his father’s additional explanation after that day.

Everything is a pit dug for Sano and Haihara Ai.

Looking at it now, not to mention that the situation that day became unclear, Sano also quietly retreated outside during today’s decisive battle.

Sure enough, my father is overthinking it, right?

Unlike Conan, Haibara Ai next to her was thinking that the decisive battle over there had almost begun, why Sano here didn’t go there.

……no problem?

Could this guy have escaped from the battlefield?

It’s not that Hui Yuan Ai looks down on the behavior of running away from the battlefield. On the contrary, she feels that avoiding risks is the right thing to do, but the problem lies in the aftermath.

What if the black clothes win and are held accountable?

Haihara Ai was a little worried and wanted to go over and ask Sano.

But when he turned around, he found that the Kudo couple over there were also staring at Sano.

If you do this again, you are being ignorant.

Hui Yuan Ai could only hold back and continue to stare blankly.

When the scene returned to Tokyo, the streets had already become a mess.

The ruins are in ruins and the ground is covered with debris.

The snow fell harder and harder, so that the ground was covered with a layer of white.

The orange flames, black scorched corpses, and red blood were all very vivid. Toru Amuro stood blankly at the intersection, looking at the countless corpses on the ground, the crashed helicopters, and the tanks and armored vehicles that were chopped into pieces. I never expected that when the number of people increased by more than ten times compared to the last war, and the equipment level increased by more than one or two levels, they would lose so miserably.

I couldn’t even last twenty minutes.

Last time…it seemed to be around the same time?


The sound of footsteps stepping on the shallow snow was heard, mixed with the low sound of blood and the sound of heavy but not urgent breathing. Amuro Toru looked up blankly.

Sano is not considered to have cleared the level without any injuries.

…In other words, it is simply impossible to pass the level without taking any damage. Even without changing his vest, Sano can still find time to use a chainsaw.

But this pile of monsters is really too serious.

Sano simply couldn’t spare the space or time to drink medicine.

But it doesn’t matter whether he drinks or not, it’s all the same to Sano anyway.

…Except for a little pain.

Wearing a mask that was on the verge of breaking, Sano walked towards Toru Amuro with difficulty.

The moment he finally stopped, the mask completely shattered and his face was revealed.

And under the mask form.

Sano’s face was already covered with blood, but of course there was no injury on his face.

Mainly caused by vomiting from internal bleeding and getting stuck in the helmet.

Of course, there are still obvious injuries in other places, such as the big hole in the side waist, and even the liver can be seen, but at least it has not leaked out directly, otherwise Sano will not be able to hold it once the mask form is released.


Amuro opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she couldn’t speak.

In silence, he just took a stance with the gun in his left hand and the knife in his right hand.

However, Sano just waited for this.

A few seconds later, Sano, who couldn’t wait for any movement, tilted his neck in confusion and asked, “I’m seriously injured, why don’t you take advantage of my illness to kill me?”

The corners of Amuro Toru’s eyes twitched slightly.

“Haha, I don’t think you, the leader, can master the ability of your subordinates to be revived with full health within seconds of dying.”

Sano was stunned for a moment and shook his head in amusement.

“Didn’t I just say that with only one life, this is the best chance.”

…Only one life?

Toru Amuro was a little confused by this strange statement, but he felt that he might have understood the meaning behind it.

“You really want me to kill you?”

Seeing Toru Amuro’s hesitant and suspicious eyes, Sano finally nodded helplessly.



“No reason, if I have to say it, I must die, otherwise something will happen sooner or later. The previous incident of a professional killer entering the country is an example.”

Sano’s flat response only made Toru Amuro hesitate even more.

“Wait a minute, so you are seeking death now because you don’t want others to be affected?”

Amuro Toru’s eyes narrowed: “Or are you saying that you don’t want certain people to be affected?”

“You talk too much.”

Sano took out a cigarette with some difficulty and lit it: “Neon Border America has officially deployed long-distance firepower. You should know this very well. Then do you know what this so-called firepower is?”

Before Amuro could say anything, Sano gave the answer.

“Mushroom bombs.”


Toru Amuro’s expression changed. She never thought that America had secretly brought that kind of thing to Tokyo. This would really blow up.

Even if you win, it will be worse than losing.

“That’s a cover-up method. It will be used once the large forces here are wiped out.”

Sano glanced around. Although his reasons were so good that Toru Amuro didn’t dare to hesitate any longer, at this moment she really didn’t want to say much and just thought about how to get over it as quickly as possible.

…As I said just now, Sano is here to die.

Sano wanted to keep both the last kindness and the last madness.

But for the latter, Sano has already achieved the ultimate.

If it goes deeper, it can only provoke a world war, but if it does that, it will conflict with the former.

