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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 10 Three people sharing one bed

“Ouch! You’re killing the pig, you…”

With a bruised nose and swollen face, Ling Mo stood up from the ground with difficulty. This little rabbit’s hands were too cruel!

This fat beating almost didn’t send him back to his hometown!

“Stop fighting! You won, what a bad luck…”

“Hehe, I will be the boss of this dormitory from now on, and you all have to call me Sister Xiaowu…”

Ling Mo surrendered, Xiao Wu suddenly showed a happy expression, but Ling Mo continued: “Not necessarily, you haven’t fought with the guy next to me yet…”

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝘴𝘩𝘶𝘹.𝘯𝘦𝘵, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

Tang San:”……”

Do you want to be so heartless? Even when he was being beaten, Ling Mo didn’t forget to hit him up. Ling Mo knew basically everything Tang San knew, and even he couldn’t beat Xiao Wu. If he was asked to hit him at this time, wouldn’t this be asking for a beating?

Of course… in the duel with Xiao Wu, neither of them used the Tang Sect’s special skills. There was no doubt that Tang San was tricked by Ling Mo and beaten by Xiao Wu.

“Who among you is Tang San…”

At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the door. It was a middle-aged man, who should be the teacher of this college.

“Ah, I am! Teacher, is something wrong?”

Tang San walked over with a bruised face and said, the teacher was indifferent to his current situation and just threw a quilt in his hand to him and said: “Master asked me to bring this to you. If it doesn’t matter, I’ll leave first…”

After saying that, he left, leaving a group of people staring at each other.


As soon as they saw the quilt, Ling Mo and Xiao Wu suddenly showed evil smiles.

“Good guy! What do these two people want to do?”

Tang San immediately realized something was wrong, and was about to speak, but he didn’t expect Ling Mo to have already taken action, snatching the quilt away from him, and then said.

“Hey, mistress! This quilt is so big, you can’t even use it by yourself, let’s squeeze it in!”

“Yes, yes, you can’t use it alone. I put the beds together so we can use them together!”


Why do you think these two people seem to have agreed? Tang San was stunned for a moment, but he had a question, “This… Xiao Mo is acceptable, but you…”

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, doesn’t this girl know what it means to accept and receive sex between men and women?

“What are you afraid of? I won’t do anything to you…”

Xiao Wu acted like a big sister, completely unaware of who was suffering the most.

“Hey, stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and make a bed…”

Ling Mo was a poor person and had no money to buy a quilt, and the master didn’t prepare it for him, so he decided to give Tang San some money!

Although it looks a bit inappropriate no matter how you look at it, there is nothing you can do about it. You can buy one yourself when you have money.

“All right!”

He had no choice but to compromise, since he couldn’t afford to offend either of them, Tang San had no choice but to give up the struggle.

After this farce, these friends finally got to know each other officially.

However, since Ling Mo and Tang San’s soul power had already reached level ten,…two days later the master took them both to the nearby Soul Hunting Forest to obtain soul rings.

The master has always been curious about Ling Mo’s martial spirit, but Ling Mo refused to tell him, which made him unable to sleep well.

“It’s begun! As long as I get the soul ring, I will know the next path and how to go…”

On the way to the Soul Hunting Forest, Ling Mo kept thinking about a problem and was worried.

His martial spirit was so rare that he always wanted to hide its secret, but he knew that he could not hide this martial spirit no matter what.

Because as long as he fights with others, the secret of Wuhun will be exposed. Tang San is already suspicious, but there is no other way. Now he is not in any danger to Ling Mo.

Not to mention that he can no longer defeat Ling Mo. Even if he could, he would not attack Ling Mo again.

Through this period of contact, Tang San has determined that Ling Mo and he belong to the same kind of people, and… the two have established a deep friendship.

Along the way, the master told Tang San a lot about soul masters. Ling Mo was also learning, and he also needed to learn.

He is not like those time-travelers who have been criticized for being 100% self-taught. Once he enters Douluo, he will be invincible. He needs to accumulate knowledge and practice for a long time.

At present, Ling Mo has concluded that his own martial spirit cannot steal the opponent’s soul power. The only thing he can do is to steal the opponent’s martial spirit and various magical powers.

Moreover… even if Ling Mo is only at level ten now, he can still steal martial souls at level thirty, or even level forty or fifty, and Ling Mo can use all those soul skills.

The only difference is that the amount of soul power determines the power of the soul skill. Therefore… the strengthening effect of the colorful divine light is very important. Once a soul ring is added to this martial soul.

Ling Mo’s attribute increase will be greatly increased, which can maximize the use of these soul skills.

Lingmo has not yet seen the secret of the Double Eyes. She only knows that it possesses an incredible magical power, which is the ability to steal.

As for whether more powerful supernatural powers will be awakened in the later stage, Lingmo still needs to slowly explore.

“We’re here! This is the Soul Hunting Forest…”

After running around for a long time, they finally arrived at Douluo’s second check-in point, the Soul Hunting Forest! This is a copy, so difficult! It shouldn’t be considered epic.

“After entering the forest, you two are not allowed to go more than five steps away from me. There are many dangers in the forest. If any uncontrollable danger occurs, you two can just run away and leave me alone…”

The master instructed, and the three of them walked together and entered the Soul Hunting Forest. Before entering the forest, the master purchased a lot of carrots, and these things had a great effect on his martial arts.

“Come out! Three shots…”

With a bang, a little fat man burst out. At first glance, Lingmo and Tang San were stunned.

“Puff… Sorry, Master, this little thing is too silly, I can’t help laughing…”

Although Lingmo already knew the master’s martial arts, it was inevitable that he couldn’t control himself when he saw it for the first time.

“It doesn’t matter!” The master’s face darkened, indicating that he was used to it! He was not angry at Lingmo’s offense.

Lingmo’s temper, he was probably used to it. This kid was outspoken and smiled all day long, but in fact his words were not malicious.

“Teacher, is this your martial arts?”

Tang San was also stunned. He wanted to laugh, but when he thought of the master’s temper, he held it back!

“Well! It’s called Luo Sanpao. It mutated when it awakened, and it mutated in a bad direction, so it looks like this…”

The defects of the martial soul have always been a knot in the master’s heart. Just imagine, if it weren’t for the defects of the martial soul, with the master’s understanding of the martial soul, how abnormal would his future be? You can’t imagine it at all.

While teasing Sanpao next to him, Lingmo suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a talent who awakened a Erha martial soul in the next Douluo. He took the pleasure of demolishing houses and playing around in the Douluo Continent, causing panic!

The three continued to walk out of the depths of the forest. This is the hunting soul forest raised by the empire, so there will be no too powerful soul beasts.

However, it is not so easy to find a suitable soul ring.

Before coming in, the master had analyzed the characteristics of their martial souls and the characteristics of the required soul rings for the two.

Tang San is a control system. If possible, the characteristics of the soul ring should preferably have toxicity!

And Lingmo, because of the existence of the five-colored divine light, Lingmo is a strong attack system, or in other words, Lingmo does not simply follow one system.

Because the master doesn’t know much about Lingmo’s martial soul research, he plans to try the first soul ring to see what kind of wonderful effect it will produce, and then decide on the next path.

I took a look and it’s really poisonous! But I just wrote it for fun, just a spoof, and I’m too lazy to modify the details! The early stage is a bit dragged out and there are no highlights!

I didn’t want to write it, but I couldn’t help but signed the contract, so… I’ll just write it!


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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