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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 8 8. It’s not too much to bring a hammer to defend yourself, right?


It’s over, the blame for the stalking offender is now firmly on his shoulders.

Sano stopped talking nonsense. Since it was no longer possible to deny it, just admit it.

“Yoko Okino is my favorite star, Miss Police Officer. I now solemnly ask you if she is the one who died.”

Yes, Yoko Okino is a star. This is something Sano only discovered after finding the other person.

There happened to be an advertisement shot by Yoko Okino on the large TV in the electronics store on the street.

Fortunately, Okino Yoko is a star with online looks. If she were an old woman…

Even if Sano died here today, he would never admit that he had followed him.

Sato Miwako stared at Sano for a while, and finally withdrew her gaze: “It’s not her, but she is also one of the suspects. In short, you will know when you go up.”

Sano shrugged and quickly followed the other person to Okino Yoko’s home.

“Oh, Sato, Takagi, people have brought them.”

After passing through the cordon at the door, Sano saw a large group of people standing inside the house.

Apart from the police officers coming and going, the more conspicuous ones were a short, fat, middle-aged man in a brown police uniform, and a middle-aged man in a suit with a mustache who was obviously not a police officer. The other ones were…

Sano looked in silence at the long-haired girl who knocked on his door just at noon, and the boy wearing a blue suit and glasses next to him, and couldn’t help but hold his breath.

Why did the special girl run into each other again? ?

“Ah, Sano-senpai?”

Mao Lilan also noticed Sano, and immediately bowed slightly and said hello, but did not notice that Sano was already shocked by her appearance, turned around and wanted to leave.

It’s a pity that Sato Miwako has quick eyes and quick hands. She grabbed Sano’s wrist and glared at him fiercely: “Where do you want to go?”

Sano’s eyes twitched: “Urgent urination.”

“If you need to pee, go to the toilet or run outside.”

Sato Miwako narrowed her eyes: “Oh, I see. Someone I know is here, and I am afraid that the matter will be exposed, so I spread the word. Now I feel embarrassed, right?”

Sano: “…”

Why does this guy have so many dramas?

Although, although it is indeed shameful to follow, but!

But, but…

Okay, whatever.

After Sano curled his lips, he didn’t bother to argue with Sato Miwako, ah, no, excuse.

Next to Mao Lilan, the dog knight Conan immediately looked at Sano with some confusion after hearing Mao Lilan’s greetings.

Someone Xiaolan knows?

Senior, are you from the school?

“Sato, bring someone here.”

At the same moment, the small brown ball waved in the direction of Sano, and then looked at Okino Yoko aside: “Miss Yoko, look at whether the person following you this afternoon is him.”

“It must be!”

Before Okino Yoko opened her mouth, Miwako Sato had already slapped her chest: “He was already attacked by everyone on the way here!”

“Tail, tail!?”

Mao Lilan, who had just walked over and wanted to say hello to Sano again, looked horrified and covered her mouth in disbelief: “No way, Senior Sano, how could it be…”

“Nani, how dare this kid follow Miss Yoko!?”

The man with the mustache also rushed over with an angry face and reached out to grab Sano’s collar, but was stopped by Sato Miwako.

“No, Mr. Mori, even if he is really a disgusting stalker, you can’t be rough with him!”

For a moment, the scene became extremely chaotic.

Sano was blocked in the corner by Sato Miwako. There were only two people pushing him in front of him, but it gave him the feeling of being a scumbag who was discovered on the bus.

Especially Miwako Sato, who was still cursing while protecting Sano.

I’m so sorry for making you feel so sick!

After a while, the chaos finally subsided, and Sano was called for questioning by the little brown ball who called himself “Megure Thirteen”. Of course, he would definitely not be able to tell anything in the end.

However, through this interview, Sano roughly figured out what was going on, and his eyes turned to the body on the ground that should have been the most conspicuous, but ended up not noticing it until now.

In short, the big star Okino Yoko has been intimidated and tracked by mysterious people recently, so today he found a detective, Maori Lan’s father, the mustachioed man, Maori Kogoro, to investigate.

But before Mouri Kogoro could enter the house, Okino Yoko, who came in first, discovered the body on the ground.

In addition to the owner of the house, Okino Yoko, and the agent who has a spare key, the suspects are another star, Ikezawa Yuko, who was found to have left her earrings in the house.

Ah, there’s one more.

In the afternoon, I was accidentally spotted by Okino Yoko, who suspected that he was following her.

Shinichiro Sano.

What the hell is going on…

Sano looked at Sato Miwako expressionlessly: “So, I can’t leave until the murderer is found.”

“Of course.”

Sano sighed, it’s really troublesome…

Judging from the distressed and entangled expressions of these police officers, it may be impossible to solve the case tonight and they have to rely on themselves.

Sano turned his attention to the three suspects. Although he had no experience in solving crimes or anything, he was still a complete virgin.

But he has a cheat!

Sano calmly shook his right arm, and the Hammer of Justice that he had stuffed into his sleeve immediately slid down a little, revealing its head.

Immediately afterwards, Sano quietly touched the three suspects again, pretending not to care and brushed against each other.

However, when the three suspects came down, no one had any wrong reaction. They just looked at Sano strangely, a little confused. They even broke out again when Sano met the third suspect, Yoko Okino. There was confusion.

“You guy, I’ve been watching you for a long time, and after following you, you actually did this!?”

The furious Sato Miwako rushed over, and Mouri Kogoro, who should be a loyal fan of Okino Yoko on the other side, although he was still a little unclear, subconsciously followed him.

Sano was being pulled left and right by the two guys, just like when he came here a few minutes ago, but this time, Sato Miwako, who was still protecting him and her, also joined the attacking camp.

After a while, Sano finally got out of the chaos.

Just because of such entanglement, the Hammer of Justice, which had been pulled down by Sano, could no longer hold its strength.


The iron hammer hit the ground with a crisp sound, which silenced the room, and everyone’s eyes were focused on it.

Sano and Sato Miwako gradually raised their heads and stared at each other for a while.

“Well, when I go out at night, it should be reasonable for me to bring a hammer for self-defense, right?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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