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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 99 99, polar reversal

Kudo Yusaku was originally worried about how to save his face when the truth came out, but before he could think of anything, his son kicked him directly.

Although Conan’s body has become smaller now, and this kick does not have the blessing of foot strength-enhancing shoes, Kudo Yusaku is still tied up and sitting on the ground. As soon as he kicks off, he immediately flips over and screams.

Sano on the side twitched unconsciously when he saw Conan giving his father a kick.

It seems that Conan really hates his own organization. If it were normal times, he would definitely not attack someone who has no possibility of counterattack.

I just don’t know what Conan’s expression will look like later when he finds out that the person he kicked was actually his father.

…I guess I’ll have to fight a mixed doubles match first.

While secretly laughing in his heart, Sano reminded him aloud: “I said, you should first take out the rag from his mouth before asking.”


When Conan heard Sano’s words, he was stunned for a moment and then realized that the duo still had rags stuffed in their mouths. He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, I was a little too excited and didn’t pay attention.”

Conan then used his hand to pull out the rag from the gap in Kudo Yusaku’s mask, and then continued to pull the opponent’s collar fiercely: “Tell me now, I won’t forgive you until you explain everything clearly!”

Looking at Conan who was like a vicious dog, Sano said helplessly again: “Then you should ask first, why are you talking to someone if you don’t ask anything?”


Conan blinked, scratched his head in embarrassment again and laughed dryly: “I…didn’t I ask?”

“…Did you ask?”

Kudo Yusaku, who had the rag removed from his mouth, couldn’t help but ask after he got used to the stench in his mouth.

“Shut up, when was it your turn to interrupt when I was talking?”

Without hesitation, Conan stepped on Kudo Yusaku’s chest again. Fortunately, the uncle was still wearing a mask, otherwise Sano’s eyes would have probably popped out.

“Then I’m going to ask now, what is your code name first!?”

Conan glared at Kudo Yusaku fiercely, vowing to uproot that damn black organization today.

Kudo Yusaku’s breath was stagnant, and his lips under the mask twitched: “I…”

Until then, Kudo Yukiko, who had been silent until now, finally suppressed her nausea, secretly pushed the rag out of her mouth, and shouted quickly: “Wait a minute, Xiaoxin, he is your father!”

Conan, who thought that the masked man was about to confess honestly, suddenly stiffened in his eyes less than a second after the look of anticipation appeared, because the fat aunt’s voice was completely different from before. Instead, it was exactly the same as… his own mother’s voice.


Thinking of his mother’s skills, Conan suddenly understood what was going on. The corner of his mouth suddenly twitched and he looked at the masked man at his feet.

Then isn’t this guy really his father… So the voice just now seems to be a little familiar…

Conan didn’t have time to think too much and pulled off the mask, revealing Kudo Yusaku’s rather helpless face.

“Is it really you, dad!?”

Conan’s face was full of astonishment and he took a few steps back in disbelief.

“Who else could it be if not me?”

Kudo Yusaku forcibly sat up with a sullen face and looked at Sano: “You are the one, Sano Shinichiro, right?”


Sano nodded calmly, as if there was no surprise.

Kudo Yusaku looked Sano up and down again: “It seems that Shinichi has told you everything. Your behavior is really unexpected. You obviously didn’t take action before, but you secretly followed me here? Is it okay? Cautious enough.”

Sano said nothing, but watched as Conan pulled off a thick hood from Kudo Yukiko’s head after the shock, revealing a face that truly deserves to be a big star and fits her voice.

However, Sano didn’t pay much attention to Kudo Yukiko’s appearance. He was more curious about the headgear.

Is this a human skin mask in this world? It’s really real.

Sano bent down and picked up the thickly padded human skin mask on the ground and studied it. At the same time, he did not forget to pay some attention to the family of three.

…Speaking of which, Yukiko Kudo is so cool. She actually managed to swallow the rags in the trash can. She’s so cruel.

Beside them, the true faces of the Kudo couple were confirmed one after another. Conan held his head in surprise and disappointment: “No, parents, why are you doing this? I thought I could catch two big fish, but in the end It was all in vain.”

“Haha, if it hadn’t been for the help of your friends, if we were really from the black organization, do you think you would still be safe now?”

Kudo Yusaku snorted softly.

“So, why did you come back, and how did you know… that I became smaller?”

Conan smiled bitterly and did not delve too deeply into this topic.

“Of course it was Dr. Ali who told us. If he didn’t tell us, would you still be planning to hide it from us for the rest of your life?”

Kudo Yukiko said dissatisfied: “Originally, we specially laid a trap for you and prepared to scare you.”

In response, Conan curled his lips helplessly. How could any parent scare their child like this? He was really his biological child?

“So, except for Dr. A Li…and your friend, you probably haven’t told anyone else about this.”

Kudo Yusaku asked about business.

“Well, I’m not a fool. How could I tell others casually? If you two hadn’t scared me, I wouldn’t even have told Sano… although he seemed to have figured it out before that.”

Conan said, rolling his eyes.


Kudo Yusaku glanced at Sano with interest again, and just when he was about to continue speaking, Sano had already stood up and walked towards the door.

Ready to leave now?

Kudo Yusaku raised his eyebrows in surprise. Shouldn’t normal people want to explore more when encountering this kind of thing? Or is it because the other party is too insightful and feels that he already knows everything and there is no need to continue to explore. ?

No, plus the other party didn’t move easily when he saw a “kid he knew” being “kidnapped” before. It must be because his curiosity is too weak.

And in just a second or two while Kudo Yusaku was thinking, Sano had already arrived at the door, and then locked the door with a snap, making the Kudo family in the house stunned.

“In short, besides myself, there are only three people who need to be silenced, right?”

Sano turned around expressionlessly, looked at Conan’s family of three, casually threw the model revolver on the ground, then took out another gun from his arms and pointed it in the direction of the three of them.

“The poles are reversed, three.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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