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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 97 97, Conan: Something feels wrong

From Conan’s point of view, just relying on himself as the “Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei Era” may not necessarily be able to defeat the black organization, but if there is a “Popcorn Hammer Man” in the mix, it will be different.

With the two powerful people joining forces, wouldn’t it be a piece of cake for a mere black organization to capture them?

Looking at it this way, confessing your identity is not a bad thing, but actually a good thing!

Before, my situation was too small!

In Conan’s heart, he even began to fantasize happily about the sweet scene of himself and Sano joining forces to capture the members of the black organization, and then transforming back into Kudo Shinichi and going to school with Mao Lilan.

Sano looked at Conan who suddenly became excited, but he didn’t guess what he was thinking.

Although Sano did have a look at the back of Kogoro Mouri’s head earlier, and was indeed curious about whether it would be okay if he had to be hit on the head every time he solved a case, but “inferring” an anesthetic needle based on this alone is purely nonsense. gab.

After all, Sano doesn’t have the scientific reasoning skills like Conan.

If you hadn’t seen Conan fire the needle at Maru Denjiro’s house before, even if you beat Sano to death, he wouldn’t even think of getting the anesthesia needle on him.

“But besides the bow tie and the anesthesia watch, I think you still touch your shoes from time to time. Why?”

Sano continued to ask. Since this topic has been brought up now, he also planned to ask more clearly. It would be best to get on the line of Dr. So-and-so, and maybe he could get some equipment.

Conan came back from his fantasy and suppressed his silly smile: “Ahem, indeed, it’s you who actually noticed this. My shoes are also an invention modified by Dr. Ali. They are called foot strength-enhancing shoes, which can strengthen The force I used to kick was to protect myself.”


Sano nodded and asked: “So why did you never think of using anesthetic needles or these shoes to solve the problem when you were in danger before? Instead, you kept running away.”

What Sano was referring to was especially the previous twin corpse hiding case and the haunted house imprisonment case.

Although it was not known whether Conan had foot strength-enhancing shoes at that time, there was indeed an anesthesia watch, so Sano was really curious.

When this kid encounters danger, he doesn’t need any equipment and just runs away with his head in his arms. What kind of thoughts are he holding on to?

“Ah this…”

Conan was confused by Sano’s question. For a moment, he didn’t know how to answer, let alone what he was thinking at the time. He was confused and lost his voice.

This was immediately silenced.

Seeing Conan lowered his head in deep thought, Sano didn’t ask any more questions and stood up to leave. Conan came back to his senses and immediately became anxious again: “Hey, hey, what are you doing again? Didn’t I tell you the truth? Why don’t you still?” Believe me?”

“No, I believe it. That’s why you have to take this opportunity to catch these two guys, right?”

Sano looked back at Conan: “You stay and hold them back, I will find an opportunity to solve it.”

Conan stared in disbelief: “No, you want to use me as bait?”

“But this move is completely meaningless. We just call the police and ask the police to come over and wait for those two people to come over. Then we can catch the turtle in the urn and catch the black organization in one go. Why take this risk?”

Sano glanced at the two red dots that seemed to have gone to a restaurant for dinner and had not moved yet, then walked to Conan and squatted down.

“I ask you, do you know when those two guys will come back? If they come back before the police arrive and find you missing, what will we do?”

“Furthermore, if they find something is wrong when they come back, do you know how many dangerous things they have on them, whether it’s guns or bombs, how many people will die?”

“Furthermore, are you really sure that as long as you catch these two people, you will be able to get to the root of that black organization? The power behind the drug that can rejuvenate people must be comparable to that of a state agency.”

“As you said, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. This is not only for the safety of innocent people, but also for our safety, because we simply cannot determine who are enemies and who are teammates. .”

“Especially we cannot allow these two guys to return to their organization safely. Let me tell you, Edogawa Conan, that the shrunk Kudo Shinichi is still alive. We cannot take any risks and must ensure that we can catch it 100% Let’s not let any news leak about these two people.”

Looking at Sano, who had a rare serious look on his face, Conan couldn’t help but be stunned for a while, and then frowned and said: “But if they kill me directly as soon as they come back, wouldn’t everything be…”

“Don’t worry, you are still valuable, they won’t kill you.”

Sano patted Conan on the shoulder: “Otherwise they wouldn’t have gone to all the trouble to tie you up, but would have just silenced you. The fact that you are still alive is the best proof. Believe me, I will be watching from the outside. of.”

This is all bullshit.

In fact, Sano just wants to maintain this temporarily stable situation, so that he can wait and see the changes, fish in troubled waters, and achieve his goal.

As for whether Conan will catch a cold if he lies here for a few more hours, it has nothing to do with Sano.

Sano is not worried that Conan will refuse. For this kind of “just partner”, secretly changing concepts and moral kidnapping is the best weapon.

Sure enough, after Conan struggled for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and nodded. Sano was successfully fooled, no, he was successfully persuaded.

Looking at Sano’s leaving figure, Conan lay down again and prepared to pretend to sleep, but he opened his eyes again after a few seconds.

Although Conan also felt that what Sano said just now made sense, he always felt that something was not quite right.

And my face, it was clearly the left side that Sano hit just now. Why does the right side of my face also feel a little burning?

…How on earth did Sano wake him up? ? ?

On the other side, Sano didn’t know that Conan, who was gradually recovering, had some doubts and dissatisfaction with his exclusive wake-up call service.

After leaving the cabin, Sano quickly changed his vest into a black death without a special attack suit but wearing a passerby hat. Then he followed the system map to a restaurant and sat behind the seat where Kudo and his wife were seated.

And the masked man has also taken off his eye-catching clothes, replaced by a man wearing glasses… He still has a mustache like a neon man’s label on his chin, but he looks very elegant. Middle-aged handsome guy.

Kudo Yusaku, mystery novelist.

As for the fat aunt, she should be Conan’s biological mother and the famous retired star Yukiko Kudo.

…Although Sano has never heard of the other party.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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