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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 78 78, Sano: My name is Bourbon

Looking at the blurry figure reflected on the ground, Conan, who was sweating profusely, felt stiff all over.

Who will be behind? Were those men in black knocked unconscious by him? Are there any of his companions in the house? Will he be silenced?

While a large number of thoughts flashed through his mind, Conan’s movements became even faster.

Although the current situation is not clear, strike first to gain advantage, strike later to suffer disaster!

Conan gritted his teeth, turned around, pressed his watch, and shot out a paralysis needle.

It’s a pity that Sano just tilted his neck, and the paralysis needle flew past the passerby’s hat.

After failing to succeed with one blow, Conan couldn’t help but froze for a moment, looking at the man in a black coat wearing a peaked cap in front of him. It seemed that due to the backlight, he couldn’t see the other person’s face clearly even from a downward perspective.

Conan was blocked by the other party’s figure in the moonlight, his hands and feet unconsciously became cold, and fear began to grow crazily in his heart like branches and vines.

Sano was actually a little surprised, because he didn’t expect that Conan, a busybody, would actually come back.

But for Shi Jing, this seems to be normal. It is unexpected and reasonable.

Looking at Conan who was almost shaking into a sieve, Sano tilted his neck again and did not take action immediately.

Sano came here specially bundled up, of course to avoid getting into trouble.

Even many days ago, Sano had an idea, which was to add a layer, that is, a mask to the original camouflage of the special attack suit.

For example, wearing a scarf, a mask, or even another layer of masks may look strange, but it can directly make the black death vest disappear.

But then Sano thought about it and felt that he didn’t seem to need to let the Black Death vest disappear completely.

Because although this vest sounds unclean, it is actually not.

Although the current situation is that Sano let Conan see his back during the Maple Leaf Gold Coin mission, it was only his back.

You didn’t even see the face, so why do you say it’s a black death?

Besides, Conan is a little kid, how convincing can his testimony at such a critical moment be in court?

Unless this dog directly exposes his vest.

From Edogawa Conan’s testimony to Kudo Shinichi’s testimony, the premise is that the judge must believe that such a thing exists in the world.

So Sano’s black death vest is still clean for now and does not need to disappear.

Because of this, Sano does not want this vest to get dirty again. This vest cannot be used when performing organizational tasks like tonight.

A few days ago, Sano would have most likely disguised himself as just mentioned, but now that the passerby hat has the passerby face effect, this step is omitted.

In addition, the Lao Liu tactics developed by the passerby hat belong to the assassin style, and are hardly reminiscent of the berserker style like Black Death.

As for the black death vest, it is better to use it on problems that are not organizational tasks and that Sano cannot solve in his normal state.

All in all, the purpose is to make the Black Death Vest the good guy, and the one who performs the organization’s tasks is another bad guy.

To put it bluntly, Sano wants to open a new vest.

Of course, right now, Sano doesn’t have this ability yet.

Just like tonight, Sano had to pay attention to all aspects of the problem. Although it seemed to be successful, it was actually a little constrained.

For example, when making a sneak attack, you must ensure that there is only one person around the target. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to come back once the low presence of the passerby hat disappears. It is easy to have to take a strong attack. If you attack by force, the passerby hat may also be knocked off, etc.

Perhaps after acquiring new reinforcements in the future, Sano’s situation can be changed, but even so, he feels that it is impossible to do it perfectly.

After all, as the old saying goes.

There is no airtight wall in the world. If you want others to know nothing, you must do nothing yourself.

When I walk along the river all year round, there will always be times when my shoes get wet.

In Sano’s personal opinion, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, it is simply impossible to completely separate a person into two people.

There are too many details to pay attention to, and something will always be missed.

Even if he could do it, to be honest, Sano didn’t want to, because he was too tired to worry about who was paying attention to this all day long.

Not to mention that Sano already has a dual identity and what he wants is a triple identity.

Forget it, think about these things, it will only give you a headache. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and we will talk about the future.

Maybe within a few months, I would find this kind of thing boring again and just throw it away.

After recovering his distracted attention, Sano was still looking down at Conan.

Sano felt that if he gave the other party a blow now, it would probably remind him of his previous educational experience, which would not be in line with his original purpose.

After all, there are many criminals who use hammers, but Sano is the only one who can hit people with a hammer without causing injuries.

When the time comes, let alone what kind of vest it is, Sano himself will have to be forcibly pulled out.

And to be honest, the Hammer of Justice won’t have much effect on this dog knight. Last time Sano hammered the opponent more than ten times, but he didn’t even see the opponent crying.

No fun, go home.

Sano turned around and left.

Go, go…

Conan stared blankly at Sano’s back, never expecting that the other person would leave directly after staring at him for a few seconds.

The sense of crisis was gone, and Conan was hesitating whether to squat down and use his foot-strengthening shoes to make a last-ditch effort, but he gradually calmed down.

I didn’t do anything to myself because I didn’t care about a little brat, but I had used an anesthetic needle to attack the opponent before. Normally, I shouldn’t have…

Conan slapped his head and was shocked to realize that he had gotten into trouble again.

During the day, Conan took it for granted that these men in black were bad guys. After arriving at night, he took it for granted that this was a friction between black and black, and thought that the guy wearing a peaked cap could not see his face clearly. Also bad guys.

But actually.

Conan didn’t know anything about the other party at all. Maybe the other party was actually a good person, so he let this innocent “child” go.

After thinking for less than ten seconds, Conan rushed out of the room and tried to catch up with Sano. No matter whether the other party was good or bad, he had to grasp the other party’s information first.

If it’s good, maybe we can take the opportunity to find out about gin and vodka, or even cooperate. If it’s bad, of course we have to find an opportunity to seize it!

Outside Marudenjiro’s house, Sano had just walked out of the gate and was looking for a place to change and go home. The next second, Conan’s shout came from behind.

“Wait a moment!”

Sano turned around and looked at Conan, who was out of breath, with surprise in his eyes.

What the hell is this guy doing? He really isn’t afraid of death. How dare he catch up after letting him go once?

“who are you?”

Conan was about four or five meters away from Sano, so that if the opponent suddenly got angry, he would have room to twist his foot strength-enhancing shoes. At the same time, he squinted at the opponent, but found that no matter how he changed the angle, he could not actually see the opponent’s face. .

how did you do that……

In any case, Zangzangyeye does not look like a good person.

Sano looked at Conan and didn’t want to pay attention to it at first, but the next second his mind twitched, and he somehow lowered his voice and replied with two words.



Conan couldn’t react for a moment.

“…My name is Bourbon.”

After Sano was silent for a second, he repeated it again.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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