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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 79 79. In ancient times, there were heroes who saved beauties, but today there is Sano who s

Sorry, boss, I’ll leave this responsibility to you.

Sanoye silently prayed for Toru Amuro. Even Conan, a boy like him, probably wouldn’t be able to find the identity of the real master just by relying on a code name.

Conan on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, his pupils suddenly tightened, and he suddenly realized, bourbon! ?

This guy is not only really bad, but he is also a member of the black organization! ? ?

Although Conan made a special trip back here tonight in order not to miss any possibility of information related to the black organization, when the clues were actually placed in front of him, he couldn’t help but feel a little stupid.

Why do people from the black organization appear here, and what is their purpose?

Wait a minute. Normally, would a bad guy declare his family status like this? ?

Just when Conan’s brain was spinning crazily as he received the sudden and important information, another group of men in black holding sticks emerged from the intersection behind him.

“Get that guy, get that kid too!”

The group of men in black spotted Sano on the other side of the road and immediately rushed over with shouts.

This time it really comes from Sanhua Club’s support.

Sano frowned. Under such circumstances, it would be difficult to replicate the previous tactics in the house. Thirty-six tactics, walking is the best!

Sano turned around and ran away. Conan turned around and was stunned for a second before he reacted.

“Wait for me!”

Conan also started running for his life. Now he was really sure that the people on both sides were not good people, but…

He and that Bourbon are not in the same group, why should we arrest him?

The originally quiet night started to get full of shouting and killing. After all, Conan only had short legs, and was even behind Sano in terms of position and starting time. Of course, he was quickly blocked.

As for Sano, after turning a corner at the intersection and out of sight of these Sankakai members, the effect of the passerby hat naturally started again, so how could he be caught by them.

“Damn it, I actually let him run away!”

“Go inside and take a look at the situation. Why did you suddenly lose contact? Could it be that they were all killed…”

“It doesn’t matter. If the big one runs away, isn’t there still a small one?”

Conan was surrounded by a group of big men in black. He was thinking about whether his foot strength-enhancing shoes would have the possibility of destroying dozens of men in black.

…probably not possible.

“Hey kid, tell me who that guy is and how to find him.”

“If you confess, you will be treated leniently. If you resist, you will be treated harshly. Hurry up and tell the truth!”

Conan looked at the fierce men in black, swallowed his saliva, and laughed dryly: “Well, uncle, if I say that I actually don’t know that person at all, would you believe it?”

The people in black looked at each other: “It seems that the kid doesn’t want to say it, but it doesn’t matter. The uncles will treat you well later and take it back!”

“Wait, wait a minute, I’m telling the truth, I really don’t know that person!!”

At the corner on the other side, Sano leaned against the wall with his hands folded across his chest. He looked at Conan, who was covered in burly clothes and flanked by men, and touched his chin thoughtfully.

It makes people curious, what would the world look like if the protagonist died?

It collapsed directly, or was it just that one person was missing and everything was business as usual, no change?

If it’s the latter, I’m afraid that the changes have not been clear to me who is not even allowed to remember the plot.

Sano sighed with regret, or perhaps the system tasks would be greatly reduced as a result, and life would become very boring.

Well, it seems that this kid will not die for the time being.

And just when Sano was about to take action, Conan, the master of trouble, had already taken action one step ahead.

The kid suddenly bent down, and the next second his feet were flashing with lightning. Then he kicked hard and jumped four to five meters high to the other side of the wall behind him.

…What is this, a level 5 electromagnetic gun? ? ?

Sano poked his head in surprise, Conan really does have super powers, right?

Okay, it was just a joke. Of course Sano saw it. The moment Conan bent over, he touched his shoe, and then there was that electric light.

Although this still makes Sano feel outrageous.

Could it be that that shoe is also a reinforcement?

And what was the needle that Conan suddenly shot out of his watch when he was in the house?

Speaking of which, in the earliest days, Conan even spoke the voice of Mouri Kogoro through the bow on his collar. He has a lot of treasures on him.

…Is it possible for me to pass over this guy’s equipment?

While Sano was looking down in thought, Conan on the other side of the wall just breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is difficult to rely on foot strength-enhancing shoes to deal with so many people at once, it is not difficult to use the terrain to escape. I am really a genius. In this way, I can escape before those guys come…

Conan got up from the ground excitedly. Just as he was about to escape through the back door of the house, he saw a group of men in black standing not far away, watching him silently.

…Oops, I forgot that these guys sent a group of people into the house to check the situation.

The smile on Conan’s face froze. Was he… throwing himself into a trap?

Soon, Conan was dragged out of the house again. He was being carried with one hand by his two short legs, and he was shouting “Let me go, let me go”, as if he was about to be arrested and humiliated. The yellow flower eldest daughter.

It’s really useless.

Sano shook his head and sighed, pushed up the mask of the special attack suit, then took off his passerby hat and ghost coat, and entered the trumpet black death mode.

In ancient times, there were heroes who saved beauties, but today there is Sano who saves dogs!

Sano jumped over the wall, ran to the other side of the Sanhua Club members and jumped off.

“What the hell?”

The members of the Sanka Club looked at Sano who passed by quickly like a big black mouse and then blocked the road, with a little surprise on their faces.

“Ha, it turns out to be the imp of Black Death.”

A member of the Sanka Club saw Sano’s appearance and waved his hand: “You bad boy, please stop getting involved in the underworld and go home and drink milk.”

Sano’s Black Death now encompasses all the delinquents in Tokyo, on a scale unprecedented in history, especially because the members are so iconic that even a large, nationally famous underworld organization like the Sanka-kai has heard of it.

Of course, that’s all.

How is it possible for a delinquent, or a single delinquent, to get the attention of veterans who have been in the underworld for many years?

But in this, Conan recognized the Black Death delinquent boy. In fact, it was the leader of the Black Death whom he had only met twice… one… Anyway, he had seen the Black Death.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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