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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 110 The dead dog tricked me again

After recovering, Lingmo left without looking back, not daring to stay any longer!

After moving forward, Lingmo passed an ancient city and came to the bottom of the abyss!

There were countless ghosts and undead here, and corpses were everywhere!

Lingmo, who had the magic sword in his hand, was not afraid of them at all.

Although Lingmo could not use the magic sword, but… just the breath could make them dare not approach!

After passing through the abyss, Lingmo moved forward all the way, and when he walked forward again, a passage appeared!

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝘴𝘩𝘶𝘹.𝘯𝘦𝘵, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Stepping into the passage, countless ghosts and wolves howled all around, which was very creepy.

It was as if he had stepped into the underworld, with hanged ghosts floating around, and there were also these undead spirits, which were very creepy with their tendons and skin peeled off!

If it weren’t for the Immortal Slayer in his hand, Lingmo would not dare to enter here at all, it was too damn scary!

Immortal Slaying is even more awesome than Fahai’s famous sayings, and it is more intimidating to this kind of evil.

Sword to ward off evil?

After passing through the abyss passage, Lingmo walked into a cave, and suddenly… the scene in front of him shocked him!

“Damn, I’m rich, I’m rich…”

This cave is full of jewels and jade, as well as various exotic metals. It is like a treasure house. The dazzling array of treasures made Lingmo’s eyes go straight.

“This… Meteorite? Thunder Stone? Nether Spirit Stone? Damn… I’m rich!”

This group of exotic metals contained many top-quality gems, and Lingmo’s eyes went straight.

This is great! If Lingmo packs up all these things at once, he can completely create a real top-level hidden weapon of the Tang Sect…

All the materials have been gathered, not to mention the Peacock Feather, Lingmo can even make the Buddha’s Wrath Tang Lotus and Guanyin Tears early.

Moreover… these materials are more precious than the original materials, and the properties have increased by dozens of times. The power is simply unimaginable.

This time, it is considered to be completely rich! Lingmo could no longer suppress his excitement.

“What is this kid doing? Isn’t it just a few stones? Is there a need to be so excited?”

What Lingmo didn’t know was that in the cave above him, a fat man and a big black dog were watching him.

No need to think, it was the two unscrupulous guys in the Jingjue Ancient City last time…

“I don’t know! Should I give him another blow?” The fat man laughed evilly, feeling that this was quite interesting.

Presumably, they have done this kind of thing a lot…

“Hehe, I think it’s okay! Just knock him out and throw him into the pile of corpses, disgust him to death…”

The big black dog really wanted to make trouble in the world, claiming that he would knock Lingmo out and throw him into the pile of dead people.

There were corpses there, and a group of worms, extremely disgusting! This approach is simply insane.

“Isn’t this a good idea? Aren’t you afraid that he will come to settle accounts with you after he recovers his strength? After all, he is a person born with double pupils, and his temper is very strange. I dare not offend him…” The fat man hesitated.

“Well… that’s true! If I wasn’t afraid that he would come after me later, I would have wanted to keep him as a pet!

Oh, throwing him into the pile of dead bodies is fine, knocking him out should be okay, right?”

The big black dog still didn’t give up, it seemed to enjoy this feeling.

“Okay, knock him out! Throw him out by the way, otherwise he will be eaten by the ghost soldiers, which would be a big sin…”

In the end, the man and the dog made a decision! Prepare to knock Lingmo out and throw him out…

At this time, Lingmo didn’t realize that he had been targeted by two unscrupulous guys…

“Damn, I’m rich, I’m rich!” Lingmo shouted excitedly, offering a small tower and taking away all the treasures in front of him.

Before he had time to sigh, he suddenly felt a chill on his back. As soon as Lingmo turned around, he was hit hard on the head by a stick.

At the moment of fainting, he vaguely saw a dog’s face, looking at him with a sly smile.

“Damn, you dead dog is playing tricks on me again…”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lingmo fell to the ground and fainted!

Isn’t this too aggrieved? He encountered these two unscrupulous guys twice when he explored the tomb twice. It would be fine if he encountered them.

How idle are they? They play tricks on Lingmo every time…

Last time, he hit him with a stick, and this time, he hit him with a stick again, which made Lingmo stunned.

“Haha, done! But he seems to have seen us…”

After finishing the work, the big black dog shouted excitedly, but it seemed that Lingmo had discovered them just now, and things became a little complicated.

“He…shouldn’t remember it?”

“Won’t he? It’s been twice…”

“Oh, who cares! Whatever happens, just throw him out first…”

As he said, the man and the dog threw Lingmo out together!

When Lingmo woke up again, he reappeared by the pool in the Sunset Forest.

Fortunately, there were no soul beasts around, otherwise it would have been too dangerous just now!

“Damn, two unscrupulous guys! Don’t let me run into you again, I’m not done with you…”

Lingmo was tricked twice, and he felt very upset.

After so many years of wandering around the continent, it was always Lingmo who tricked others. When would it be someone else’s turn to trick Lingmo?

Unexpectedly, since he met these two unscrupulous guys, Lingmo has never taken advantage of them. It’s really infuriating.

“Fortunately, these two guys are still kind. At least they let me pack all the treasures before beating them…”

Lingmo didn’t know how he had offended these two guys. As soon as he met him, he was knocked out without saying a word.

Fortunately, Lingmo has already put all the treasures he found earlier into the small tower, otherwise he would have lost a lot this time.

With these treasures, Lingmo can make a batch of top-level hidden weapons!

In the following period of time, Lingmo no longer needs to consider collecting any materials.

The more he thinks about it, the more he loses, and the more angry he gets. When Lingmo thinks of that sinister dog face, he is immediately furious.

Zhanxian lies quietly on the side. Lingmo has no ability to use it. Since there are no ghost soldiers, he doesn’t need it. Put it away first!

According to Lingmo’s prediction, if Lingmo wants to really swing this magic sword, he needs at least the strength of Soul Douluo. Of course… this is just a simple swing.

Zhanxian is put into the small tower, and Lingmo dives into the pool. Sure enough… the passage leading to the mysterious ancient tomb has disappeared.

Just like the previous Jingjue Ancient City, it disappeared without a trace.

All this seems to be related to one thing, that is, the three-life bronze coffin!

Every time it appears, it leads Lingmo to this kind of fantasy ancient tomb, as if it is completely off track from the world.

Back to the shore, Lingmo sorted out his state and left here.

Since the ancient tomb has disappeared, there is no need to worry about it!

This expedition has a huge harvest, and the experience is also very bizarre.

Perhaps… when the three-generation bronze coffin appears again, Lingmo can solve this series of doubts.

The disappeared young man surnamed Zhang, the phantom at the end of the void! And those two unscrupulous guys.

Lingmo can feel that the young man surnamed Zhang who appeared in front seems to have nothing to do with everything that appears later.

Because he has neither spiritual power nor soul power! More like a pure tomb robber.

However, why he appeared in the ancient tomb is a puzzle!

After leaving the pond, Lingmo returned along the same route and headed straight for Dugu Bo’s medicine garden…

This time he left, I don’t know how long he was gone, and I don’t know if Dugu Bo was beaten to death by Tang Hao…

Ahem… Although there is a bit of the intention of pitting subordinates in it, there is nothing I can do!

Every time the Three-Life Coffin appears, something big must happen, Lingmo can’t help himself…

Subscription is terrible! That’s it for today, it’s uncomfortable…


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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