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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 98 98, Conan? A dog fights against the power of a man.jpg

Chapter 98 98, Conan relies on human power.jpg

But as a celebrity, he must be pretty good-looking, so why now… Also, even Conan didn’t recognize his own mother, so he must have done something to her appearance.

Anyway, just listening to the voice of Kudo Yukiko, Sano can already picture a beautiful woman in his mind.

Well, if I take a closer look, I feel that something between my ears and eyes must disappear today.

Sano shuddered and stopped thinking. Instead, he raised his ears and eavesdropped on the conversation between the two.

The Kudo couple basically exchanged the taste of the food on the plate, as well as some gossip news, until Sano was even a little tired, and then finally heard the main topic.

“Counting the time, Xiaoxin should wake up soon.”

“Well, when we go back later, everything will go according to plan. We will give Shinichi a chance to chase us, take the opportunity to see if his reasoning ability has deteriorated, and then make him nervous so that he can truly understand what he is facing. What kind of situation.”

“But having said that, before I brought Xiaoxin back, I met someone he knew. Shouldn’t it cause any trouble?”

“You mean that, Shinichiro Sano, right? It’s not surprising. There are always some people in this world who will turn a blind eye to the suffering of others. Although this cannot be said to be right, at least it cannot be said to be wrong.”


Sano crossed his legs, pressed down the visor of his hat, and raised the corners of his mouth as he watched Kudo and his wife leaving the restaurant arm in arm.

Boy, this is all an act.

Co-authored, are these two really just playing Conan?

Wow, this is true, a father’s love is like a mountain, and a mother’s love is like a tsunami.

With such a pair of weird parents, Conan, no, it is really a miracle that Kudo Shinichi can live to the age of seventeen safely without being tricked to death.

After thoroughly understanding the current situation from both sides, Zuo Yezhong, who was proud of himself, had already considered how to complete the task.

Didn’t the Kudos and his wife want to scare Conan? So Sano could learn from this and scare them in turn.

But before that, just in case, Sano pretended to casually hit the Kudo couple with the hammer of justice in his sleeves, making sure that there was no strange reaction from the two of them.

“What are you doing? Let’s go.”

Kudo Yukiko looked back at her husband strangely.

Kudo Yusaku stared at the figure wearing the peaked cap for a few seconds, then turned back and smiled: “Here he comes.”

Night falls.

Sano returned to the cabin again wearing a passerby hat.

It was still the same room. Conan, who had already pretended to sleep until his legs were numb, heard the movement outside the door and immediately struggled to sit up. When he saw Sano who quietly opened the door and came in, his eyes lit up.

Sano, who had used the Variety effect to transform the passerby hat on his head back into a knitted hat, quickly stepped forward to help Conan untie the ropes on his hands and feet, watched the other person move his hands and feet carefully and quietly, and lightly lit a cigarette.

“Don’t be so careful. The two guys outside won’t wake up. Now is the best time.”

Hearing Sano’s confident speech, Conan couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, and then he stuck his head out of the room and saw the two people outside who had their hands and feet tied and were leaning together with their heads hanging down.

Is this, drugged?

“Where did you get the drug?”

Conan asked curiously, and Sano immediately pointed to the Kudo couple: “I found it in their car.”

Conan: “…”

You do know how to make good use of props.

Forget it, that’s fine, it saves you the trouble.

Conan licked his lips excitedly. Now, the roles of hunter and prey were reversed!

But when Conan stepped forward and pushed the two of them, he found that no matter how hard he pushed, the two of them had no reaction at all, just like two dead bodies.

Conan stretched out his hand to feel the fat woman’s breath, and after confirming that she was still alive, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

“…How many drugs have you taken? If you overdose on this stuff, you will die!”

Conan looked at Sano with a hint of cold sweat. If this really turned out to be manslaughter and caused his rare good teammate to go to jail, then his crime would be huge!

“Don’t worry, just in case I use it too much, but I know it will be fine in an hour or two at most.”

Sano waved his hand nonchalantly and sat down on the sofa nearby.

Seeing this, Conan could only sit aside helplessly, waiting for the duo to wake up.

But to be honest, tonight’s operation went much smoother than Sano imagined.

Although Sano had already determined that these two people did not have a very high level of combat effectiveness when he took out the information about Kudo and his wife from Conan, he could stun them in their sleep just by relying on the passerby hat. , it really surprised Sano.

After all, these parents were busy people, so Sano thought they would have to deal with them briefly at least.

But since the plan went so smoothly, Sano could only go along with it. Anyway, it didn’t make much difference.

An hour later, the Kudo couple gradually woke up, and when they opened their eyes, they saw only Conan and Sano standing in front of them, looking at them with their arms folded.

“Congratulations to both of you. Now I solemnly inform you that you have been kidnapped.”

Sano spoke calmly, and at the same time he took out the revolver found from Kudo Yukiko from his arms and pointed it at the two of them: “Have you thought about how to die?”

Conan on the side also fully demonstrated what it means to have good fortune, and he looked at his parents with his nostrils arrogantly: “Don’t try to struggle, otherwise, this big brother’s gun will not be long-sighted!”

Conan’s dog relies on his strength.jpg.

Sano glanced at Conan, who had a straight back, and the idiom immediately came to mind, and it was the Chihuahua type.

The Kudo couple, who had just regained their composure, realized that their game had failed, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly in their hearts.

Especially Kudo Yusaku, he was even more troubled. He originally just wanted to trick his son and pretend to be a bitch, but he didn’t expect that he had miscalculated.

He didn’t expect that there would be helpers to help his son, and he didn’t expect that he and his wife would be tied up in their sleep without even realizing it, and even had a rag stuffed in their mouths.

I’m afraid I’m going to be embarrassed now… Tsk, where did this rag come from? Why does it stink so much?

Kudo Yusaku tried to push the rag in his mouth with his tongue, but he almost retched.

Conan raised his head for a few seconds, but felt as if something was missing. He lowered his head a little and kicked his father.

“Don’t waste your time. Hurry up and tell the truth. We will be lenient if you confess and be stern if you resist!”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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