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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 141 Red Flame Charming Snake

An hour later, Dugu Yan finally recovered.

“Let’s go! Go inside and see if there is a suitable soul ring…”

With that said, Ling Mo took the lead in taking steps, followed closely by Dugu Yan.

There are a lot of soul beasts in the Sunset Forest, and most of the areas are unexplored areas. Their level of mystery is not much more dangerous than that of the Star Dou Forest.

Even though you have peacock feathers in your hand, you still have to be careful. Never let your guard down at any time.

Lingmo has always maintained this good habit and remains highly vigilant no matter where he is.

“What then?”

Suddenly, Dugu Yan’s surprised voice came, and Ling Mo looked curiously.

69 Book Bar→69𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔵.𝔫𝔢𝔱

I saw a giant beast passing through the forest, huge in size!

“Thousand-year-old rhinoceros beast, don’t disturb it, its soul ring is not suitable for you…”

Ling Mo took Dugu Yan’s hand and left the area directly.

Although I am not afraid of it, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, it is better not to disturb it.

There are many soul beasts of this type in the Sunset Forest. If you kill every one you encounter, it is estimated that the soul beasts in the forest will become extinct within a few years.

“What kind of soul ring should I absorb for my fourth soul ring?”

Dugu Yan was puzzled. Her soul ring had been found by Dugu Bo all along, and she followed Dugu Bo’s old path.

Obviously, that path is no longer suitable for her! Because her martial spirit has mutated, if she continues on the original path, she will definitely not be able to exert the true power of this martial spirit.

“The biggest characteristic of the Immortal Snake King is that he is covered in highly poisonous flames. It is best for your fourth soul ring to have a soul ring with both flame and poisonous attributes.

Only in this way can the true power of this martial spirit be unleashed!

Once you absorb the fire attribute soul ring, your combat effectiveness will skyrocket. Not only will you be able to control the development path of a soul master, but you will also have a certain degree of offensive aggression.

From a unilateral perspective, a martial spirit that possesses both control and offensive abilities is perfect. It can combine the two characteristics to face different opponents and make corresponding adjustments…”

Ling Mo has learned a lot about martial arts from the master over the years.

What’s more, Lingmo has combined some of his own unique insights and is no longer bound by the original theoretical limitations.

The master’s theory was not wrong, but he was not as quick as Ling Mo to understand many factors that had never appeared before.

This is why Ling Mo likes to confront him.

He is too stubborn and doesn’t know how to adapt at all.

“Fire attribute, extremely poisonous!”

Dugu Yan murmured, although she didn’t understand what Ling Mo said, she knew that Ling Mo would not harm her.

“Come this way…”

With that said, Ling Mo took Dugu Yan’s hand and walked around a stream. The two came to a mountain stream.

With his double pupils opened, Ling Mo felt a hot energy wave all around, coming from nearby.

“What’s wrong?”

Dugu Yan looked at Ling Mo stunned and asked in confusion. He looked around for a long time and found nothing unusual.


Ling Mo signaled her to be quiet, and then gently placed her hand on the ground. It was obvious that there was a trace that was not deep or shallow in this area.

It seemed like something crawled through here, leaving a long trail.

There were obvious signs of being burned on the ground, and a smell of charcoal permeated the area.

“I saw it! Five Thousand Years of Red Fire Charming Snake…”

Ling Mo’s eyes lit up, and he followed the traces and saw the giant snake hovering on the edge of the cliff of the mountain stream.

Dugu Yan was surprised. Following Ling Mo’s gaze, he saw the giant snake hovering on the cliff above.

“Oh my god…this…”

Dugu Yan was shocked. The snake was really too big, and… there was a hot flame all over its body, and wherever it passed, the flowers, plants and trees were scorched.

“Stand here and don’t move…”

With a word of advice, Ling Mo directly activated the martial spirit possession, and a pair of wings instantly unfolded.

Surrounded by colorful rays of light, it suddenly opened and rose from the ground in an instant.

