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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 86 86, Sano-style suspicion elimination method

Under the arrangement of Officer Megure, several suspects explained the purpose of coming to this cafe.

The college students came to write papers, the pretty boys came to meet girls for dates, and Dianshan came to chat with his boss every day, but this time the boss was not here. As for Fei Yingli, she also made an appointment with someone to meet here.

Then the college student and the pretty boy tried to climb out from the toilet partition respectively. The college student succeeded, but the pretty boy failed. Among the remaining two, the strong man Dianshan was judged to be unable to climb out without even trying, while the concubine succeeded. Yingli directly stated that she would definitely be able to find out.

Sano glanced at Fei Yingli. He actually had reason to suspect that the woman said this because she was worried that “she would be considered too fat because she couldn’t turn it out.”

Well, at least Fei Yingli looks thin.

“Officer, we found this rope on Mr. Huang’s desk!”

At this time, a policeman ran over, and the college student named Huang could only explain in a panic: “No, this is just what I use to tie up books. I didn’t kill anyone!”

Officer Megure took the rope and said nothing, but Sano understood that in the eyes of the other party, the identity of the murderer had probably been determined.

Although it seems a bit bad to say this, since Fei Yingli and Officer Megure are familiar with each other, and the identity of the lawyer, even if there is any suspicion, the other party should be reluctant to believe that she is the murderer.

Apart from Fei Yingli, the only person at the scene who could climb over the partition was Mr. Huang.

Conan obviously understood this, but he didn’t seem to agree with the truth behind the murder. He frowned and moved closer to Sano.

“Brother Sano, what do you think?”

Sano glanced sideways at Conan: “I’m squatting and watching.”

Conan: “…”

Come again, come again.

As expected, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.

Conan pouted. This time he would rely on his own strength to see through the truth in front of Sano, and he could also take this opportunity to slap Sano in the face!

Seeing Conan running away to find clues, Sano stood up, turned to Toru Amuro and asked, “How are you doing? Do you want to solve the case?”

Toru Amuro was stunned for a moment: “You already know who the murderer is?”

“That’s not true. It’s just that so many clues have come out that I feel like I can give it a try. I just don’t know if this matter has anything to do with you, so I’m thinking about whether I should solve the case.”

Hearing this, Toru Amuro couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth. It turned out that in Sano’s eyes, he was the one who would harm innocent people indiscriminately.

“No, if you can break it, break it quickly. It will be good for your detective career, and the cafe must resume business as soon as possible.”

Sano nodded and walked up to Mr. Huang who was explaining to Officer Megure. He raised his hand and patted the other person’s shoulder. When he saw that the other person did not respond, he just turned his head in confusion before explaining to Officer Megure. .

“He should not be the murderer. The time he entered the toilet should be before the deceased entered the toilet.”

“Huh? Really?”

“Well, this woman’s tone probably wasn’t very good at the time, so I took another look and happened to see him coming out of the toilet. Judging from the time of the crime, he should not be suspected. There was no mechanism found in the toilet, right? .”

After Sano answered, Toru Amuro’s eyes became weird again.

Sure enough, although Sano didn’t react at the time, he still took the woman’s tone of voice to heart. He was really very cautious…

No wonder the last part-time job turned out like that. Those customers and the store manager were just sprayed bloody and didn’t end up in the hospital. They were lucky.

“That’s it…”

Officer Megure also nodded, acknowledging Sano’s words, but the next second he looked at Fei Yingli. In this case, the person with the greatest suspicion is…

The person who proposed the method to identify the suspect turned out to be the person with the greatest suspicion. This is really dramatic.

Of course Fei Yingli understood this, and frowned slightly, thinking about the key points to break the situation.

At this moment, Sano took a few steps forward and patted Fei Yingli’s shoulder under her confused gaze.

Well, no suspicion.

Sano walked up to the next pretty boy and patted his shoulder. This time there was a slight reaction, but it was far from the reaction that a murderer should have, not even to the level of a thief.


Sano walked towards the last suspect Toyama, but he ruled out the other person’s suspicion in his mind because it was impossible. How could such a big group crawl out from the gap in the partition?

This is not a cat, it can turn into fluid.

Could it be that Conan and Fei Yingli’s reasoning was wrong and the murderer was not among the four suspects?

Or is it simply another suicide like the previous case at Okino Yoko’s house?

Under the gaze of everyone in the bathroom, Sano patted the confused Toyama’s arm. A sharp pain came out, and in an instant, Toyama groaned and instinctively withdrew his arm and took a step back.

And Dianshan’s behavior also caused the eyes of most people present to focus on him instantly, which was very strange.

Is this guy a murderer?

This is not the first time that everyone including Conan, Toru Amuro, and Officer Megure have seen Sano “solving a case”, and they all know Sano’s habit of contacting suspects before solving cases.

The most important thing is that for some unknown reason, anyone who behaves abnormally after coming into contact with Sano is undoubtedly the final murderer…

Toyama was hurt by Sano’s touch. He was about to get angry, but then he noticed the weird atmosphere. The rising momentum suddenly weakened again. Cold sweat broke out on his head. He wanted to ask what was wrong but he didn’t dare to ask because of his guilty conscience. Silence fell in the bathroom.

Everyone in the audience knew that Sano was probably the only one among the people investigating the case who didn’t know the situation at all, and that was Fei Yingli. She looked left and right, and a question mark slowly appeared on her face.

what’s the situation?

Seemingly sensing Fei Yingli’s doubts, Officer Megure explained in a low voice: “This is Brother Sano’s exclusive method of eliminating suspicion.”

The method of eliminating suspicion is by tapping on the shoulder? ? ?

…Have the neon police reached this point now?

Fei Yingli pursed her lips, but finally chose to remain silent and not express her opinion for the time being.

Sano was also a little surprised. He didn’t expect that the least likely suspect would be the murderer. This might be the real drama and anti-routine.

But in this case, maybe the murderer’s killing method can be reversed?

Sano’s eyes glanced over the fingers of Toyoyama’s hand holding his arm.

Ps: It’s my birthday today, I’m adding an update, I’m one year older, but tomorrow’s update may be late, I’ll update it at noon or in the evening, maybe the day after tomorrow, maybe it will be on the shelves, I’m not sure, it makes me a little anxious. Finally, a spoiler in advance, this event does not introduce a key enhancer.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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