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Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol — Chapter 188 Just make up an integer

Mutated virtual!

Under the constant devouring of the void, it gradually mutated and finally gave birth to a spiritual being.

It is much stronger than those Hollows who just act according to their instincts.

The most important thing is that the mutated Hollow in front of him has obviously reached the level of Killian.

“I didn’t expect that I would encounter such delicious souls during my rare trip to Hueco Mundo. If I were to completely devour you, I would definitely be able to transform again and become a truly strong man.”

The three to four meter huge Xu suddenly spoke human language.

A pair of straight eyes looked at Xiaoyu and Jinta.

It was as if he was appreciating what he had in his bag.

“Xiao Yu, I’ll stop it. You should quickly find a way to notify the store manager and Mr. Xi Ling.”

Jinta tightened his grip on the baseball bat in his hand.

He and Xiao Yu are different from ordinary people and have good means.

However, it is obviously impossible to defeat this kind of mutated void that has devoured countless souls and caused spiritual transformation.

“I have tried to contact Mr. Urahara just now, but the signal seems to be blocked.”

Xiaoyu wiped the dust off his face, and the next moment he suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

“There is a god of death outside, and he seems to be staring at us.”

Regarding this uninvited guest, Xiao Yu’s face was obviously more happy.

“Xiao Yu, don’t have extravagant hopes. This barrier was set up by Mr. Wai Ling. Without Mr. Wai Ling’s approval, we wouldn’t be able to see us at all.”

“Besides, looking at that guy’s attire, I’m afraid he’s just a sixth-year intern and won’t be of any use at all.”

Jinta couldn’t help but said.

“I don’t know how this mouse could find this place…”

As the Great Ghost Daoist, Niryo Tessai is also able to control the perverted special Ghost Dao of stopping time.

Even Niryuri’s Technology Development Bureau and Aizen Sosuke searched for more than a hundred years for the barrier they had set up, but they still couldn’t find the hiding place of Urahara Kisuke and others.

Not to mention, an intern.

“Hahaha, thank you for telling me this important thing.” Xu suddenly laughed ferociously.

“Since people outside can’t find out what’s going on inside, then I can devour you with peace of mind, and then kill that guy after I have completely transformed!”

Having said this, Xu raised his head and glanced at Black Feather who appeared in the sky, a hint of fear flashed deep in his pupils.

“Jinta, it’s all your fault for being such a big mouth. I remember Mr. Yoruichi will be back soon. Let’s find a way to survive.”

Xiaoyu grabbed the gun barrel wrapped in bandages.

A fishy wind has already rushed towards me.

A dark cave emerged on the ground six or seven meters away.

The one that was originally blown away more than ten meters away has already disappeared.

Reappeared, having jumped out of the cave.

“Haha, as long as I swallow your two special souls, I can put together a round number and completely transform into the strongest Killian!”

Xu Xuepen opened his mouth wide, and the front teeth as huge as door panels glowed with cold light like sharp blades.

In its eyes, these two little brats are simply the treasure in its pocket.

It’s just that this cold light has a serious bad breath.

“Xiao Yu, run away quickly!”

Jinta roared and waved the baseball bat in his hand crazily, intending to force Xu back.

It’s a pity that his strength is extraordinary than that of ordinary people, but compared with a mutated Hollow, it is obviously far behind.

“Sorry, I just wanted to round up a round number, so I have to sacrifice you!”

An unexpected voice suddenly sounded.

“Twenty-Eight Empty Shield Walls of Binding Dao!”


The huge front teeth directly hit an air barrier that appeared out of thin air an inch away from Xiaoyu and Jinta.

Under the huge recoil, Xu’s entire body flew backwards.

He directly smashed the fence wall in the open space.

However, at this moment, this mutant head obviously does not have any of the fierce flames just now.

After hurriedly getting up from the ground, he jumped directly into the ground.

It looked exactly like a mouse meeting a cat.

Xiao Yu and Jin Tai were stunned.

In their eyes, wasn’t the person who took action an intern?

“The fluctuations in space, no wonder you can enter this place, it turns out to be a special mutation.”

“However, it’s too late to leave now!”

“Heiwu, liberate the place of the dark cave!”

The Zanpakuto at Kuroba’s waist was instantly unsheathed.

The ground beneath his feet was instantly stained black like ink dripping from the surface of a lake.

The earth that had just been broken by the mutated void disappeared in an instant.

When it came back to its senses, it found that it was like falling into a bottomless swamp, and it quickly fell into it.

“It’s you, the God of Death who destroyed Heiqiang just now…”

“No… don’t kill me. I’m special. I know who’s talking. As long as you don’t kill me, I can tell you everything I know.”

The mutated Xu roared hysterically.

Unlike those Kilians, he was born with spiritual wisdom.

It can be said that in any world and race, as long as you are the first to possess spiritual intelligence.

That was the symbol of the strong men of the past.

At least, the mutated Xu in front of him was obviously not willing to die like this.

“Sorry, I happen to know this question, and I happen to need you in particular!”

Kuroyu smiled warmly.

He had been searching for so long just to find a void that could fill up the best brewing progress bar.

Right now I happened to encounter a mutated Hollow.

If even it couldn’t fill up the last bit of the progress bar, Kuroyu would admit it.


Mutant Xu was startled at first.

Black Feather’s right hand suddenly probed through the air.


The undercurrent sweeping across the entire land seemed to be pulled by an invisible force.

It turned into a big hand and directly captured the mutated void.

It can be said that at the moment of death, this mutated emptiness of spiritual intelligence was completely impossible to figure out.

I was so cunning that I secretly hid the secret from the mysterious man who revealed his dark side, and came to this world to do nothing.

I thought that if I really encountered danger, I could rely on what I knew to gain a bargaining chip for survival.

He didn’t expect that the other party would blow him up in one encounter because he had always been too conceited.


The three to four meter huge virtual body was captured and exploded.

However, under the devouring power of the undercurrent, Xiaoyu and Jinta did not see the bloody scene of splattering flesh and blood.

It’s just that the conversation between Mutant Xu and the Death God intern in front of him just now.

The power of the Zanpakutō, as dark as ink, flashed through their minds not long ago.

Appearing at the end of the sky, that overbearing sword appeared.

For them, it seemed to be a pitch-black sword that spanned the other shore and was a thousand meters in size.

It was like a nightmare, imprinted in my mind and lingering.


Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling to the world of Death, he became a member of the declining aristocratic Shiba family. He was deeply involved in Aizen's plan and was burdened with the identity of a waste. In the face of all kinds of difficulties, activate the Dionysian system.

"What? He has the ultimate free fight, killed the old master with a drunken blind fist, and knocked out the evil ghost with one punch?"

"What? When he woke up from a hangover, his physique suddenly changed, and he became a perfect genius."

"What? He sings while drunk, and he can kill people in his dreams?"

"What? Kuroyu is drinking again and talking about life with a knife..."

In this world, nothing is impossible. You can be safe and drunk, and you can become strong with a big dream.


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