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Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol — Chapter 276 I am your mascot

“The plan has reached the final stage, and Lucia has been charged with the crime of Shuang Ji Xing.”

“If we let them see that we were the mastermind behind the virtualization incident more than a hundred years ago, I don’t know what expression they would show.”

Aizen Sosuke smiled jokingly.

“Yes, those stupid guys have not discovered our true intentions for hundreds of years. It seems that we have overestimated them!”

Tōsen Kaname also smiled and agreed.

“However, only in this way can people be interested to see what expressions they will show when the time comes.”

Aizen Sosuke agreed with a smile, looked back at Ichimaru Gin and said: “Okay, it’s getting late and your body has recovered. We should continue to let this good show end.”

After leaving these words, Aizen Sosuke and Tosen were about to turn around and leave.

Ichimaru Gin watched the two figures disappear before his eyes, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and then he said.

“Shiba Kuroha, if you haven’t watched Kyoka Suigetsu, there may still be a chance of defeating Aizen, but now it seems that I still have to rely on myself to save Rangiku!”

Hueco Mundo, above a desert.

The two groups of figures looked at each other not far apart.

One side is composed of dozens of Hollows including Harribel, and the other side is Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou who appear to be single and weak.

Looking at this group of top-ranking Hollows, he said something that he could not believe in the God of Death, and surrounded Shiba Kuroha tightly to protect him.

Instead, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou were invited out directly.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, Toshiro Hitsugaya and Zouhou would have doubted whether Shiba Kuroba’s true identity was the King of Hollows.

Otherwise, we would not be able to control the group of Hueco Mundo overlords in front of us.

Of course, after the surprise attack by Amagai Suisuke and Kibuneri one day ago.

Harribel and the others did not attack Hitsugaya Toshiro and the broken swarm.

However, the eyes staring at them were obviously wary.

At the same time, it was also for Shiba Kuroba’s safety. After all, this was the key to whether they could break through.

Moreover, regardless of the methods and strength shown by Shiba Kuroha.

Most importantly, Shiba Kuroba’s body just now had the most peak bloodline power that could suppress them.

All of this made him surrender from the bottom of his heart.

Even Balegang is no exception.

When they thought of this, Kyon, who had not yet seen the Arrancar, couldn’t help but cast their eyes on the sake bottle tightly held in Shiba Kuroba’s hand.

They also thought about taking the wine bottle by themselves.

However, the thought of Amagai Susuke evaporated the drop of wine in Shiba Kuroha’s hand.

He was directly hammered to death.

This kind of result made them completely afraid to make mistakes.

The only thing I can do now is stare helplessly.

This strange scene, as well as the longing eyes, even Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou noticed.

In their eyes, Shiba Kuroha was able to make so many top-ranking Daxu surrender, which had subverted their cognition.

Now these normally aloof overlords were staring longingly at a wine flask.

This is too strange.

“Master Kuroba is awake!”

I don’t know who screamed in surprise.

Everyone present, including Toshiro Hitsugaya and Suihou, all focused on the figure lying on the desert, snoring.

The first thing that caught his eye was the beating eyelashes and the stopped snoring.

The eyes that had been closed suddenly opened.

Feeling the many stares from all around.

The fragmented memories of when he was drunk flashed through Kuroyu’s mind quickly.

After completely clearing things up, I opened the system page.

Dionysian system.

Host: Shiba Kuroba.

Spiritual Pressure: Ten Bamboos Completely Standing

Zanpakutō: Kuro Mu (Swastika interpretation), Shigarashi (original interpretation), Daimu (original interpretation)

Ghost Road: Ultimate

Shunpo: Ultimate

White fight: extreme

Hand of Dionysus: None

Secret Skill: Complete Mask, Instant Coax…

A series of information appeared on the simple page.

Seeing the words “Perfect Person”, Shiba Kuroba couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

However, a smile soon appeared.

This situation now means that he already has the ability to compete with Aizen Soyousuke for the first time.

However, if you want to completely kill Aizen Sosuke, you may need to prepare some more back-ups.

The only thing that made Shiba Kuroba feel regretful was that the Hand of Dionysus did not activate new wine brewing after the brewing of False God’s wine was completed.

It seems that it is still a bit difficult to use the system to greatly improve the strength.

“Forget it, let’s not think about it for now, let’s deal with those bad things now.”

After Shiba Kuroba glanced at the system interface again, he exited directly from the consciousness space.

As soon as he came back to his senses, he saw the pair of people very close to each other, with round eyes staring at him.

If he hadn’t been sure that he was wearing clothes, Shiba Kuroha might have really suspected that these Kyons had some strange quirks.

“Master Black Feather, you are finally awake. Shouldn’t we start to transform now too!”

Grimmjow was the first to lose his temper.


Harribel glanced at it, but anyone could see that there was a trace of urgency on her calm cheek.

Especially, the gaze that swept over Bailegang without leaving any trace.

Obviously, the threat posed by the Balegang Arrancar this time made Harribel even more eager to become stronger.

She knew clearly that only by being strong enough could she protect the people she wanted to protect.

Bailegang, who was standing aside, looked stagnant. He clearly noticed Harribel’s gaze and hurriedly stepped forward.

“Master Kuroba, I am your mascot, don’t forget it!”

“At the same time, I believe that as a mascot, as long as I drink a little more of that, my strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds again. By then, I will definitely be able to become the number one person in Hueco Mundo, and then lead Hueco Mundo for Lord Kuroba!”

Urgent words came out of Bailegang’s mouth.

When I heard the smooth talk of the self-proclaimed mascot.

All the Hollows present, including Toshiro Hitsugaya and Suihou, could not help but twitch their cheeks.

The majestic King of Hueco Mundo, this integrity may really be eaten by dogs.

However, when I thought about it, that bottle of wine, which was all made out of wine, could actually help Bailegang and other Xu to break through the bottleneck and reach a new level of Arrancar.

It can be said that there is no moral integrity.

In the face of strength, integrity is nothing!

However, facing Bailegang’s ambition to become the number one person in Hueco Mundo and replace Shiha Kuroba in commanding Hueco Mundo.

Harribel, Ulquiorra, and Grimmjow could not help but change their expressions slightly.

After all, not so long ago, they didn’t look at each other.

Now they have rashly made Bailegang their immediate boss.

I’m afraid not many people are convinced.


Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling to the world of Death, he became a member of the declining aristocratic Shiba family. He was deeply involved in Aizen's plan and was burdened with the identity of a waste. In the face of all kinds of difficulties, activate the Dionysian system.

"What? He has the ultimate free fight, killed the old master with a drunken blind fist, and knocked out the evil ghost with one punch?"

"What? When he woke up from a hangover, his physique suddenly changed, and he became a perfect genius."

"What? He sings while drunk, and he can kill people in his dreams?"

"What? Kuroyu is drinking again and talking about life with a knife..."

In this world, nothing is impossible. You can be safe and drunk, and you can become strong with a big dream.


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