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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 75 75, Mao Lilan: Senior is scared

“Don’t worry, I know he will be fine.”


Looking at Sano with a calm face, Officer Megure and others had a trickle of cold sweat on their heads.

Officer Megure really wanted to tell Sano how terrifying those few blows just now that seemed like he wanted to smash someone’s head into the mud looked really scary.

But the matter has come to this, and the situation seemed so critical just now. Sano’s self-defense was a little too much, but it didn’t seem to be a big deal…

Officer Megure took Suwa Yuuji away, saying that he was still worried no matter what, so he would take him for a check first to make sure there was nothing wrong.

After the case was solved, Sano and his party were of course ready to return.

Just when leaving the reception room, Sano suddenly reached out and grabbed Mao Lilan’s clothes.

Mao Lilan turned around in confusion: “What’s wrong, senior?”

“It’s nothing, just go your own way.”

Sano didn’t forget that he had just used Ghost Wall.

If you don’t grab anything and want to get out of this courtyard on your own… the difficulty is equivalent to asking Sano to take the college entrance examination now.

But it would be too troublesome to explain.

Sano can’t tell Mao Lilan that he is so road-challenged that he can get lost even if he turns a corner.

Mao Lilan scratched his head and didn’t ask any more questions in the end. He just said softly, “Then take care of it.” Then he took Sano out of the house and waited at the door for Maori Kogoro to drive over.

It was only then that Suzuki Sonoko and Conan, who came out earlier, noticed the two people behind them.

“What’s wrong?”

Suzuki Sonoko asked cautiously.

Mao Lilan blinked and whispered in Suzuki Sonoko’s ear: “Maybe I was frightened by the murderer just now.”


Whether it was Suzuki Sonoko or Conan who was eavesdropping with his ears erect as antennas, they couldn’t help but raise a few question marks.

Regarding the development just now, who was frightened by whom?

The murderer’s brains were almost ripped out by Sano, okay? Don’t just make false accusations!

But when the eyes of Suzuki Sonoko and Conan stopped at Sano’s hand still holding the hem of Maori Lan’s clothes, they couldn’t help but fell into silence again.

Maybe, it’s not impossible?

And… this action looks so cute, like a baby!

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became a little excited.

In fact, as a group of four people traveling with Sano, the other three are okay, because in the previous incident where Dr. Ogawa’s son was threatened, they had already seen the scene of Sano hitting a person with a hammer. Although it would still be shocking to see it again strength, but at least it has some resistance.

But Suzuki Sonoko didn’t have this resistance. This was the first time she saw the completely different side of Sano, an innocent young man who she thought even needed her protection, so it was inevitable that a strong feeling would arise in her heart. Sense of distance.

It’s like facing a stranger.

But now, this sense of distance seems to have disappeared in an instant, or even closer?

After all, this completely different side is not something that just anyone can see.

“Hey, Xiaolan.”

Suzuki Sonoko poked Mao Lilan excitedly, her face flushed: “Well, it must be uncomfortable for you to be dragged like this, why don’t you give me the hem of my clothes to senior?”

“That’s right, that’s right, I think it’s appropriate.”

Conan also hurriedly whispered in agreement. Although he didn’t know why Sano reacted like this, he was really uncomfortable seeing such a scene. If it were Suzuki Sonoko, he wouldn’t mind at all.

Facing the two people’s suggestions, Mao Lilan shook her head gently: “No, senior may not feel safe if he holds Yuanzi.”


Suzuki Sonoko and Conan were both stunned, but after thinking about it carefully, they still understood Mao Lilan’s brain circuit.

In Mao Lilan’s eyes, Sano was frightened, so he didn’t feel safe, and that’s why he grabbed Mao Lilan’s clothes, and that’s why it won’t work if Mao Lilan, who is extremely powerful in combat, is replaced by Suzuki Sonoko, who is fighting against the fifth scum. .

…Hey, why does it feel so reasonable?

The two frowned in thought, but when they saw that they were no longer talking, Mao Lilan also opened his eyes and stared absently.

This little angel’s thoughts were relatively simple. She just felt that her performance today was not very good and she blamed herself. If he could stop Suwa Yuuji in time, then Sano might not be scared at all.

As for Sano, who was also in a daze, he didn’t notice the exchange between the three actors at all. He was just thinking about what to have as a late-night snack if he works overtime tonight. The expenses during the mission should be reimbursed by the organization, so that’s it. Eat something good.

Gee, the previous two missions should also have gotten some money from the organization, such as party expenses for the tool people.

Soon, Mouri Kogoro arrived in a car, and the four of them quickly got in the car and started the return journey.

“It was such an annoying day. As a result, I didn’t get my meal, I didn’t get the balance payment, and I wasted a day and money on renting a car.”

On the way back, Mouri Kogoro’s face was full of resentment: “Even the final cracker of this case was your boy. You got all the benefits, and I got all the losses!”

Mao Lilan in the back row was about to scold her father for paying attention to his words, but Sano raised his eyebrows: “Didn’t you take advantage of my delivery, and there is also a bottle of wine.”

“Eating food delivery is nothing more than a waste of money.”

Mouri Kogoro muttered: “I don’t care, you have taken my credit, and you will treat me to a big dinner next time, a big dinner!”

“It’s so annoying, you uncle.”

Sano curled his lips and ignored Mouri Kogoro. He tilted his head and began to close his eyes to rest, which caused another burst of dissatisfaction from Moori Kogoro who was driving beside him.


Seeing that everything seemed normal in Sano, Suzuki Sonoko in the back row immediately couldn’t hold back her curiosity and asked: “Senior, can you tell me, how can you hit someone with such a hard hammer without leaving any injuries? How did you do it? And that Suwa Yuuji seems to be very strong, but he was defeated too quickly in front of seniors…”

“Ah, that’s just a little trick. As for Suwa Yuuji, he actually held back his hand. When the sword was about to hit me, he took it back. Otherwise, even if I could knock him out, at least I would still be cut. One stab wound, even though it was only on the shoulder, but with his strength, he is estimated to have to stay in the hospital for at least a few months.”

Hearing this, both the distracted Mouri Kogoro and the Mouri Lan trio with their ears pricked up in the back row all nodded suddenly.

That’s it, that’s what they said.

Although it is said that after it was basically confirmed that Sano was the Rice Flower Hammer Man, Sano’s combat effectiveness in the hearts of a few people increased significantly, but at most it was just from a sixty-year-old man to a level slightly stronger than ordinary people.

Of course, there is still a big gap between him and a swordsman like Suwa Yuji.

Now that we know it was Suwa Yuuji who kept his hand, everything makes sense.

Then, Mouri Kogoro suddenly braked and stopped on the side of the road. The three people in the back row reacted almost at the same time. They all stared in disbelief and stretched their heads in front of Sano.

“So the other party has already put away the knife, but you still hit him on the head a few times!??”

Ps: I don’t know why the order is wrong, so I adjusted it.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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