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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 73 73, Sano: There is the sixth child!

Because in the next second, Conan also came over and echoed: “You are indeed very lucky. In the reception room full of knife marks, only uncle’s baby was not damaged. It looked like… It was deliberately avoided.”

“Yes, why is it that your carving is the only one that is not damaged!?”

“Also, I lied before and said I had left a message, but in fact I didn’t.”

“I owe the deceased 10 million and cannot repay it.”

“But if the money is not paid, the baby will be sold.”

Under Conan’s reminder, both Officer Megure and Mouri Kogoro reacted. They launched an offensive with each word. Looking at the increasingly panicked Akutsu Makoto, they looked at each other and aggressively convicted each other of the crime. Come down.

“Tell me, did you kill Mr. Maru Denjiro!?”

“No, he didn’t kill the person.”

However, before Akutsu Makoto, who was about to cry, could refute, Sano spoke up first.


Everyone, including Conan, turned their attention to Sano.

“What are you talking about? Boy, who else could it be but him?”

Mouri Kogoro said dissatisfied: “After all, the murderer is trying to frame Mr. Suwa and deliberately not destroying this sculpture, which completely raises his suspicion to the maximum.”

Sano didn’t want to waste his words, so he walked towards the row of cabinets: “The evidence that can prove the identity of the real murderer is here.”

Sano pulled out one drawer and swapped it with another, as if he were putting together a puzzle, one after another.

As mentioned before, Sano has read the script of this case, and the source is a TV series he watched when he was a child. It seems to be called…Youngster Bao Qingtian?

Although he could not remember the details clearly and the background setting was different, Sano still remembered that in one of the cases, the deceased left a death message on the cabinet, and the murderer deliberately interrupted the order of the drawers in order to hide this message. , and leave more traces on it to confuse the public.

The same technique was used in this case. If you observe carefully, you can see that there are unreasonable breaks in the knife marks on the outer surfaces of different drawers.

If the drawer is rearranged so that the broken knife marks are put back together, the final result will be…

Sano put away the last drawer and took a few steps back. Everyone in the reception room, whose eyes had been locked on him, all widened their eyes at this moment.

“This is…Mr. Suwa’s name!?”

In an instant, the situation was reversed, and Suwa Yuuji, who should have been the least suspect, became the center of attention of everyone present.

“Although I don’t know why he wasn’t stopped, Denjiro Maru did leave such irrefutable evidence before his death. This is something that cannot be denied. Mr. Suwa, it’s time to end it.”

Sano actually had other supporting evidence that he did not reveal, such as how the other party used Akutsu Makoto’s wood carvings and phone messages to frame the case.

But that’s not important. Having this ironclad proof is enough.

Sano planned to end this case as soon as possible. After thinking about it, he still felt that he could not let the police’s attention continue to be on Maru Denjiro’s family.

The Maru Denjiro family is already in chaos, and Sano must clear the situation first, leaving only the attention of the Sanka Club.

Anyway, Sano actually has two goals, one is the life of Maru Denjiro, and the other is the criminal evidence of the Sanka Club.

Now that Maru Denjiro is dead, Sano is only concerned about the latter, so what he has to pay attention to is how to deal with the people of the Sanhua Society, and not to implicate his own existence.

In front, Suwa Yuuji also showed a bitter smile after a brief moment of sluggishness: “Yes, this guy was indeed killed by me.”

“But why?”

Officer Megure said in confusion: “Although it is true that you owe Mr. Maru Denjiro money, don’t you already have money now? Why don’t you just pay him back? Why do you still kill people?”

“Because he deserves to die.”

Suwa Yuji suddenly calmed down: “The thing I used to pledge to him was a knife.”

Officer Megure’s eyes turned to the knife in the hand of a police officer that was originally the body of Maru Denjiro: “Is this it?”

“Of course not this kind of scrap metal.”

Suwa Yuuji sneered: “That is the peerless sword passed down from generation to generation in our Suwa family, Kikuchiyo.”

“But when I came over with the money to redeem Kikuchiyo, he told me that he had already sold Kikuchiyo, and also said that this kind of scrap metal could not be sold for much money at all. It was interest. At that time, my blood surged, so…”

Having said this, Suwa Yuuji’s motive for killing people is now clear.

“Are you going to kill him?”

Officer Megure sighed, and just as he was about to speak to comfort and educate, Suwa Yuuji’s eyes suddenly turned cold and stern.

“That’s right, it’s like that!”

Suwa Yuuji grabbed the knife from the policeman on the side, rushed out with lightning speed, unsheathed the cold blade, and pointed directly at Sano.


Amid the exclamation, Sano’s pupils shrank and his muscles instantly tensed up.

Suwa Yuuji’s movements were so fast that even Maori Ran couldn’t react to stop him.

But to be honest, if Sano was wearing the special attack suit, he would not panic at all in this situation. But the problem is that he still has a mask to wear.

After all, who would have thought that this guy would actually conduct a sneak attack? ?

It’s daytime, no, it’s already dark now.

But it was still in public, under the watchful eyes of everyone, not to mention there were so many policemen there. Sano, who had no foresight, wasn’t mentally ill, so he stood there carelessly wearing a mask in a special attack suit.

But now it is obviously too late to wear it again.

This Suwa Yuuji is simply an idiot!

Bullying him for being old and weak, showing no martial ethics, and being shameless!

Ps: I received a lot of monthly tickets today, which are more than the total of the previous month. Although I don’t know what the use is, I am still very happy that everyone is following up, so I just added one for better (quietly comparing).


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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