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Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol — Chapter 37 The last straw that broke the camel’s back

The huge narrow room was shrouded in an inexplicable and depressing atmosphere at this moment.

Compared to Kuroyu who was soundly asleep, the new students led by Boya Chiyan were like ants on a hot pot.

Everyone looked at the Qian Da in their hands and finally panicked.

“No…it’s not possible. Why can’t I get any resonance with every shallow attack? These Zanpakutō are like a pool of stagnant water, completely motionless.”

“What’s going on? When I came here, I asked the seniors for advice. They said that everyone can resonate with Qian Da. As for whether they can be integrated, that is another time!”

“It’s just that we don’t even have the most basic resonance. Is the shallow attack here fake…”

“Something is going wrong. There are only five minutes until the end of the assessment. If we don’t get Qian Da’s approval again, our assessment will completely fail. Even if we can stay at Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, we will only be the last ones. Poor student!”


The scene suddenly exploded.

Even at the beginning, Boya Chiyan, who was full of confidence and planned to trick Kuroyu and regard him as a guiding light, suddenly turned pale.

She has done so many things, all for the purpose of becoming the most outstanding God of Death.

However, the Death God has not yet been completed, and even the test of Hazama and the acquisition of Qian Da cannot be completed.

Absolutely no one wants to believe it unless they have personal experience.

In particular, now it is not just one person who fails, but thirty or forty people present, all of whom are no exception.

“You think, are we too greedy and got too many shallow slaps at once, so we are disgusted by shallow slaps?”

A sudden voice made everyone in the venue freeze.

Everyone looked down at their arms, holding seven or eight handfuls of Qianqi in their hands.

The more I think about it, the more inappropriate it becomes.

“This bastard, it must be him. He knew this a long time ago and deliberately teased us. I want to kill him!” Aoi roared with a ferocious expression.

However, he was quickly stopped by Boya Chiyan.

“Don’t be impulsive. This is a narrow room. If there is a sky eye monitoring it, if something bad happens here, people outside will know it soon.”

“We don’t have much time now. Let’s fight for it and try a shallow fight with single communication.”

Having said this, Boya Chiyan said with a cold face: “That guy didn’t just stop this time, he didn’t get the Zanpakutō, he also drank in the small room, breaking the rules.”

“This alone is enough to make it impossible to complete the bet with Captain Yamamoto. Once what happened here reaches Captain Yamamoto’s ears, this arrogant person will definitely be killed.”

“If we let him wake up, I’m afraid he will regret it until his intestines are blue!”

The long words were mixed with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

Faced with this mistake, the charming character of Boya Chiyan obviously fell apart.

A trace of fear appeared on Aoi’s face, and he hurriedly changed the subject.

“Aka Yan is right. Time is running out now. Let’s take action immediately. Who knows, we have enough luck and strength. We can easily obtain the strongest Zanpakutō within five minutes.”

As he said this, Aoi quickly threw away the ten handfuls of shallow water in his hand.

Only one of them remains.

Compared with others, Dai Aoi, who is the number one dog licker, is obviously the most greedy along with Akayan Boya.

Facing the shallow attack that Kuroyu touched, he wanted to completely dominate it at first.

However, now, these many shallow blows are like a thorn.

It hurts my heart!

But time waits for no one, and now they are cursing Kuroba for waking up from alcohol and crying over their missing Zanpakutō.

I can only pray that my bastard’s domineering energy will explode and I can communicate with Qian Da instantly.

Of course, if they were to know that the initiator of all this was Black Feather.

I’m afraid I wish I could just pick up a piece of tofu and slap my head and die.

“Dear candidates, when the time is up, you will be moved outside the barrier one by one. I hope you can get good results.”

The old voice suddenly sounded in the empty environment.

Among the candidates present who were still holding on to hope, even Boya Chiyan, who was full of confidence at first, suddenly became stagnant.

This is simply the straw that breaks the camel’s back!

The next moment, a horrifying roar like a killing pig rang out.

“don’t want!”


The fluctuations in the barrier surged open without warning.

All the candidates present, including Kuroyu who had already fallen drunk and was snoring, disappeared from the small room.

Except for the messy, shallow slaps scattered on the ground.

Silence was restored again.

Outside, Aizen Sosuke, as the examiner, looked at the old man who quickly made hand seals to activate the barrier, and smiled warmly.

“Captain Kyōraku, from the performance point of view, the freshmen of this class are good talents that are rare in a century. I am able to preside over the Hazama assessment for these freshmen and see them obtain various powerful Zanpakutō. I’m also honored.”

“Tell me, who is most likely to win the strongest Zanpakutō this year?”

For Aizen, this so-called assessment seems to be undertaken enthusiastically.

However, his biggest purpose was to find experimental subjects.

The current active inquiry is also to test the tone.

“Hmph, Captain Aizen, when you ask this, don’t you think that that rude gangster and shameless maniac will get the strongest Zanpakutō? If it were my guess, I would definitely curse him and return empty-handed. I can’t even get Qian Da’s recognition.” Hinatamori snorted in displeasure.

Especially when I think of Kuroyu’s teasing words just now, I feel even more angry.

“Haha, Vice Captain Hinamomori, it seems that he and Kuroba have a little trouble, but the success rate of candidates in the past in obtaining the Zanpakutō is at least 80%…” Kyoraku Shunsui smiled and took a sip. Drinks.

He quickly caught Hinata Mori’s unhappy gaze.

He obviously confused himself, a handsome man who loves wine tasting, with a prickly head who loves drinking.

This made Kyōraku Shunsui smile helplessly.

This was shot while lying down.

“Okay, Hinatamori, don’t be rude to the leader of the Kyoto band. The leader of the Kyoto band is not only your senior, but also my senior. How can he and Kuroba-san be the same?” Sosuke Aizen shook his head and slapped her. He patted Hinata Mori on the shoulder and said with a smile.

“The leader of the Kyōband is right. In past examinations, the failure rate in obtaining the Zanpakutō is only about 20%. There are very few failures among those who enter in batches. I think with Kuroba-san’s talent, It should have good results, but whether it is the strongest Zanpakuto is another matter.”

“Okay, they’re out!”

Aizen Sosuke looked towards the entrance of the barrier and faced the dazzling light. The next moment, the screams that fell in his ears made his smile freeze.


Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling to the world of Death, he became a member of the declining aristocratic Shiba family. He was deeply involved in Aizen's plan and was burdened with the identity of a waste. In the face of all kinds of difficulties, activate the Dionysian system.

"What? He has the ultimate free fight, killed the old master with a drunken blind fist, and knocked out the evil ghost with one punch?"

"What? When he woke up from a hangover, his physique suddenly changed, and he became a perfect genius."

"What? He sings while drunk, and he can kill people in his dreams?"

"What? Kuroyu is drinking again and talking about life with a knife..."

In this world, nothing is impossible. You can be safe and drunk, and you can become strong with a big dream.


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