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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 94 94, family grave together, father bids farewell and son laughs

However, Sano, who had already left, certainly wouldn’t know Conan’s mood at this time.

The fat woman obviously didn’t expect that Sano would act like she didn’t see it. She was stunned for a while before letting out a sigh of relief. She wanted to say harsh words to Conan’s ear again, but when she looked down, she realized that because of Conan’s struggle just now, He unconsciously exerted a little more strength, and the boy was now completely unconscious.

…This is nothing.

On the other side, Sano had already arrived at the noodle shop and started eating noodles.

As for Conan’s busybody, what does it have to do with him? Anyway, the system didn’t give him a mission.

The most important thing at the moment was to fill his stomach that had been empty all night, and to get rid of the chill all over his body.

But there is indeed a problem with the situation just now. Things are dangerous. Why doesn’t the system trigger the task? Is it broken?

Sano took a big mouthful of noodles and asked, “Has he had such doubts several times before?”

“Hey, the system task has been triggered!”

Sano sucked the noodles for a moment, ah, it really came.

But when Sano pulled out the system to check the mission content, he was stunned again.

[Please make Kudo and his wife feel fear. You can get one hundred strengthening points by completing it. The remaining time of the task is – 11:59:59].

Make the Kudo couple…feel fear?

What the hell kind of mission is this?

The Kudo couple should not refer to Kudo Shinichi and his wife. After all, if Mao Lilan married an elementary school student, it would be impossible for him not to know about it.

Are those Conan’s original parents?

But the problem we are encountering now is not Conan, that is, is Kudo Shinichi kidnapped? Why is the mission related to his parents?

Sano thought about it carefully. In his memory, there seemed to be no information related to Conan, Kudo Shinichi’s parents.

It’s just that Conan, that is, Kudo Shinichi is now staying at Maorilan’s house, which means that his parents should at least not be in Tokyo.

But the deadline for this system task is only half a day…

Sano pulled out the system map and found two red dots within Tokyo, one of which was not even far from him.

Could it be…

Sano thought of the fat woman behind Conan just now. If it were her, she would have left after tying up Conan. She should be almost at this distance now.

So, it was actually his parents who attacked Conan this time?

Wow, this is really true, the family is buried together, the father bids farewell and the son smiles, it is indeed a noble circle.

Sano tilted his neck, amazed in his heart.

After enjoying himself for a while, Sano rubbed his fingers again and began to think about the current situation.

Could it be that the Kudo couple were the ones who caused Conan to shrink and change from Kudo Shinichi to Edogawa Conan.

This kind of routine is also quite common. There may be a fight between a son and his father, etc., and it will be cleared up in the end. The father is actually doing this for his son or something.

Sano continued eating noodles.

Anyway, there is still time for the mission, so don’t be in a hurry and let Conan and his father play for a while first. After all, they are all family members. After not seeing each other for such a long time, they definitely need to exchange feelings.

It wasn’t until Sano finished eating the noodles, lit a cigarette, and confirmed that the two red dots had been together for ten minutes that they hadn’t moved again, then he started to take action leisurely.

Because of the snowy roads and slippery roads, Sano did not ride a small electric donkey this time, but took a taxi to a two-story cabin in a remote area.

Well, even if it doesn’t snow, Sano doesn’t really want to ride that thing right now.

Firstly, as Gin said earlier, that thing is a bit conspicuous. Secondly, why ride a bike when you can ride in a car? Sano doesn’t have to spend any money anyway.

By this time, it was getting late.

Sano tightened the outermost ghost coat, looked around, took out a black knitted hat and a black mask from his arms and put them on.

After exhaling, Sano walked towards the wooden house. Of course, he was not planning to rush in so rashly.

Although this mission seemed to only require Sano… to intimidate the Kudos and his wife, he had too little information related to the Kudos and his wife.

In such a situation, let’s not talk about how to successfully intimidate. Who will be intimidated in the end is another matter, so it is better to proceed with caution.

Find Conan first and pry out some information from that kid.

But before Sano could take action, the door of the wooden house was pushed open, and the fat aunt from before and a man wearing a smiling mask came out.

What a coincidence?

Sano didn’t have time to think too much. The knitted hat on his head instantly turned into a black peaked cap, which is also a passerby’s hat. At the same time, the smooth hair under the hat turned into a short back. The black mask on his face also instantly added the word “kill”, and in the ghost The sweater under the coat turned into a special attack suit jacket.

Switching vests, Sano comes off and Black Death comes on.

With the blessing of the special attack suit, Sano dodged to a corner like a ghost, and his clothes changed again. The jacket of the special attack suit inside turned back into a sweater, the ghost coat turned into a black short coat, and the mask of the special attack suit turned back into a pure one. black.

In just an instant, Sano’s aura attribute has been reduced to the minimum, leaving only a passerby hat, fully exerting the effect of his low presence to the extreme.

This is the application of the ever-changing effect of the ever-changing vest that Sano developed during yesterday’s experiment.

After the experiment, Sano has determined that if it is a wearable enhancement item such as a special attack suit ghost coat or a passerby hat, it will temporarily lose its own effect after being modified into other clothes through the vest’s versatile effect. not available.

Well, this also eliminates the possibility that even if Sano wears a modified special attack suit, he still has attribute blessings.

If you want to have the combat power of a bad guy, you still need the special attack suit.

But this was still within Sano’s expectation.

And the special attack server loses its effect because of this, which is not a bad thing, because as mentioned before, there is also a conflict between strengtheners.

Originally, if Sano wanted to switch between different reinforcements, he had to prepare in advance, and then he could hurriedly switch manually depending on the situation.

After gaining full authority over the enhanced items, Sano felt that such troubles no longer existed, because he could control whether a certain enhanced item took effect at any time as long as he wanted.

Or controlling the storage of reinforcements through the equipment column can theoretically avoid conflicts.

Well, it’s just a theory.

Because the idea isn’t perfect.

Sano not only experimented with the versatile vest yesterday, but also conducted related experiments in other aspects.

Then Sano discovered that if he wanted to control the turning off and on of a certain reinforcement, there would inevitably be a one-second gap in between, including the permission to access the reinforcement in the equipment slot.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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