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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 197 Puppet Mechanism Changes

Dugu Bo and Ling Mo exchanged words, and Ning Fengzhi listened with a solemn expression.

Ling Mo is already planning to take action against Wuhun Palace?

In this Soul Master Competition, Dugu Bo has been targeting the Spirit Hall! That makes sense.

“Okay, now that everything’s okay! Xiaomo, let’s go back first and look forward to your next performance…”

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, and then left with Gu Rong.

After Ning Fengzhi left, Dugu Bo also left here and went back to continue his entanglement with Salas.

“Dean, who is our opponent next?”

Ling Mo thought for a while and was curious about who their next opponent would be.

“It’s the Divine Wind Academy and the Thunder Academy…”

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Flanders thought for a while and finally said.

“Kamikaze Academy?”

When Ling Mo heard about Shenfeng Academy, he thought of Feng Xiaotian’s fool. At this moment, what he wanted most was to run into him, right?

“Forfeit! We have enough points to qualify…”

Ling Mo thought for a while and directly proposed to abstain, mainly because he wanted to disgust Feng Xiaotian.

He had studied Ling Mo for a long time and finally met her. If Ling Mo gave up, he would be absolutely disgusted to death.

“you sure?”

Flanders was puzzled.

“OK! Give up, just in time to make some adjustments…”

Ling Mo said without hesitation that Shrek Academy is now good enough to qualify.

In the next soul fighting competition, Salas will definitely try to manipulate it. The safest way is to abstain.

Not only was Salas disgusted, he was also disgusted by that idiot Feng Xiaotian.

After saying that, Ling Mo left here and rushed back to the ghost gate.

The next day, Shrek Academy announced that it would give up the next two games.

The undefeated golden status of Shrek Academy was thus broken, and their opponents who were drawn in the past two days turned out to be two powerful players from Shenfeng Academy and Thunder Academy.

If Thunder Academy still feels a little lucky, then Feng Xiaotian, the captain of Shenfeng Academy, is depressed.

No one knows what Shrek Academy wants to do. So far, they are the only team that can maintain a complete victory, and they have given up.

“Coward, you escaped!”

Feng Xiaotian was almost furious when he heard the news. He had studied Ling Mo for so long and wanted to show off in front of Huo Wu.

Unexpectedly, Lingmo immediately abstained.

No one paid any attention to Feng Xiaotian’s mania.

Today was originally the day for the showdown between Kamikaze Academy and Shrek Academy, but Shrek Academy let it go.

The audience couldn’t help but feel pity. Everyone came here to watch the Shrek Academy game, but it was a pity that the real host did not show up.

Shrek Academy’s actions really confused a group of people. At this time, they had returned to the academy to readjust themselves.

Ling Mo returned to the ghost gate and began to secretly train his own intelligence agency.

Now the number of disciples in the sect has increased to more than 10,000. This competition has attracted many talents to Lingmo.

Among this group of people, Ling Mo secretly selected three thousand disciples who were thoughtful and flexible.

Form a secret organization, Tianji Pavilion!

What Tianji Pavilion has to do is an intelligence mission. Lingmo needs to build a powerful intelligence agency to clearly grasp every move on the mainland.

Every disciple of Tianji Pavilion has learned the Tang Sect’s techniques and various hidden weapon techniques.

They are very mobile and their combat effectiveness is amazing, especially after each person is equipped with several sets of hidden weapons, their strength is increased by nearly three times.

“You have been training for a while! Now…I will give you one last special thing…”

In front of the Star Reaching Tower, Ling Mo looked at the three thousand people in front of him. Suddenly, he moved his right hand slightly and saw a humanoid puppet appearing in his hand.

“Sect Master, this…”

Everyone was very puzzled when they saw that the puppet could move freely. It seemed that every movement it made was related to Lingmo’s fingers.

What method did Lingmo use to control it?

“This is a mechanism puppet! It’s a top-notch hidden weapon that I researched for six years.

With the exclusive Tianji Transformation Technique, as well as the dragon-capturing and crane-controlling technique, puppets can be controlled to attack.

The secret of the puppet mechanism technique lies in the superb stunts such as shadow character, shadow clone, shadow instant kill, etc.

You can control the puppet with your own soul power, and you can perform attack, defense, teleportation and other stunts. You see…”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Mo gently pulled his right hand, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and a puppet appeared where he originally stood.

The original location of the puppet turned out to be Ling Mo.

“Oh my god! This…”

Everyone was shocked that the main body could be replaced by a puppet. What is this concept?

It seems that you can have one more life. At the moment when the opponent is about to hit you, you can use the puppet to stand in and dodge with the help of the puppet.

It was almost like teleporting without any warning at all.

“This is just one of its functions. This puppet also has various hidden weapons and mechanisms, such as…”

Ling Mo pulled his right hand horizontally again, and saw the puppet blooming on the spot, shooting out countless steel needles, like an explosion, directly smashing things within a few dozen meters.

Its power is comparable to the full strength of a soul king level master, but this is just a casual pull by Ling Mo.

“This skill is called Exploding Star! The puppet disintegrates and produces an explosion effect. At the same time, hundreds of steel needles will be shot out. Each steel needle is extremely poisonous. Once touched, it will kill instantly.

Moreover, the defense-breaking ability of Exploding Star is such that people below level 50 have no resistance!

Even if they are above level 50, as long as they are not in a defensive state, they can be killed instantly…”

Ling Mo explained slowly that he needed to build a real secret organization to solve some things that needed to be solved secretly.

He had started to study the puppet mechanism change since Notting City, but there has been no progress.

It took nearly seven years for Ling Mo to study the real puppet mechanism change.

This puppet is made of hundreds of exotic metals and is extremely hard!

Even a Titled Douluo can’t penetrate it. This is not a joke.

And the role of the puppet is ever-changing! The most special points are that it is a self-substitute, which can effectively resolve multiple dangers.

In terms of attack characteristics, it has added sky-blasting stars, thousands of sweeping machines, flying arrow rain, rain of pear blossoms and other heaven-defying skills, which can cooperate with puppets to deliver fatal blows.

The most magical one is the magic skill of Fenghua Yinyue. As long as the target is hit, a little soul power can be restored, which can be called a magic skill.

As early as the beginning, Lingmo wanted to study this thing, because… it always felt inappropriate to use Tang San’s things, and he needed to refine his own things.

Therefore… the puppet mechanism appeared, combining the hidden weapon skills of the Tang Sect and various poison needle hidden weapons to create a real puppet mechanism.

Now the strength of the puppet is enough, but the lethality is not enough to meet Lingmo’s needs.

What Lingmo really wants to create is a real killing weapon, one person controls eight puppets, one person is worth a hundred.

The core of the puppet mechanism is the puppet, and special skills must be learned. Lingmo has been studying it during this period of time.

Finally… in the three-life scriptures and various bluestone bricks, the Tianji transformation skills were found.

Thousands of people, thousands of machines, and hundreds of changes! These three thousand people are just Lingmo’s first step, just to do an experiment.

When more powerful puppets are developed later, Lingmo will have his own invincible army.

By then, let alone sweeping across the Douluo Continent, he will not be afraid even if he fights the God Realm.

Use cleverness to defeat the enemy and break common sense.


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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