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Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol — Chapter 152 I want to drink some wine to calm down the shock

Ridiculous thoughts flashed through Ariaki Tianqi’s mind.

Looking at Tanaka Hōichi with an excited expression, and looking back at the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy that was riddled with holes, Ariaki Tianqi’s face was suddenly covered with black lines.

This is only a short two or three days.

If he is allowed to stay for another ten or eight days, or three to five years.

I’m afraid that Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy is not just a mess.

Even the old address cannot be preserved.

When he thought of this, Yu Akita Qi decided to go there himself.

Now that the inheritance of the ancient bronze bowl has been obtained, Ariakida Sai doesn’t want to continue wiping Shiba Kuroha’s butt in the coming days.

As a covert mobile unit, the Second Division has been responsible for espionage, stealth and other secret missions.

Among them, most of the members of the second division are also involved in Xing Jun and other positions.

Therefore, the location of the team building is close to Room 46 in the center.

Of course, this so-called neighborhood is separated by a huge city wall and several large streets.

However, looking at the 13th Guards Team, it is enough to see the specialness of the Second Team.

Otherwise, it would not have been ruled by the Siyuan Feng family, one of the four noble families, for generations.

It’s a pity that the death of the gods that happened one hundred and ten years ago caused Feng Yeyi, the captain of the second division and the current commander of the Xing Army, to defect.

The position of captain of the second division was suddenly vacant.

As for the Siyuan Feng family, there is no next-generation successor for the time being, so the position of captain of the second division falls on Sui Feng, who is a member of the Siyuan Feng family and is affiliated with the lower noble Feng family.

However, Broken Bee showed persistence and die-hard loyalty to the rules because of Siyuan Feng Yeyi’s defection.

On the contrary, she was even more valued by Central Room 46 and even Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, and she firmly secured this position as a lower-class noble.


In the dark cell of the Second Division.

It was pitch black all around. In addition to the prison with the spirit seal, there were other torture instruments hanging all over the walls.

That dazzling array of murder weapons, if an ordinary prisoner were thrown here, after seeing this top ten famous scenes of torture.

A chill ran down my spine, and the cold air rushed from the bottom of my feet to my forehead.

However, all this did not take it to heart for the groggy Black Feather.

Shake off the feeling of swelling in the head caused by drunkenness.

A cool feeling immediately spread through the system, sweeping through the whole body, sobering up the already groggy head.

Feeling his body suddenly become relaxed, Heiyu stretched and opened his eyes.

“It’s really surprising to wake up so soon.”

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Kuroyu raised his brows, and the first person to catch his eye was Sui Feng, the captain of the Second Division who was a small man with full tsundere attributes.

Seeing the woman with her hands intertwined and her back leaning against the wall, Kuroyu touched the tip of her nose helplessly.

“Captain Broken Bee, actually I can just warm my bed myself. I don’t like spending the night with strange women, so don’t get me wrong.”

“I misunderstood?”

Broken Bee’s cheek muscles twitched, and the next moment, the spiritual power dormant in his body exploded like a frenzy.

“Damn you kid, I’m going to kill him!”

As for Zhihao, she didn’t take Shiba Kuroba’s drunken words to heart at all.

But when this kind of ridicule came into Kuroyu’s mouth, he became the victim.

This kind of operation is too shameless.

Feeling the violent spiritual pressure coming towards him, and the Zaihou, whose clothes were flying and almost going berserk, Kuroyu coughed quickly.

“I want to protest, Captain Yamamoto. I just asked you to take care of me temporarily. This dark cell is where prisoners stay. And I want to see Captain Yamamoto.”

You protest?

Broken Bee’s expression could not help but darken. As a person whose duty is to obey the rules.

Now being protested by a poor student who completely disobeys the rules is unacceptable.

However, when I think about Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni’s instructions just now, there is nothing wrong with Kuroba’s words.

Zhifeng did go against the original intention of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, and at the same time, he imprisoned Kuroha in a dark prison without authorization.

This was the first time that Broken Bee, who had always obeyed orders and rules, had his hair pulled.

However, when I think of Shiba Kuroba’s past abominable behavior.

Zhanfei still suppressed the messy thoughts, gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: “Shiba Kuroba, this is the team building of the second division, and it is also my place. I said this is a place to rest, that is a place to rest, you To say that I disobeyed Commander Yamamoto’s orders is not true.”

“Also, you woke up so quickly. You weren’t pretending to be drunk just now, so you could make a big fuss as an excuse.”

“However, regardless of whether you are really drunk or not, you have offended Captain Dongxian to death.”

“As a captain, I really want to know how you feel now.”

As for Zhihao, she couldn’t get over the hurdle in her heart and attack Shiba Kuroha casually.

But I can see this hateful guy with a slippery tongue deflated.

This is a pleasure.

“You said Captain Dongxian has a crush on me?”

Kuroyu touched the tip of his nose. With the help of the system, the moment he woke up, he knew exactly what happened while drunk.

Facing the hatred from Dongxian Yao, Heiyu touched his already empty waist and said: “Captain Broken Bee, do you have any wine? I want to take a sip of wine to calm down my shock.”

“After all, with the hatred coming from a captain, I’m afraid I won’t be able to see the sun tomorrow!”

The bright smile, at this moment, made the corners of Sui Bee’s eyes twitch.

For the first time, she felt that the word captain, which she regarded as an honor, had been insulted.

A mere new student, the provoking captain, faced the coming anger, but gave such an understatement.

Have a drink to calm down!

It’s not an insult or anything.

If Kyōraku Shunsui knew about it, he would definitely think that he had guessed it right.


Broken Bee’s fists were suddenly clenched tightly, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

She finally understood why she heard that Byakuya Kuchiki, the leader of the nobility and the leader of the four nobles, would run away regardless of the aristocratic etiquette that he had adhered to all his life.

All of this was caused by the kid in front of me.

“Captain Broken Bee, you have to calm down. Paying attention to rules and obeying orders is the code of the Second Division. As the captain, you should not violate it.”

Seeing Zhanfeng who was almost going berserk, Heiyu quickly changed his words.

“Also, I want to see Captain Yamamoto and tell him something important.”

For Kuroyu, after many transformations of the wine brewed by the system, his strength has already reached the level of a seat.

Coupled with the ability of the Zanpakutō, he can still be slightly evenly matched with the captain.

But the Zaihou in front of him claimed to have the fastest speed in the Soul Society.

This just hit Kuroyu’s weak spot.


Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling to the world of Death, he became a member of the declining aristocratic Shiba family. He was deeply involved in Aizen's plan and was burdened with the identity of a waste. In the face of all kinds of difficulties, activate the Dionysian system.

"What? He has the ultimate free fight, killed the old master with a drunken blind fist, and knocked out the evil ghost with one punch?"

"What? When he woke up from a hangover, his physique suddenly changed, and he became a perfect genius."

"What? He sings while drunk, and he can kill people in his dreams?"

"What? Kuroyu is drinking again and talking about life with a knife..."

In this world, nothing is impossible. You can be safe and drunk, and you can become strong with a big dream.


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