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Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol — Chapter 169 A unique way to appear

“You bastard, you dare to insult our most sacred graduation examination. The teachers don’t know whether they are blind or not. They actually let a student who has only been in school for one day apply for the graduation examination. They are not worried. This arrogant person is in Soul Burial.” Die?”

“Ryumura-kun, you are not angry at all, please lead us to protest to the teacher!”

A student with light blue hair was the first to lose his temper.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes in the square team on the playground fell on the red-haired man at the head of the team.

As the first person among the sixth-grade freshmen in this class, Ryumura Kaede’s reputation is undoubtedly the highest.

“Yu Bodong, since the teachers allowed that guy to pass his graduation application, there must be other factors behind it. Graduation in one day is not something ordinary people can do. Although the Zhibo family has declined, I have to say, The influence of the top nobles is not small.”

Ryumura Kaede said coldly.

“But didn’t the teachers say that?”

“That guy’s application for graduation has been approved, but a threshold has also been set. A group of ten people will be selected from among our sixth-grade students for assessment.”

“That guy has to persist under the assessment for at least five minutes before he can be considered a graduate.”

“Do you think he can pass easily?”

The eyes of everyone present suddenly lit up.

They had heard that Shiba Kuroba was quite capable and caused a lot of trouble.

However, this time the assessment is conducted by an assessment team of ten people.

Ten people versus one!

Isn’t this a question for giving points?

“Haha, Ryumura-san, you are indeed far-sighted. Since the teacher has prepared a chance for us, wait a moment, and that guy will only become our stepping stone, making him understand that sixth-year students are not just easy to mess with! “

The man at the head of the second echelon also smiled and said.

As one of the top ten geniuses in the sixth grade, Ryu Ishikashi also has considerable appeal.

In their eyes, Aoi was defeated.

However, in their six years of life, he was ranked fourteenth or fifteenth.

Every time he ranks higher, his strength is definitely not comparable to his.

Especially the top ten sixth-year students have the ability to compete for seats.

Shiba Haiyan debuted with the number one ranking in the same class.

As soon as he set foot on the 13th Guards Team, he was selected as one of the top five.

In the next one or two years, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he eventually became the vice-captain of Team 13.

“The invigilator captain is here!”

I don’t know who screamed in surprise.

Soon, four figures were seen, like ghosts, landing on the high platform with a quick step.

The leaders were obviously Aizen Sosuke, the captain of the fifth division, and Kyoraku Shunsui, the captain of the ninth division, who was wearing a floral shirt and a hat.

Immediately behind the two are their respective vice-captains, Hinamomori and Ise Nanao.

“Captain of the Beijing Orchestra, I didn’t expect that you would also be here. This is a rare occasion when two captains invigilate the exam at the same time.”

Aizen Sosuke was the first to smile warmly.

Looking at the entire Guard 13 team, there are only 13 captains.

Except for Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, who is in charge of the first team all day long.

There are only twelve captains that can be dispatched.

This kind of graduation assessment for freshmen can send out a captain and vice-captain, which is already very good.

Now, for the first time, two were sent.

How can it not surprise people.

“Haha, Captain Aizen, you also know that brat is very capable of tossing. The bosses are also being cautious, so they let me go.”

Jing Le Shunshui raised the wine bottle in his hand, took a sip, looked around and said.

“That kid is indeed late as always. I hope he won’t go drinking again at this juncture.”

Even Kyōraku Shunsui felt a headache when he thought about the order in Kuroba’s hand that ordered him to drink alcohol.

However, with Kuroba’s role here, even Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni could only turn a blind eye.

Not to mention him!

“Haha, Captain of the Beijing Band, you don’t need to worry too much. There are only a few minutes left before the assessment. If that guy is here, I’m afraid he has already arrived.”

Hinatamori was the first to sneer.

“I think he was actually just trying to be a hero yesterday, so he insisted on applying for the graduation examination.”

“Perhaps secretly, I have already messed up my position and found an opportunity to escape secretly!”

“After all, it’s unheard of to graduate in one day.”


Jingraku Shunsui suddenly came to an end.

Facing Hinata Mori’s hatred level, I am afraid anyone who is not a fool can see it.

“Captain Kyōband, it’s almost time. Captain Ukitake has arrived, but there is no sign of Shiba Kuroha.”

Ise Nanao suddenly spoke.

Soon, he saw Jushiro Ukitake, who had a helpless face, and quickly landed in the field.

Looking at this scene, Hinatao Sen’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

“Captain Ukitake, isn’t Shiba Kuroba under the temporary care of your Thirteenth Division? The exam is approaching and he is still delayed. Could it be that he decided to give up in the middle and ran away?”

Last night, in order to give Aizen Sosuke a sigh of relief, Hinamomori secretly sneaked into Kuroha’s room and put ten jars of wine spiked with medicine.

It has been widely spread in Jinglingting that Kuroyu is addicted to alcohol.

It can be said that Hinatamori firmly believes that as long as Kuroba sees the wine in the room, he will definitely be tricked.

“Actually, I also thought he ran away. It’s just that when he woke up, he said he was going to graduate today and had a different way of appearing. Counting the time, he should have fallen from the sky.”

Ukitake Jushiro looked helpless.

However, as soon as these words were spoken, a low sonic boom sounded in the sky above the sky.

The sound was so huge that it almost made people’s eardrums hurt, and it instantly tightened everyone’s nerves.

There was no time to think about it, so I hurriedly looked up at the sky.

The first scene that caught his eye made his pupils shrink suddenly.


And it’s still a burning meteorite.

As the height of the descent decreases, the situation gradually increases, like a big invisible hand, gripping people’s hearts.

Everyone present was stunned in place.

“Get out of the way!”

Jingle Spring Water was the first to drink violently.

However, as soon as he said these words, Ryumura Kaede, the sixth-grade student in the square formation below, took the lead in standing out from the crowd.

“Hmph, he is indeed a first-level arrogant person. Do you really think we are easy to mess with?”

“Since you want to appear in a different way, we will follow you to the present world for soul burial!”

“Let me try today to see if you, an arrogant person, are qualified to pass the assessment of the ten-person group!”

“The Thirty-Two Eight Directions Skynet of Binding Dao!”

Ryu Cunfeng was the first to start shouting violently.

As the number one old student, he obviously has the means to give up singing.


Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling to the world of Death, he became a member of the declining aristocratic Shiba family. He was deeply involved in Aizen's plan and was burdened with the identity of a waste. In the face of all kinds of difficulties, activate the Dionysian system.

"What? He has the ultimate free fight, killed the old master with a drunken blind fist, and knocked out the evil ghost with one punch?"

"What? When he woke up from a hangover, his physique suddenly changed, and he became a perfect genius."

"What? He sings while drunk, and he can kill people in his dreams?"

"What? Kuroyu is drinking again and talking about life with a knife..."

In this world, nothing is impossible. You can be safe and drunk, and you can become strong with a big dream.


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