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Conan’s other self — Chapter 10 Haunted House Adventure (2)

There is a bungalow in 4-chome. Five years ago, the owner was killed in the house, and no one has lived in it since. Because there are often scary noises in the middle of the night, the house is gradually rumored to be a haunted house.

Yoshida Ayumi, who was passing by last night, saw a will-o’-the-wisp floating by the window, so she planned to take her friends with her to explore together. When she came to school, she met Conan and Maplehara, so she proposed it.

The two agreed.

Fengyuan felt that even if he didn’t go, these children would go, which was uneasy. Although he had no impression of this expedition, since Conan was dispatched, it was obviously good to have more ideas.

Conan remembered the unsolved case that happened in the house five years ago and wanted to see if there were any clues… and he really couldn’t refuse these children.

Because he wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible, Maplehara suggested changing the time from tomorrow to today after school. So soon, the five people arrived in front of the bungalow.

Several people bought some food and bottles of water on the road, as well as several flashlights. Genta took two chair legs out of the unused classroom, one for him and Conan.

Conan was carrying his schoolbag like this, holding the chair leg with his right hand, looking at the bungalow in front of him with a look of despair.

The house looked abandoned for a long time. There is a row of crows standing on the roof. Occasionally, a few crows fly up and move. The scene in front of you can be called “dry crows on old trees with dead vines”, but there is no “small bridges and flowing water.”

It was getting dark.

From the outside, the house in front of me does feel like a haunted house. Several people stood and watched for a while before trying to go in.

The iron door outside was locked and could not be opened, but a few children fumbled around and found a secret entrance, which was larger than a dog cave. It was not difficult for children to get in.

In fact, Fengyuan did not agree with this kind of behavior of randomly breaking into other people’s homes. However, considering that these children, including Conan, would just break into occupied houses in the future, it would not be difficult to accept that they would follow them into an abandoned house now.

People always have to get used to it.

The group of people walked through the overgrown garden and came to the door. Yuantai pushed forward and found that the door was not closed, so a small gap was exposed in the front door. It was completely dark inside, giving people an eerie feeling.

Yoshida Ayumi was a little discouraged.

“I…we’d better go back…”

“Coward! We’re all here!” Yuantai said dissatisfied, “If you want to go back, you should go back alone!”

Feng Yuan glanced at Genta with some surprise. He thought this child had some thoughts about Ayumi… Should he really be worthy of being a child?

Ayumi pulled Conan’s sleeve a little aggrievedly, and Conan could only comfort him: “It’s okay, there are so many of us.”

“Then, Conan and Feng Yuan will protect me, right?” Ayumi’s eyes lit up.


You’d better go back. Conan complained in his mind.

Why did you bring me with you? Feng Yuan complained in his heart.

The unhappy Genta pushed open the door and strode in. Mitsuhiko followed him, Kaedehara was in the middle, and behind him were Ayumi and Conan who had secretly thrown away the chair legs.

Entering the main entrance, under the light of the flashlight, you can see two sculptures of gargoyles in the main hall, which startled a few elementary school students. So as they walked, Gentai and Mitsuhiko couldn’t help but slow down and landed on After Feng Yuan’s death.

Fengyuan didn’t take it seriously and walked at the front to lead the way.

Before traveling, he basically spent his free time at home, so the current adventure is a novel experience for him.

The door to the room was basically closed and there was dust everywhere. It looked like no one had been there in five years.

As time passed and they gradually got used to the darkness, several primary school students started talking and laughing again.


The sound of an old door opening.


Ayumi and others screamed.

At this moment, they had reached the second floor. The door of a room not far in front of Fengyuan suddenly opened, but no one came out.

The primary school students were frightened, but Fengyuan walked forward calmly. Conan saw the opportunity and followed him.

“Conan, Maplehara…” Ayumi shouted worriedly.

“Damn it!” Gentai and Mitsuhiko also followed, “I’m not afraid of ghosts——”

Inside the house, the windows were half open, the curtains were blown up, and the wind was whistling.


“Oh! That’s it – the wind just blew the window open!” Mitsuhiko said.

“Tch,” Genta waved the chair leg in his hand, “I thought I could catch a ghost!”

The elementary school students were both relieved and a little disappointed that there were no ghosts. But soon they cheered up again and planned to take a rest here.

Of course, it’s not because I’m tired…it’s just because I’ve explored almost half of the house, and if I don’t take a break, I won’t have the chance to eat the food I brought.

“Fengyuan, have you noticed it?” Conan came over.

“Well, the window is open, but there are no signs of wind or rain in this room at all,” Fengyuan glanced at the three little ones sitting on the ground, “It’s even quite clean.”

“And there is a secret entrance in an inconspicuous place. Someone must come in and out of this house!” Conan said, “If you live here…you don’t have to have electricity, but you will definitely need water…you just need to see if the water can be released from the faucet. Water can be used to confirm… But what is the purpose of living in such an abandoned house and not wanting to be discovered?”


“…That would be dangerous,” Conan was startled for a moment, and couldn’t help but look at Ayumi and the others who were feasting, feeling a little headache, “Now we have to find a way to coax these little brats back, and then we can go back Come back and investigate…”

I thought you were going to call the police…but it turns out you still have to come back.

Fengyuan was speechless, stood up, and took a bottle of mineral water from Ayumi.

“Eh? Kaedehara-san, are you going out?”

“Yeah… I’m going to the bathroom and I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Oh…” Ayumi nodded suddenly, “Then come back quickly!”

“Go to the toilet with a bottle of water? You really have it.” Conan came up again, “What do you want to do?”

“Don’t do anything.” Maplehara took the water bottle in his hand, walked to the door with Conan, and said in a low voice amidst the sound of Genta chewing potato chips, “By the way, Conan, you are really Kudo too. Shinichi?”


“Since your observation skills are so good…why didn’t you notice someone following us secretly?”

Conan was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed slightly. Feng Principle had already opened the door and walked out – then closed the door.

The sound of wind in the room was suddenly cut off outside the door, and the corridor fell into a dead silence.

The soundproofing effect of this room is better than he imagined… Fengyuan turned on the flashlight, shined it to the left and right, and then walked towards the bathroom that he had passed before.

Having said that, not only did you break into other people’s houses without permission, but you also used other people’s toilets…and considering that the toilet may not flush…tsk, this is really immoral.

Fortunately, he is not this kind of person.

After walking through the long corridor, Feng Yuan stopped, looking like he was fiddling with the flashlight in his hand. The lights flickered back and forth.

But behind what Feng Yuan couldn’t see, a shadow was slowly approaching.


Conan’s other self

Conan’s other self

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling to the world of Kexue,
Became Kudo Shinichi.
I thought that time travel became the protagonist,
It was also discovered that Kudo Shinichi was still there.
So... there is only one truth, but there are two elementary school detectives?
(The plot is mainly based on comics, with some adjustments and the order is uncertain)


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