The five-colored holy light slowly bloomed, and in an instant… a wave of light hit directly.

The red flame snake reacted very quickly. The moment it discovered Ling Mo, it opened its bloody mouth and spit out a ball of flames.

There is also a charming aura in the flames. Once hit, it is easy to enter a trance state.

The double pupils opened directly, making him immune to this charm. Ling Mo fought back with fire. The flames of the Sky-Swallowing Bird were no stronger than the flames of the Red Flame Charming Snake.

The moment the two flames came into contact, a ball of fire exploded instantly, igniting the surrounding mountains and forests within hundreds of mysteries…

“It’s interesting! I really underestimated you…”

Ling Mo failed with one move and couldn’t help but laugh. Originally, he thought that one move was enough to deal with this guy.

It seems that he still underestimated it.

The flames ended, and the Red Fire Charming Snake struck again.

Lingmo’s colorful divine light burst out instantly, and he said coldly, “Confiscated…”

I saw that ball of fire rising into the sky, and when it was flying towards Lingmo, it suddenly disappeared out of thin air…

Suddenly, the Red Flame Charming Snake was startled and glanced at Ling Mo in bewilderment. He knew he was in trouble and wanted to run away.

“Can’t leave!”

At this time, Ling Mo suddenly came behind it, grabbed it hard, directly grabbed its tail, used strength in an instant, and threw it down hard.


With a roar, the Red Fire Charming Snake spit out another ball of flames, spraying straight into it.

Little did he know that the flame was gone before it even touched Ling Mo.


? ? ?

The Red Flame Charming Snake was at a loss and confused.

What kind of magical skill is this?

“Come down here…”

With a fierce swing, the huge body of the Red Flame Charming Snake was thrown off the cliff by Ling Mo.

The wings spread out and rose up from the ground in an instant, dragging it high into the sky. It suddenly dropped and fell hard to the ground.

Struggling, his bloody mouth suddenly turned around and bit Ling Mo.

Unexpectedly, Lingmo’s strength was too great and he threw it up again, slapping it hard on the ground and hitting the hard stone.


With a cold shout, the surrounding terrain began to change.

In an instant… a giant hand emerged from the ground, grabbed the red flame snake, and controlled it fiercely.

This red flame snake was extremely shattered inside.

When he encounters such an unreasonable guy, he catches him and throws him around. Not only that, he can also confiscate his own flames.

It’s almost like its natural nemesis, the kind that doesn’t make sense at all.

After seeing the giant hand grabbing it, he squeezed it suddenly and then hit it hard on the ground.

After a violent beating, the Red Fire Charming Snake was quickly knocked unconscious by Ling Mo. It was simple and rough, with no ability to resist.

Dugu Yan over there was dumbfounded!

Is that human being?

“Well, it seems that the evolved peacock is indeed much more terrifying than the original. No matter what kind of attack, all attacks will be confiscated…”

Ling Mo glanced at the Red Fire Charming Snake and saw that Dugu Yan had already walked over.

“Go! End it, this soul ring is yours…”

With that said, Ling Mo handed Dugu Yan a short sword.

“What was that soul skill you just had? Why did I feel a ball of five-color light flash and the flames of the Red Fire Charming Snake disappear?”

Dugu Yan asked curiously. She really felt that this soul skill was incredible.

How could such a soul skill exist in the world? That’s just unreasonable, okay? Just confiscated it?

“Hehe, this, I have the instinct of the martial soul. No matter how powerful the soul skill is, if I want to, I will confiscate it directly…”

Ling Mo smiled and said, confiscated this magical skill, it is indeed the martial spirit’s own.

When the externally possessed soul bones originally appeared, they were not so powerful. At least if they were too powerful, they could not be confiscated.

But now… after awakening, especially after the five elements have gathered together, Ling Mo can directly confiscate any soul skills that are long-range strikes.

Melee combat will directly weaken the opponent’s strength and affect the opponent’s sanity.

Anyway, it’s very abnormal.


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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