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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 91 91, Resurrection/True? Vest

Chapter 91 91, Resurrection True Vest

Sano was obviously stunned when he heard the system prompt.


Where did you get your vest?

No, it’s not like there are no vests, but can this kind of vest also be strengthened? ?

Sano suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and the corner of his eye twitched. According to the nature of the system, sometimes the target of strengthening is not something that actually belongs to him, so this vest shouldn’t…

“What’s wrong?”

Toru Amuro had just finished tidying up his clothes. Looking at Sano who hadn’t left yet, he couldn’t help but have some doubts on his face: “Did Gin tell you anything?”

“Ah, that’s not true.”

Sano’s eyes drifted to the wardrobe aside: “I just suddenly felt that the work clothes in this store are… quite nice. Boss, do you think I can take them away?”

Toru Amuro frowned and stared at Sano for a while.

“This is the work clothes in the store. How can I let you just take it away? If you like it, just buy one of the same style.”

“Then why don’t you just pay me and the boss can buy another one to make up for it later?”

Sano asked rhetorically.

However, Toru Amuro seemed to have been aroused to have some rebellious psychology. No matter what Sano said, his attitude was just one word – no.

Sano didn’t want to act too abnormal, so he shrugged, as if he had lost interest in the vest, as if he was just trying to argue with Tohru Amuro.

Then there was no sudden fight as Sano imagined, and the two parted ways at the door of the coffee shop as usual.

Just a few minutes later, another figure appeared at the toilet window of the cafe. If he looked carefully, it was Sano.

If Sano wasn’t allowed to buy it, he would have no choice but to steal it. At worst, he could just put some cash next to it, and then it wouldn’t even count as stealing. After all, he paid for it.

Sano leisurely put on his gloves, pried open the window, walked from the toilet to the employee lounge, pried open the cabinet, and pulled out the black vest.

Reinforcement name: Variety Vest.


1. Versatility (you can modify your clothes at will after wearing them).

2. Vest (after wearing it, you can create a “vest” that can even change its DNA through modeling. The status of the vest is not related to the body. When the vest dies, the body will be resurrected randomly within three kilometers of the place of death).


Each vest with the vest effect cannot be changed once it is created. The initial limit of vests is only three, and subsequent strengthening points are required to unlock them. In addition, vests cannot be switched under any observed circumstances. Once a vest dies, it cannot be repaired.

Remarks: How can a person wander in the world without getting stabbed? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet account!

Sano: “…”

Damn it, the resurrection armor is the kind that can be resurrected infinitely with just krypton gold!

After seeing the detailed explanation of this vest, the first word that came to Sano’s mind was resurrection armor.

With this thing here, why not just spend whatever you want?

And in addition to being a resurrection armor, this thing has other excellent effects, and it can even be said to perfectly meet Sano’s biggest needs.

This is the resurrection/real vest! !

This one really captures your soul as soon as you hit it, it’s so cool!

Sano licked his lips in surprise, but he didn’t know…whether Gin and Toru Amuro would really be single for twenty years.

But before Sano could study the enhanced item in detail, the system prompt came again.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the second A-level or above enhanced item. All permissions for the enhanced items have been released!”

What the hell is this.

Grade A?


Sano blinked and ignored the fact that he had the resurrection armor for the time being. He stuffed the vest into his arms and quickly evacuated.

Half an hour later, after returning home, Sano thoroughly understood what the system mentioned after obtaining this ever-changing vest.

The first is the level of the reinforcer.

This was not mentioned in the original system, but according to the current classification, it is CBAA+, four levels from low to high.

For example, all of Sano’s current enhancements are seven in total. The Rampant Little Electric Donkey is C-level, the Eye of the Beast, the Hammer of Justice, the Passerby Hat and the Ghost Coat are all B-level, the special attack suit is A-level, and the ever-changing vest he just obtained It is the highest A+.

Sano doesn’t know exactly how this level is divided and what it represents, but the system prompts that there can only be two A-level and above enhancements that can take effect at the same time. This is considered a kind of thing for Sano. limits?

…Although Sano only has two pieces in hand now.

Then there are the new “permissions” of the reinforcers.

The first point of authority is that Sano now has system space or a backpack. To be more precise, it should be… equivalent to an equipment slot?

All system enhancements can be temporarily stored in it and can be taken out at any time when Sano needs it.

Well, now I don’t have to wrap myself up like I’m spending the winter every day, which reduces my burden. But I don’t know… can my enhanced eyes be stored there?

Sano probably imagined that his two eyeballs suddenly disappeared, and then stared at a pair of empty eye sockets, and he shuddered unconsciously.

The picture is so beautiful.

Then there is the second point of permissions, which is a little more complicated.

In fact, Sano had some concerns a long time ago. For example, if his reinforcements were noticed by others and used against him, or he simply stole them and traveled far away, or the reinforcements could hurt him without distinguishing between friend and foe. to myself…

After all, just like what Sano suspected about Toru Amuro before, he kept the Hammer of Justice in his sleeve all day long, which would cause his arm to feel pain from time to time. Although it was not too serious, it was still there.

That won’t happen now, because Sano can control whether the reinforcement will take effect based on his own will. In addition, he can also check the location of the reinforcement on the system map at any time without worrying about being stolen or lost.

Finally, Sano was a little worried earlier that if the reinforcement was damaged, it would be useless. Now the repair function has been launched, well, it just requires strengthening points.

Sano touched his chin. Recently, the dog system has become more and more like those money-making games. He is trying his best to get strengthening points from his own hands…

Forget it, it was meant to be used anyway.

Sano shook off those unnecessary thoughts and focused on the present instead, trying to use the versatile vest.

After putting on the black vest, Sano imagined in his mind what clothes he should wear, and then in just a moment, the black vest and the lining underneath him turned into a short-sleeved and t-shirt with a “swish”. suit.

From a visual point of view, it is like magic that changes from one piece of clothing to another all of a sudden.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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