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Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol — Chapter 298 No time to play house

This slightly absurd behavior is undoubtedly telling that in this glimpse-like encounter, Shiba Kuroba, a newcomer, won.

“Captain Ichimaru…”

Kira Ihe was the first to lose his temper.

Ichimaru Gin’s act of admitting defeat undoubtedly caused Kira Izuru’s image to collapse.

However, as soon as this idea emerged, a majestic sound broke through the sky.

A dark shadow cut towards Shiba Kuroha’s back in a cunning manner.

“Cut it off, the wind will die!”

The dark scythe made a solemn sound of breaking through the air, and appeared behind Shiba Kuroha in the blink of an eye.

This tricky angle attack and sudden killing move are undoubtedly beyond everyone’s understanding.

However, as the vice-captain of the third division, Kira Izuru knew very well whose hand this blow came from.

In his eyes, even Ichimaru Gin, the captain, could not break through Shiba Kuroha’s defense.

Then Hisagi Shuhei, who is also the vice-captain, might not be enough to watch alone.

However, was he really the one taking action?


The black scythe plunged into the black whirlpool.

The whirling chain wrapped around Shiba Kuroha’s body with undiminished power.

Faced with this kind of surprise attack, Shiba Kuroba took a step forward and disappeared out of thin air.

It appeared again, having moved three or four meters away, the moment when the entangled chains fell into place.

Huo Ran raised his head and looked into the sky.

“Captain Dongxian, have you waited so long just for this opportunity to attack?”

“As the captain, you would be a bit disgraced by doing this!”

Captain Tosen?

Kira Ihe and others’ expressions couldn’t help but froze.

Facing this sudden reinforcement, they were instantly connected to Ichimaru Gin’s concession.

At least, this idea can give them some comfort.

“Shiba Kuroba, you are indeed arrogant, but your arrogance is also your most fatal flaw.”

Dongxian Yao’s cold words uttered out, hiding in the void, he swooped down like an eagle striking the sky.

The Zanpakutō he held in his hand made a majestic sound of breaking through the air as it struck Shiba Kuroha forcefully in the face.

Feeling the strong wind coming towards him, Shiba Kuroba flipped his right hand, and Kuroyu came forward without blocking.


The crisp sound of metal collision echoed between heaven and earth.

Under the sparks splashing, Shiba Kuroha’s body gave people a rock-like, motionless feeling.

Just as the expressions of Kira Ihe and other team members changed slightly, a cold and harsh shout immediately sounded.

“Kid, it seems that your body protection methods are not without flaws, and please don’t underestimate the captain’s methods.”

“Swastika · Qing Chong Final Style · Yama Cricket!”


The huge spiritual pressure exploded in Dongxian Yao’s body, turning into a furious wave and rolling back like a mad wave.

Wherever the spiritual power passed, the entire world was instantly covered.

Everyone within the period was directly swallowed by darkness.

This kind of darkness is obviously worse than the great darkness that Shiba Kuroha used just now.

Not only is it so profound that it makes one unable to see, it also gives one an inexplicable feeling of death.

Moreover, the five senses are gradually weakened.

This strange feeling made Kira Izuru and others’ expressions suddenly change drastically.

“Don’t panic, everyone. This is Captain Tosen’s swastika Yama cricket. As long as you fall into it, Captain Tosen will deprive you of hearing, vision, smell, and spiritual pressure in a single thought.”

Hisagi Shuhei was the first to speak.

“As long as he falls into the barrier, he will be deprived of his four consciousnesses over time. At that time, he will be like fish on a sticky board, and he will only die!”

The awe-inspiring words echoed in the darkness.

The expressions of Kira Ihe and others suddenly changed drastically.

In such a dark place, even the sense of spiritual pressure, hearing and smell have disappeared.

This is a nightmare for any enemy.

If they were allowed to be involved in it, it would really be a dead end.

Although they have already known about the captain’s methods, there will be many extraordinary things.

But now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I understand what is so scary about being a captain.

“Do you think this thing can trap Shiba Kuroha?”

The sudden words made everyone in the room freeze for a moment.

Faced with Ursol’s sudden words, the invincible atmosphere that had just emerged in the field was suddenly pierced.

Hisagi Shuhei’s face turned cold and he said sternly.

“Usol, shut up. Captain Dong Xian’s swastika has never been broken by anyone, and there is no way to break it.”

“Shiba Kuroba, I advise you now to surrender quickly, otherwise after some time, you will completely understand what despair is!”


Familiar words sounded in the darkness.

Hisagi Shuhei’s expression couldn’t help but froze, and he spoke coldly again.

“Shiba Kuroba, don’t you believe it? Don’t worry, time will soon prove all this. Only when you lose your hearing, vision, smell and sense of spiritual pressure will you understand what despair is.”

“You will definitely regret it and become an enemy of Captain Dongxian.”

As the deputy captain of the Eighth Division, Hisagi Shuhei also had a fanatical admiration for Tosen Kaname.

At least, in his eyes, once the swastika came out and lost all four senses, it was really not much different from the fish lying on the clay board.

“Sorry, I don’t have time to play house with you.”

Black Feather’s voice sounded again.

“This swastika is really good for hide-and-seek, but if you want to stop me, I’m afraid it can only be used as an egg shell.”

After the words fell, Shiba Kuroba suddenly clasped his hands together!

The black nothingness that stayed in the void shattered and opened, and the cold words, with an undoubted flavor, fell out.

“Swastika: A Thousand-Hand Transformed Buddha into the Great Dark Sky!”


The violent spiritual pressure was like a volcano erupting.

At the same time as the earth shook violently, everyone in the Yama Cricket space felt an overwhelming spiritual pressure rolling over them.

Under the pressure of the huge aura, everyone felt as if they were being blessed by a mountain, and their whole bodies couldn’t help but feel heavy.

In the dark sky, nine eyes like blood moons bloomed in an instant.

When his eyes opened, the whole world was dyed red with blood.

The strange scene gripped people’s hearts like a big invisible hand.

Facing the strange changes in the sky, Hisagi Shuhei, who was still steadfast in his vows, suddenly turned pale.

“This…what is going on? Captain Tosen, hurry up and take down Shiba Kuroba!”

Facing the fear of the unknown, it is obvious that only by annihilating the unknown in the cradle as soon as possible can we regain a little sense of security.

However, as soon as this idea came to their mind, the words that fell in their ears made their expressions freeze.

“It’s too late, this guy is planning to forcefully break Yama Cricket!”


Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling to the world of Death, he became a member of the declining aristocratic Shiba family. He was deeply involved in Aizen's plan and was burdened with the identity of a waste. In the face of all kinds of difficulties, activate the Dionysian system.

"What? He has the ultimate free fight, killed the old master with a drunken blind fist, and knocked out the evil ghost with one punch?"

"What? When he woke up from a hangover, his physique suddenly changed, and he became a perfect genius."

"What? He sings while drunk, and he can kill people in his dreams?"

"What? Kuroyu is drinking again and talking about life with a knife..."

In this world, nothing is impossible. You can be safe and drunk, and you can become strong with a big dream.


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