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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 327 The Deep Sea Abyss

Under the deep sea of ​​millions of miles, Lingmo chased with all his strength. He had already seen the figure of the Kunpeng in front of him, struggling in front.

It seemed to be in great pain, constantly hitting the huge rocks under the abyss with its body, and forcibly knocked out a path.

It had already given up using pain to stimulate the mind to reach the point of sobriety.


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A roar came from the deep sea, and a huge beast with a body length of a hundred meters passed by Lingmo.

From the shape, it looked a bit like a dragon, but it lacked some charm. Its four claws fiercely penetrated the coral stone wall, and one claw tore the beast in front into pieces.


Lingmo was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. These sea soul beasts were more terrifying than each other, which simply refreshed his understanding of soul beasts.

Unexpectedly, the sea soul beasts hidden under the deep sea were more terrifying than those on land. It was really a bit scary.

The dragon seemed to be still sane, with less hostility in his eyes. He did not stay there for long and left alone.

“I didn’t expect that this time, even a hundred thousand year soul beast could not resist the poison. I wonder… how is Xiao Wu?”

Lingmo suddenly panicked. Since he entered the Northland, he slowly discovered that there were also strange phenomena in other places, which were in the direction of the three major forests.

Some people want to use soul beasts to start a riot, and the Northland is just the beginning.

Now… Kunpeng in front is obviously affected. With its hundred thousand years of cultivation, it can’t avoid the bewitching.

I wonder if the Azure Bull Python in the Lake of Life has a solution?

If it has no solution, Xiao Wu will be in danger. Lingmo really doesn’t want this to happen.

“By the way! The Lake of Life…”

Lingmo suddenly remembered one thing, that is, there is a Lake of Life in the inner circle of the Star Dou Great Forest. It is the crystallization of life wisdom and a natural treasure lake.

The water of the Lake of Life has extremely strong vitality and should be able to avoid the bewitching of poison.

The Azure Bull Python has been guarding there for so many years, it should not be difficult to find this.

It seems that Xiao Wu and the others should be able to avoid this kind of thing, but other places are not so lucky.

Lingmo had explored the Lake of Life before. It was a long river with no end. The place where the Azure Bull Python lived was just the tip of the iceberg.

There might be more terrifying guys hidden in the center of the real Lake of Life.

With the characteristics of the Lake of Life, it should be able to suppress this poison. Xiao Wu and the others should have no problem.

As for other places, Lingmo can no longer take care of them. Now… the most important thing is to find the source of the disaster and the culprit of the next poison.

After passing through the long submarine canyon, Lingmo entered an extremely dark abyss. With the auxiliary effect of the five-color divine light, Lingmo can freely shuttle through the seabed.

Compared with the chaos on the sea surface, this submarine abyss is relatively calm, and few soul beasts are bewitched.

“Strange! The whole sea area is infected, why is it still in a pure state here…”

Looking at the submarine abyss below, Lingmo was puzzled.

The seawater here is very clear. Obviously… this is the only place in the whole sea that has not been infected.

Just now, the dragon passed through from above and entered this deep seabed.

It seems that it should know that there is no infection below, so it risked its life to break in.

Kunpeng entered before it. Obviously, it came from afar and came here.

Combining everything, Lingmo concluded that there must be something strange under this deep seabed.

Kunpeng’s figure became fainter and fainter. Lingmo did not hesitate and chased after him, continuing to move towards the deep seabed.

It was very dark under the abyss! Under the endless darkness, there was a rumbling sound, like thunder calling out, and the sea water was boiling.

“Huh? What is this?”

After descending a thousand meters, the scene in front of him made Lingmo smack his lips.

There were so many sea soul beasts under the seabed, in groups, as many as tens of thousands.

And each of them was huge in size and powerful.

At this time, even though they were enemies of life and death, they were very harmoniously mixed in the abyss, without any killing intent.

These soul beasts were all intelligent, perhaps they knew that this was their last hiding place, so there was no riot.

Lingmo did not dare to approach, the colorful underwater world was very lively, and Lingmo’s appearance did not cause much waves.

In their eyes, Lingmo, a small human, was not at all, and Lingmo’s intrusion did not arouse their interest at all.

Lingmo was very confused about this. Logically speaking… soul beasts and humans should not live in harmony, but they did not attack him?

Going deeper into the abyss, the giant beasts that appeared were more terrifying than each other, which made Lingmo feel cold in his heart.

“Oh my god! This is so scary…”

The soul beasts under the abyss of the sea are probably more terrifying than the entire Xingdou Great Forest.

Lingmo has never seen so many soul beasts in his life, it is really too scary.

Among them, there are many hundred thousand year old soul beasts. Now think about it, the two in the Star Dou Great Forest are nothing to mention.

This extreme north has always been known as the most mysterious forbidden area of ​​Douluo. There are countless sea soul beasts in the vast sea of ​​millions of miles.

Under the huge number, there are also many terrifying guys. These guys can be said to be the overlords of one side…

“No, Kunpeng is leaving…”

Looking at the dark abyss of the next layer, Lingmo found… Kunpeng flapped his wings and suddenly passed through the long canyon and went deeper into the darkness.

With only the last bit of consciousness, it began to accelerate madly. After crossing the strait, it went to a coral forest.

Lingmo followed closely behind, refusing to leave…

The bottom of the sea is full of dangers. It is not the place for him to take action. Once a fight breaks out and the smell of blood appears.

It will definitely cause a group fight among other soul beasts, breaking the original peace and turning this place into a battlefield.

You know, there are countless giant beasts hidden in this abyss. Once a riot occurs, it is simply a devastating existence.

Lingmo dare not guarantee that he can survive this soul beast riot. If these guys are alone, he still has confidence.

But if they attack in groups, Lingmo can’t resist.

Therefore… the best way is to follow Kunpeng and see where it will go in the end.

In fact, Lingmo was more curious about why Kunpeng was so desperate to rush down. Maybe something was attracting it, so… it completely lost its mind and rushed to make a way for Lingmo.

When Lingmo arrived at the coral island, he was shocked by the scenery in front of him. This colorful world, hidden in the darkness, was inexplicably strange.

It gave people a feeling of light after darkness, and their minds were open.

“Where is it going?”

Lingmo was a little confused. Kunpeng had gone completely crazy and completely lost his mind. If he continued like this, the soul beasts in this deep sea abyss would suffer.


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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