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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 88 88, Sano: Sorry, I have no father or mother.

Seeing Sano nodding, Fei Yingli narrowed her eyes and asked: “Our country’s law stipulates that people under the age of twenty are not allowed to smoke or drink. Doesn’t Detective Sano know that?”

Sano’s hand for lighting the cigarette froze, and Toru Amuro and Conan’s expressions also froze.

This is a question from the soul.

In fact, Feiyingli wanted to ask about Sano’s smoking as early as when Sano lit up his first cigarette.

However, due to Sano’s example of first patting the shoulder to identify the perpetrator, and then hitting the victim with a hammer, Fei Yingli could not help but wonder if there was something hidden behind this incident.

For example, Sano’s actual age is older, so Officer Megure and others will turn a blind eye.

Therefore, Feiyingli watched Sano smoking just like watching Sano Hammer, and she didn’t ask until now.

But when I asked him just now, Sano’s age was indeed eighteen years old, which was wrong.

In Neon, the fact that people under the age of 20 are not allowed to smoke or drink is not a strange rule. It is a well-known thing like stop at a red light and go at a green light.

How could Toru Amuro and Conan not know this?

It’s just that Sano’s impression for a long time is really not like…a high school student, so the two of them subconsciously ignored this matter.

Moreover, Sano’s action of lighting up the cigarette was so natural that it was difficult for people to notice anything was wrong. Didn’t you see that even under the watchful eyes of many policemen at the crime scene, no one thought there was anything inappropriate? .

Now that Fei Yingli suddenly pointed it out, the two of them realized that there was indeed a problem!

As for Sano himself…

Of course he knew this law very well.

But it’s like someone always runs a red light, or the school’s no-smoking toilets are always filled with fairy spirit, like heaven.

Although it is clearly stated on the neon sign that people under the age of 20 are prohibited from smoking, and cigarette shops are not allowed to sell cigarettes to people under the age of 20, there are always people who ignore it.

As long as your thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

But Sano, as a… novice, shouldn’t have understood this and couldn’t buy cigarettes.

But Sano’s followers are very sensible and will always give him a few tributes from time to time. This is probably why Gin used to say that this cigarette is too iconic.

Apart from this, Sano didn’t think at all about whether smoking should be carried behind someone’s back.

I have no choice but to get used to it. I have been away from school for so long. How can I have the instinct to throw away my cigarette butt immediately when I see a character like a teacher?

Now that Fei Yingli has raised this point, it shouldn’t be difficult to fool her, but you have to be careful in the future…

Seeing Sano’s silent reaction, Fei Yingli thought that Sano wanted to pretend to be deaf and dumb, so she subconsciously continued in an elder-like teaching tone: “Do your parents know that you are like this? Are you worthy of their trust in you?”

At the mention of this, Sano’s expression was startled, and he immediately returned to his calm demeanor.

That’s right, Sano is an orphan. Even if such a thing is made public, apart from verbal education, what else can he do? Don’t panic!

“Sorry, I have no father or mother. I am an orphan.”

So Sano said this to Fei Yingli.

Fei Yingli: “…”

Conan and Toru Amuro, who had just noticed something was wrong and wanted to remind Fei Yingli: “…”


Fei Yingli opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, maybe to question, maybe to apologize, maybe to comfort, maybe to encourage, but in the end she couldn’t utter even a single word.

Sano didn’t say anything anymore, just turned around and walked into the counter of the coffee shop. This reaction made Fei Yingli think that the other party’s hidden scar was hurt by her, and she felt a little guilty in her heart.

If you educate yourself, you educate others. Why mention other people’s parents when they are well behaved? Now it’s better. Not only did you fail to educate successfully, but you also opened other people’s wounds.

Fei Yingli sighed secretly and looked at Toru Amuro: “Please tell him I’m sorry for me.”

“……Oh well.”

Amuro Toru came back to her senses, responded, and then watched Fei Yingri, who sighed deeply, walk towards the door of the store.

Conan originally wanted to go behind the counter to see Sano’s condition, but the next second he noticed that there was Mao Lilan in the wall of people who came to eat melon because of the murder case at the entrance of the cafe. figure.

By the way, there is still the unresolved matter of that pretty boy!

Conan frowned, glanced at the counter, hesitated for only a second, then gave up and ran towards the coffee shop door.

Sorry Sano, Xiaolan’s affairs are more important now!

After running out of the door, Conan happened to see the pretty boy from before standing next to Mao Lilan. He couldn’t care less about the others and shouted at the top of his lungs without saying a word.

“Hey? Sister Xiaolan, what this big brother seemed to be saying in the coffee shop before is that little girls are easy to trick, and they can coax them into bed with just two or three words!”


Before the melon-eating crowd and Gua himself could react, Conan heard a familiar voice from behind that was clearly suppressing his anger.

Under Conan’s bewildered gaze, Suzuki Sonoko, who didn’t know when she arrived, pounced out, grabbed the pretty boy’s face, slapped the two big bags, and then walked straight away.

…What the hell, the person who made an appointment with this pretty boy is Suzuki Sonoko? ?

Who does Xiaolan want to see?

Sure enough, Sano is still that soulless! ?


And just when Conan was furious and wanted to repeat his previous actions and say Sano’s “unintentional words”, Fei Yingli finally stood up.

At Mao Lilan’s “Mom”, Conan remembered that this strong woman who had always given him an inexplicable sense of familiarity turned out to be his future mother-in-law.

…It’s my fault, I actually forgot the appearance and name of my mother-in-law. I really misunderstood you this time, Sano.

After silently apologizing to Sano in his heart, Conan followed Mao Lilan and her daughter along the road, and also learned about the current situation of Mao Lilan’s parents from their conversation.

“But then again, that Sano Shinichiro seems to be from your school, right, Xiaolan?”

Mao Lilan clapped her hands and said angrily: “By the way, I forgot that senior is still in the coffee shop, I should go and say hello to him!”

Seeing Mao Lilan’s reaction, Fei Yingli raised her eyebrows in surprise: “It seems you are very familiar with him?”

“Let’s leave it at that.”

Mao Lilan rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

“Then he…is really an orphan?”

Fei Yingli still had doubts about Sano’s words just now. Since it was difficult to ask directly, it would be better to understand from the side.

If Sano, as a detective, still knows the law and breaks the law, and even lies to himself, then he is definitely not a good person, and his daughter must stay away from him.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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