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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 178 Talent Show

“Okay! Let’s go on stage…”

The tactics were almost ready, so Lingmo led the team to the preparation area.

The others walked to the stands one after another, ready to watch this fighting spirit game.

As the gate of the passage was opened, led by Lingmo, the Shrek team began to appear on the stage.


This time… it was no longer the laughter, but the deafening applause and cheers.

The Shrek Academy played well in the last game, and no one dared to look down on them anymore.

“Shrek, Shrek…”

Inside and outside the hall, countless cheers shouted the name of Shrek.

Lingmo walked in the front, standing there steadily, and once again received thunderous applause.

You know, the most famous player in this competition is Lingmo, after all… he is the only player who has reached the Soul King level.

Everyone is waiting for him to perform on the stage!

Last time, Lingmo’s method convinced countless people. They were looking forward to how Lingmo would perform this time.

“Haha! In this world, strength really speaks. Before seeing the strength of our Shrek, everyone looked down on us. Now listen to this thunderous applause…”

Standing on the fighting spirit stage, Lingmo glanced around and felt very funny.

No matter which world it is, people always respect the strong, and the weak… are always the object of others’ ridicule.

Everyone agreed with Lingmo’s words because they had all experienced the feeling of being ridiculed.

On the other side of the fighting spirit stage, a passage opened and the members of the Xiangjia Academy team began to appear.

When the seven members of Xiangjia Academy stepped onto the central competition stage, the entire competition stage was shaking with their steps.

What stepped onto the competition stage did not look like seven people at all, but seven mountains.

All dressed in black, the shortest of the seven players from Xiangjia Academy was just over two meters tall, and the tallest one was even over three meters tall, standing in front of the Shrek Academy players, looking down on them.

Just by visual inspection, Lingmo could tell that among the seven people, the smallest one weighed more than 300 kilograms, and the tallest one probably weighed at least 500 kilograms.

“Oh my God! It must be hard to find a girlfriend with such a big body, right?”

Lingmo gestured with his hands, and it was estimated that no one could bear this size.

Especially the last one, with a giant height of nearly three meters and a weight of more than 500 kilograms, who could bear it?

The bed board was flattened by you.

Just thinking about it makes me feel scared, and I don’t know which girl has such a blessing to join Xiangjia Sect.

“Elephant Armor Academy Team, Captain, Hu Yanli, Level 43 Defense-type Battle Soul Sect.”

Hu Yanli’s voice was muffled, and the fat on his body seemed to tremble slightly with his voice. His small eyes stared at Lingmo in front of him, with a fierce light flashing.

“Shrek Academy, Captain, Lingmo! Level 58 Soul King…”

Lingmo replied coldly that opponents of this level were not worthy of his respect.

The more fierce the opponent’s eyes, the more excited Lingmo became, and he was good at dealing with all kinds of dissatisfaction.

“The first game of the second round of the preliminaries officially begins.”

Stop talking nonsense. The referee was also impatient. He didn’t have the time to listen to their bragging and directly announced the start of the battle soul.

“Brothers, show your talents…”

As soon as the referee finished speaking, Lingmo directly activated his martial soul, and in an instant… a pair of wings suddenly spread out and rose from the ground.

And behind him, Dai Mubai walked to the front, and for a moment… everyone was stunned.

“What’s going on with Shrek Academy? Why change a new player to attack?”

For a while, more and more doubts came.

Lingmo rose high and landed at the end of the team, while Dai Mubai stood at the front, followed by Tailong, and then Xiaowu, in a ladder-shaped formation.

“Strange! What does he want to do?”

On the stands, Shui Bing’er came to watch Lingmo’s fighting spirit again. Facing this phenomenon, she was also very confused.

“Sister Bing’er, I think this guy must have some tricks…”

Xuewu said directly. In her heart, Lingmo no longer had any image to speak of. He was too shameless.


Shui Bing’er frowned. She couldn’t figure it out, so she had to look down.

When the Shrek formation changed, the most intense reaction was the Elephant Armor Academy team. They had studied for a long time to deal with Lingmo.

But unexpectedly, the main attacker in the end was Dai Mubai.

After taking off, Lingmo began to bloom with a colorful holy light, and six rays of light instantly shone on the Shrek people.

At this moment, Dai Mubai and others felt that their physical strength began to surge.

More than 100 amplifications were added instantly, and everyone was stunned. They had never thought that Lingmo could have such a high amplification.

You know, Ning Rongrong’s amplification was only a few dozen.

“Such a surging power, I feel like I can easily kill a cow with one punch!”

Tyrone felt the changes in his body, shivered all over, and felt very comfortable.

This feeling has never been had before, it’s so cool.

Niu: “Why am I the one who got hurt again???”

“I didn’t expect Xiaomo’s amplification to be so abnormal, and… I found that Xiaomo’s amplification can be added with Rongrong’s amplification.

What kind of situation will it be after the amplification? It’s really hard to imagine…”

Tang San was also at a loss, and was completely shocked by Lingmo’s increase.

Unexpectedly, during this period of time when Lingmo was away, not only did his strength become stronger, but his auxiliary ability also became so powerful.

It really proved what Flanders said before, Lingmo’s martial soul will definitely be stronger than the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower when it grows up.

“Okay! Brothers, let them see how powerful we are, open the martial soul…”

Standing at the front, Dai Mubai shouted coldly, and instantly opened the martial soul. His eyes flashed, and his arms began to become thick, like a tiger claw.

Tang San and others opened their martial souls one after another, and the opposite side also opened their martial souls.

It can be said that Lingmo’s sudden retreat to the end made everyone feel incredible.

You know, he is the most offensive sword in this competition!

At this moment, he actually chose to give in and let a newcomer who had never played on the court serve as the main attacking core.

“Everyone be careful! The captain of Shrek Academy is definitely not that simple…”

Hu Yanli’s face was solemn, and his eyes were always on Lingmo.

“Captain! Since he is unwilling to attack, isn’t it an opportunity for us?”

A team member answered. Originally, they were worried about how to deal with Lingmo, and prepared to use the tactic of defense as offense, using their indestructible defense to consume Lingmo.

Unexpectedly, he had no intention of attacking at all, and chose to let a newcomer who had never played the game as the main attacker.

“Don’t underestimate the enemy, the newcomer who played for the first time on the other side should not be that simple!

His martial spirit is also a top-level martial spirit with strong offensive power, not much weaker than their captain…”

Hu Yanli still felt something was wrong and continued to remind him.

As the preparation time for opening the martial spirit was over, Lingmo shouted directly in the air.

“Brothers, show your talents! Beat them up for me…”

As soon as the voice fell, Dai Mubai took the lead…

Recommend a good book.

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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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