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Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol — Chapter 180 Absolute Domain of Attack

Black Feather’s spiritual sense was activated to the extreme, and his eyes turned down in vain, past Killian who was blocking the void like a mountain, and landed on the void space.

Ichimaru Gin’s expression froze and he said, “Tōsen, that guy seems to have discovered us.”

“It’s impossible. He must be bluffing. That blow just now completely exhausted his spiritual energy. I don’t believe that he has strength comparable to that of a captain.”

Dongxian roared urgently.

Although he has lost his vision, his spiritual sense is actually much stronger than that of Gin Ichimaru.

He had already noticed it the moment Black Feather’s eyes fell on him.

However, Heiyu’s gesture of killing Baixu with one sword just now was beyond his expectation.

He doesn’t believe now that a mere newcomer can destroy the plans of his idol, Lord Aizen, over and over again.

“Go, bring me more Kilian, and do my best to kill him.”

Dongxian crushed the black crystal in his hand.


Within the black cavity, there seemed to be a thunderous explosion and roar.

The black cavity that originally spanned several kilometers stretched crazily once again like a zipper being opened.

Killian’s big hand that poked out of it was so terrifying that it made people’s scalp tingle.

Ten-headed Kilian!

Thousands of empty heads!

This kind of lineup is completely comparable to an expeditionary force and a medium-sized settlement that needs to be annihilated.

Now, this situation actually appears in the present Karakura Town.

As an internship place for sixth-year students.

I’m afraid this will make the holder of the seat, or even the vice-captain, feel resentful about this.

“See, this is the gift we have prepared for you. Just die in despair under Killian’s bite.”

Dong Xian was roaring like crazy.


A huge force, like a materialized spiritual power, rose into the sky.

The powerful spiritual pressure and the upturned air waves made Tosen Kaname’s smile suddenly stiffen.

At this moment, Dongxian felt an inexplicable feeling.

As if being locked by someone far away in time and space.

This is Aizen Soyousuke. In order to prevent them from revealing their identities, he developed a boundary breaker that allows them to hide between the real world and Hueco Mundo.

Under the influence of the boundary breaker, they can see everything happening in this world.

People in this world shouldn’t be able to see them.

However, this time Dongxian wanted to have his spiritual sense tell him.

He was being targeted.

Still locked by that terrifying aura.

This overturned his calculations.

Feeling the high-density spirit coat wrapped around Black Feather’s body.

There is also the huge spiritual power that quickly retreats back into the body and is compressed.

A ridiculous thought occurred to Dong Xian.

“Can this guy perform a stronger slash?”

The idea just sprouted in my heart. After experiencing yesterday’s failed attack, this idea seemed to be rooted in my heart and was quickly amplified.

Dongxian couldn’t hold back and roared again.

“No, it’s impossible. If I, Dong Xian, fail again, this kid is just bluffing. Killian, kill him.”


The ten Kilians roared in unison.

Thousands of heads were empty, and they instantly made a charging gesture.

The densely packed scene gave people the feeling that the entire sky was rolling down, bringing about a crushing feeling.

The sixth-year students present, including Ishibashi Ryu and others, had already grasped their Zanpakutō with hands that were shaking uncontrollably.

His feet thumped loudly, and they became so weak that they knelt heavily on the ground.

Looking at the overwhelming falling Xu.

The feeling was completely apocalyptic, straining their nerves to the extreme.

It can be said that at this moment, as long as they are in Karakura Town, any sixth-year student and teacher in any corner, even Matsumoto Rangiku, is confused.

A mere soul burial practice created such a huge momentum, it was like a war.

If the scene in front of them is true, then what they took the test in the past could not be a fake soul burial internship.

“That’s where Shiba Kuroba and Ishibashi-san disappeared. You must hold on.”

Matsumoto Rangiku came to her senses, bit her lips, and used Shunbu to the extreme.

At the same time, he took out the contact device with his backhand and tried to get in touch with the Technology Development Bureau.

Faced with such a black-tongued lineup, even if it was the vice-captain, he should stay away.

Unfortunately, as the examiner leading the team this time, Rangiku Matsumoto couldn’t just walk away as the shopkeeper.

Whether it’s Kuroba Shiba, whom she values, or the dozen or so sixth-year students.

If something unexpected happened at this juncture, for the broad-minded Matsumoto Rangiku.

Absolutely no way to forgive myself.


Matsumoto Rangiku’s instant step suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Huo Ran raised his head and looked in the direction of Xu Qun’s attack.

An extremely palpitating aura instantly enveloped her body.

At this moment, an absolutely ridiculous idea came to Matsumoto Rangiku’s mind.

It seemed that if she took this step, she would fall within the range of the attack.

However, even though Matsumoto Rangiku activated his spiritual sense to the extreme, he still didn’t find any enemy sniping at him within a few hundred meters.

“Could it be that everything that happens a few kilometers away is affecting me?”

A ridiculous idea flashed through Matsumoto Rangiku’s mind.

“Is this the feeling of absolute power control?”

Black Feather clutched the slashing knife tightly with both hands and muttered to himself.

As Shunku’s crazily compressed spiritual power was poured into the Zanpakutō.

An indescribable energy overflowed from the Zanpakutō.

The slightest bit of dark power caused the space to distort.

It seemed that even the space in the present world could not withstand this huge force and gradually began to collapse.

However, this only opens up the eighth limiter.

It’s still a little short of the ninth floor.

However, in this case, Kuroyu still felt that this blow could definitely achieve the effect he imagined.


It should be said that the power may be even greater.

A radius of several kilometers will become the absolute area for Black Feather’s attack.

As long as Kuroyu’s spiritual sense can lock onto the position, the attack can tear everything apart and kill the enemy across dimensions.


“Captain Nirvana is indeed a crazy genius. He is able to compress the limiter to such an extent. If you don’t try it yourself, it would be hard to believe it. But next, let me break this sky in this world.”

Kuroba took a deep breath, and when he clenched his Zanpakutō tightly with both hands, his eyes suddenly widened.

The little spiritual power that was originally left exploded once again at this moment.

“Open the ninth floor for me!”


The sonic boom of spiritual power exploded.

The last ninth floor, with a burst of energy from Black Feather, crashed through.

Nine blood-red barriers covered the entire Zanpakutō in an instant.

At this moment, Black Feather’s momentum climbed to the extreme.

Like a sharp blade that opened the sky, it stirred up the energy of the entire Karakura Town.


Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling to the world of Death, he became a member of the declining aristocratic Shiba family. He was deeply involved in Aizen's plan and was burdened with the identity of a waste. In the face of all kinds of difficulties, activate the Dionysian system.

"What? He has the ultimate free fight, killed the old master with a drunken blind fist, and knocked out the evil ghost with one punch?"

"What? When he woke up from a hangover, his physique suddenly changed, and he became a perfect genius."

"What? He sings while drunk, and he can kill people in his dreams?"

"What? Kuroyu is drinking again and talking about life with a knife..."

In this world, nothing is impossible. You can be safe and drunk, and you can become strong with a big dream.


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