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Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol — Chapter 28 The fairy who fell into the mortal world and touched the mortal heart

“Rukia doesn’t want it!” Ukitake Jushiro’s expression changed.

Even Rukia couldn’t help but be startled.

This was what she did out of desperation when she was so angry that she suddenly became blinded.

I thought Shiba Kuroba would pull away and dodge, but I didn’t expect that he would catch the sword with his bare hands.

However, at such a close distance, it was obviously too late for Rukia to retract her attack.


There was a clear sound of metal collision.

Rukia and Ukitake Jushiro’s expressions froze.

Seeing the Zanpakutō being taken carelessly, he looked a little surprised.

Lucia suddenly woke up and said: “I remembered, no wonder you are so confident. Just now, you took Captain Nirvana’s Zanpakutō with your bare hands. You bastard, I want to teach you a lesson.”

“Okay, Lucia, don’t be impulsive. This is the street. If you are so reckless, you will bring shame to the Kuchiki family.” Ukitake Jushiro tried to dissuade him.

He knew very well that Rukia valued the honor of the Kuchiki family very much.

Everything he has done has always been based on not damaging the honor of the Kuchiki family.

It can be said that for Rukia, the honor of the Kuchiki family is like a curse, plaguing her.

Every time he thought of this, Ukitake Jushiro couldn’t help but sigh.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he tried to enlighten her, he still couldn’t untie Lucia’s knot.

Rukia’s irritation was suddenly suppressed. After giving Kuroba a vicious look, she looked at the Zanpakutō in her hand. Liu Mei couldn’t help but frown.

“What’s wrong with Lucia?” Ukitake Jushiro caught the change in Lucia’s expression.

Worried that she would still be stubborn, I couldn’t help but ask.

“Captain Ukitake, I felt like the connection with the Zanpakutō was suddenly disconnected just now, but it recovered quickly. It might have been an illusion!” Rukia glanced at Kuroba with a suspicious look on her face. .

Of course, she didn’t believe that all these strange feelings came from a person who didn’t even have a Zanpakutō.

Black Feather ignored the look and quickly sank into the system panel.

“Zanpakuto wine brewing speed is 11%?”

Black Feather was startled.

He remembered that he had just touched Niryuri’s Zanpakutō, but the Zanpakutō’s brewing speed of wine was instantly increased to 10%.

Now Rukia’s Zanpakutō only increases his brewing speed by one percent, and the difference is too big.

“Is it because of the Zanpakutō’s strength?” Kuroba looked at Pisces Ritsu on Ukitake Jūshirō’s waist.

Although, he still doesn’t know exactly what effect this Zanpakutō wine has.

However, Black Feather’s Motto is a product produced by the system and must be a high-quality product.

It’s cheap to have it delivered to your door, but don’t give it up for free.

“Why are you staring at Captain Ukitake’s Zanpakutō? Do you want Captain Ukitake to teach you a lesson? However, it’s better to be envious now. In case after a few days of the entrance ceremony, you can’t pass through the small room. After the test of fighting, there is no chance of even touching the Zanpakutō.” Rukia said through gritted teeth after sheathing the Zanpakutō.

It can be said that she is as angry as a defeated hen now.

After all, if it weren’t for Kuroyu’s behavior, he would be in the limelight today.

The legend of a physically disabled candidate alone has made Rukia a laughing stock for hundreds of years.

“Tch, you haven’t heard of my nickname. My nickname is Zhiba Ultimate. Everything can be reached to the extreme. It’s just a light strike. You can pick it up with your fingers.” Kuroba rolled his eyes, and in the system He exited and said angrily: “By the way, I just woke up and need to take a shower and change clothes. Lucia, hurry up and lead me the way. I’m still hungry.”


Rukia was furious.

Seeing Kuroyu turning around and leaving, he almost drew his sword again.

After all, she is also a god of death who has a seat, and she is simply the senior among Shiba Kuroba’s seniors.

Now she was being rubbed against her nose by a junior, which undoubtedly made her lose her temper.


Ukitake Jushiro couldn’t help but laugh.

Lucia was startled for a moment and said: “Captain Ukitake, do you also think that this guy is going too far? If it’s too late to regret now, we can kick him out of Brother Haiyan’s room. He is not qualified to live there.”

In Lucia’s eyes, Shiba Haiyan’s room is the most sacred place, otherwise it would not have been kept and cleaned regularly for so many years.

“No, Lucia, I just remembered a word, let me think about it first.” Jushiro Ukitake smiled softly and touched his chin and said, “It’s a happy enemy.”

“If you were usually a cold fairy above the nine heavens, now you are a fairy who fell into the mortal world and touched the hearts of mortals.”

“Look, you and Kuroba-san are quarreling. You are now a normal girl.”

The fairy who touched the mortal heart?

Lucia was stunned, she even wanted to die now.

Seeing Ukitake Jushiro turning around and leaving, he could only stamp his feet a few times in anxiety, showing an angry expression.

However, Rukia soon noticed something was wrong.

Normally, she would take the honor of the Kuchiki family as her standard, and her temper towards people would be the same as Byakuya Kuchiki’s.

He was cold to his core, but Rukia was as cold as a black face.

There is no way he would do such stupid and sweet behavior of stomping his feet and puffing up his anger.

Could it be that he really fell into the mortal world and moved his mortal heart?

Bang bang!

Rukia patted her cheeks with both hands, forcibly calming down the ups and downs of emotions in her heart, and muttered to herself: “No, I am Rukia Kuchiki. That guy will never mess with my heart. My future partner will definitely It’s not this kind of drunkenness and idleness.”

After leaving these words, Lucia forced herself to regain her coolness and followed quickly.

Let her be a fairy who fell into the mortal world and moved the heart of the mortal world.

This is simply a dream.

I bother!

“Father, what are you looking at?” An emotionless female voice suddenly sounded.

“Haha, I was just looking at the great experimental subject. I didn’t expect that on this rare trip, I would encounter such a strange experimental subject, especially that Lucia of the Kuchiki family. The change in her expression just now can further confirm my Guess.” Nie Shuli laughed dryly.

“It seems that my murder of Ksitigarbha and the disconnection were all caused by this kid. He has many secrets hidden in him.”

“And I am the one who likes to peel off secrets layer by layer.”

“Father, is this Shiba Kuroba who just made a scene in the exam hall?” Nianyinmu said expressionlessly.

“Since, Father, I am interested in the experimental subject, I will find a way to seduce him.”

“No, it should be said that they are using a honey trap to get his information as soon as possible.”

Nie Yuli was stunned for a moment, glanced at Nie Yinmeng suspiciously and said: “You are my experimental subject, how could you have such an idea? However, it is my style of doing things to get what you want by any means. As for Honey trap, that kid is just a brat who doesn’t even have a Zanpakutō, he doesn’t need one at all.”


Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling to the world of Death, he became a member of the declining aristocratic Shiba family. He was deeply involved in Aizen's plan and was burdened with the identity of a waste. In the face of all kinds of difficulties, activate the Dionysian system.

"What? He has the ultimate free fight, killed the old master with a drunken blind fist, and knocked out the evil ghost with one punch?"

"What? When he woke up from a hangover, his physique suddenly changed, and he became a perfect genius."

"What? He sings while drunk, and he can kill people in his dreams?"

"What? Kuroyu is drinking again and talking about life with a knife..."

In this world, nothing is impossible. You can be safe and drunk, and you can become strong with a big dream.


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