So it’s time to wrap up.

“There is a high probability that I will contact you after a while. It’s almost time. You must let them see my body as soon as possible, otherwise you will know.”

When Toru Amuro came to his senses, he was also wound up.

“I see.”

After raising the muzzle of the gun and pointing it at Sano’s head, Toru Amuro’s eyes gradually became cold.

However, after pulling the trigger for a few seconds.

Toru Amuro suddenly asked: “No, then since you have already planned to die, why are you still fighting this battle? If you are worried that it would be too fake to die directly, then there is no need to delay it until the last moment, right? “

…Actually, what Toru Amuro wanted to say was not the last moment, but killing until he was the last person left, but he was too embarrassed to say that.

After all, even though it may not be right to say this, sacrificing yourself to death is undoubtedly serious and solemn, so Toru Amuro’s question seems a bit inappropriate.

If things get heated and the other side doesn’t want to die, then who the hell is going to die?

But before Toru Amuro could feel embarrassed, Sano rolled his eyes.

“Nonsense, I don’t want to lose face. I was chased at my door and beaten. If this happened quietly, it would be a shame to die.”


Toru Amuro was stunned for another moment.

Why do you feel like these words seem inexplicably familiar?


Before Tohru Amuro could think about it, a walkie-talkie that fell on the ground not far away and was lucky to be saved began to play a harsh channel tone.


At the urging of a cold drink, Amuro Toru was inspired and pulled the trigger.


Another blood flower bloomed on the snow.

Sano fell weakly, his body temperature gradually drained away.

After Toru Amuro was silent for a few seconds, he took out his mobile phone to take pictures and make calls.

After a busy day.

After much hesitation, Toru Amuro knelt down and pulled a hair from Sano’s head.

The next day came, and ordinary people evacuated Tokyo under the official announcement.

Started to withdraw again.

For these people, they were hurriedly urged to evacuate, but within two days, and a few even slept outside for just one night, they were informed that they could go back again. It seemed like their work was in vain if they had to take care of their families. of.

Naturally, it caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

Even Conan was surprised that things ended so quickly.

Especially after asking Toru Amuro, I was told that the Black God was dead.

There is a high probability that the men in black will also be dismissed…Conan is even more confused.

It’s so outrageous!

The final boss of a game was just used as a backdrop and skipped?

Do you want to be so hasty?

But Toru Amuro didn’t care about Conan’s brain dying and began to doubt his life.

Turning to look at Sano sitting in front of the antique counter over there.

“Wait a minute, are you sure? Could it be that there is a mistake? That kind of guy must not be easy to solve. Maybe there is some conspiracy, such as faking death to escape, so as to delay the situation and make you relax…”

As expected, Conan still didn’t want to believe that things would end so hastily, so he tried to break it down to see if he could find something wrong.

But Toru Amuro still didn’t bother to pay attention to the children’s play. He walked directly towards Sano and reached out to touch the other person’s ear. Naturally, it was knocked off. He responded with an indifferent and warning look: “Don’t move your hands or feet.”

Toru Amuro said calmly: “The Black God is your twin.”

“Oh, is it so.”

“But I compared the hair he collected when he sneaked into the safe house. The DNA on both sides doesn’t match at all. That’s not your twin.”


Seeing that the other person’s expression did not change, Amuro Toru narrowed his eyes. In fact, he still had something to say, which was that he also compared it with Sano’s hair that he had collected earlier, and the result was also inconsistent. This was very strange.

“I need your hair.”

Toru Amuro chose to get straight to the point, but Sano just smiled.

“That’s almost enough. You should know the answer. Don’t waste his efforts.”

After Toru Amuro whispered these words, Sano stood up and left.

Toru Amuro’s face became increasingly pale… as expected.

Although I don’t know the details, there is no doubt that Sano is in front of me.

Definitely not the original Sano.

Who is the “fake Sano” who died? The answer is obvious.

Toru Amuro gritted his teeth, wanting to rush out and detain the impostor.

But then I thought about it.

Sano bought a stable opportunity with his life. If he exposes the truth in a moment of anger, things will return to the original point…

Then it’s all in vain.


An angry Toru Amuro slapped the counter, startling Conan who was still muttering to himself, as well as Azusa Enomoto and Akemi Miyano inside the counter… but Ai Haibara, who was silently observing over there, breathed a sigh of relief. .

Although Sano, as Rye and the leader of the brewery, will still be in some danger in the future, but without the black clothes, he no longer has to be targeted by the whole world, which will undoubtedly reduce the pressure.

At least in Huihara Ai’s view, the problem is not big anymore.

Otherwise Toru Amuro wouldn’t be so angry, right?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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