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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 74 74, Sano: I suspect you are being biased

All in all, Sano now has to use his weak body to deal with a desperado who has a very high level of swordsmanship and just happens to be able to hold a knife.

Extremely unlucky.

However, Sano was not ready to wait for death, because he did not think that he had no chance of survival.


At the same time as he waved his arm, he threw out the Hammer of Justice. Sano advanced instead of retreating, took one step forward, and met Suwa Yuuji.

At the same moment, the Ghost Wall Attack was activated, and from a perspective that only Sano and Suwa Yuuji could see, black mist began to float from the coat on Sano’s body.

Sano followed his instinct, twisted his ankle, almost maintaining a posture that was about to fly out, and threw the hammer of justice towards Suwa Yuuji.

And the weapons in both sides’ hands were quickly approaching each other.

In the past, Sano seemed to have questioned Conan about whether it was reasonable to fencing with a hammer and a golf club, but he didn’t expect that now he would be fencing with a long knife.

The disadvantage is his.

But this position, this angle, and this timing are the best choices!

Sano held his breath and concentrated, the scene in front of him seemed to be gradually slowing down, and his suddenly shrinking pupils were filled with murderous intent.

Because of Sano’s active approach, Suwa Yuuji’s sword should have landed on his shoulder. It would not have been fatal. At most, it would have cut off a hand. Even because the distance was so close, it would have been difficult to use the sword. It might even get stuck on the bone.

And what Sano’s Hammer of Justice was going to hit was the opponent’s knife-wielding arm.

Once a hit is made, the severe pain will not cause the opponent to lose combat effectiveness directly, but the sword will definitely be released, and then it will not be subject to Sano’s arrangement.

There is a price, but this is the minimum price. If you are lucky, you can even save your hand.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Suwa Yuuji was too fast. Even if Sano tried his best to dodge, he did dodge the first sword, but it would be impossible to dodge the second or even third sword that followed. .

As the saying goes, the best defense is offense. It must be settled once and for all. If it fails, it will be in vain.

As for the ghost hitting the wall… although compared to the three-second forward movement of taking out a mask and wearing a mask or the Eye of the Beast, the forward movement of this thing is already very short, but it is still there.

From the time the evil spirit floats to the time it is saved, it takes at least nearly a second. Sano did not expect this thing to have much effect at all.

In fact, Sano has criticized the dog system before. He feels that all these fancy special effects are meaningless. Why not just use them and they will be effective?

Now I will use it. First, I bet that Suwa Yuuji might be frightened by the evil spirit that emerged. Even a little hesitation is good. Second, after this collision, if the other party survives, the ghost will It might take a while to hit the wall.

Anyway, just use everything that can be used.

Of course, in addition to this, there may be better ways to deal with it, such as desperately dodging while using the ghost to hit the wall, or even throwing the Hammer of Justice directly as a long-range weapon.

That kind of fault tolerance rate can even be higher, and the reason why we didn’t do that is that the premise is that those around us can rescue in time, which means that we need to give the opportunity to others, and the second is…

Sano didn’t think of it at first.

That’s right, the current situation is so urgent, Sano has no time to think so much, his first reaction must be to fight hard and how to fight hard.

At this time, it is of course impossible to think of another way to solve the problem after braking.

You are too reckless, just do it!

This guy……

Opposite Sano, Suwa Yuuji’s pupils also shrunk. He never expected that the opponent not only did not hide in the face of his slash, but also actively faced it. With such courage, he was not unjustly defeated.

Suwa Yuuji sighed inwardly, and the long sword that was about to touch Sano stopped immediately.

Of course Sano also noticed this, but although it was strange that the opponent stopped attacking, did this have anything to do with him continuing to attack?



The hammer of justice hit Suwa Yuuji’s arm, and the sword immediately came out of his hand and fell to the ground. Suwa Yuuji groaned, tilted his body, and stepped back.

As expected, he was so stubborn that he didn’t even say anything.

Suwa Yuuji’s head was covered with cold sweat, and his heart was full of surprise and uncertainty. What kind of situation was this? It was just a blow. Why did it feel more painful than being slashed?

Before the stunned Suwa Yuuji could stand upright, the newly formed evil spirit special effects on Sano’s body had already pounced into the opponent’s body, causing the opponent to temporarily enter the ghost wall.

Everyone in the reception room was horrified by Suwa Yuuji’s sudden outburst. They were originally thinking of rushing to save Sano, but now they were frozen in place because of the change in situation.

How come Yuji Suwa, a master of swordsmanship, was disarmed in a single encounter?

Sano, the only one in the audience who was still awake, quickly hooked the long knife on the ground behind him after standing firm.

Then, in about two or three seconds, Suwa Yuuji’s face, which had changed from frightened to confused, became sober again, but he was still confused and confused.

what’s the situation?

How did you feel just now…as if something dirty was rushing towards you, like a big black mouse?

That thing seems to have popped out of the boy in front of me?

And why did the scene in front of me suddenly change from this reception room to another place?

Hallucination? ? ?

Counting Sano’s previous blow, a lot of doubts filled Suwa Yuuji’s head.

However, after regaining his breath, Suwa Yuuji was still ready to eliminate other problems and proceed according to the original plan. Then he wanted to praise Sano to show off his glory despite defeat.

“As expected…”

However, before Yuji Suwa, who was pretending to be calm, could finish speaking, Sano took the next step.

Originally, Suwa Yuuji was in a state of ghost fighting. Sano thought that the police around him would finally respond and hold him down. However, he did not expect that this person had already come out of the ghost fighting state. Those guys actually followed him. He stood there as stunned as stone.

As expected, it is better to rely on others than to rely on yourself. Fortunately, I did not put my hope in them before.

Although Suwa Yuji suddenly stopped attacking before, and although Suwa Yuji now had no sword in his hand, Sano still felt that it was better to make the opponent faint for the sake of caution.

So, Sano rushed forward in three steps and two steps, and raised the hammer of justice again, and this time the target was Suwa Yuuji’s head.

That’s right, Sano did not do this with any personal feelings or personal grudges. He was just doing business and being cautious.

It’s definitely not revenge or anything.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

The hammers fell like a violent storm, and Suwa Yuuji didn’t have time to react. After all, he was just trying to act cool. Who would have thought that this young man would sneak up on him?

He is simply the sixth child!

After being hit for the first time, Suwa Yuuji originally wanted to grit his teeth and endure the severe pain in order to maintain his image as a master, but when the second blow came, he really couldn’t hold it in anymore and it was squeezed out from his throat. A scream.


Then there were screams and shocking scenes of violence.

In the end, Suwa Yuuji rolled his eyes and fainted. It was only then that Officer Megure and others finally fully reacted and quickly stepped forward to hold Sano.

“That’s enough, brother Sano, don’t beat people to death!”

Sano didn’t want to hit him too much. After all, for a murderer, four or five blows to the head would definitely make him dizzy. There was no need to continue. But others didn’t know that and they were all trying to pull him back, which made Sano speechless for a while.

Why didn’t I see you react so quickly when Suwa Yuuji took action before?

Sano had reason to wonder if these guys were trying to take advantage of each other.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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