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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 415 The Second Sword

“What a strange feeling!”

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Unlike the shock of others, Lingmo was standing alone on the abyss at this time.

He looked at the peacock phantom behind him with doubtful eyes.

Since he came to the God Realm, he felt that the shackles on his body had been opened.

In other words, after passing the Heavenly Road test, the restrictions on him were completely opened.

And this peacock martial soul has also been greatly improved and completely transformed.

This is the peacock when the world was first created, the ancient beast that lived on the southeast branch.

“So! You don’t need to reach level 100 to have such power.

As long as you pass the Heavenly Road test, your body will change, and your martial soul will also transform.

But…why didn’t my soul ring upgrade? According to the final blessing of the Godly Position Test, shouldn’t the soul ring be upgraded?”

The last question, Lingmo really couldn’t explain.

According to the original description, after the God Position Assessment, shouldn’t all these spirit rings be upgraded?

Lingmo’s memory of this is very vague, and he is not sure whether it will be upgraded.

In his previous life, he did not watch it carefully, so he did not know what changes Tang San had undergone later.

Lingmo did not experience the God Position Assessment, but he passed the assessment of the Heavenly Road and entered the God Realm from the Gate of Heaven.

Theoretically, it should be the same as the God Position Assessment, right?

It may be necessary to reach level 100, Lingmo can only explain it this way.

Although he is only level 95 now, but… in essence, he and God are no different.

Because when he passed through the Gate of Heaven, his body was baptized, and the peacock also underwent a transformation, completing the true God-given body.

When fighting with Mu Qi before, Lingmo did not use the peacock, so he found it late, otherwise he could study it slowly.

“Boy, I’ll give you one last chance! Apologize to me, otherwise… I will kill you today…”

Shocked by Lingmo’s martial spirit, the angry Hercules could not care so much.

If Lingmo doesn’t admit his fault, even if the king of heaven comes, it will be useless. He has this temper.

“Apologize? You are not qualified yet…”


Too arrogant.

When Lingmo said this, everyone was shocked.

“Damn, this kid is also a ruthless person! Although he is only level 95, he can say such domineering words in front of a god.

I really don’t know if he is really stupid, or he has the strength to ignore Hercules…”

“I don’t think it’s that simple! You know the recent situation.

Since the disaster appeared, some long-lost ancient gods have appeared frequently.

Maybe this kid is the descendant of those gods…

You know, the inheritance of each great family has extremely subtle features.

For example, a certain field, a certain soul skill, are extremely powerful. Since this kid dares to say this, it must be unique.”

“It makes sense! It seems that there will be a good show to watch. I really don’t know where this kid came from…”

Lingmo’s words made everyone stunned, and they were also looking forward to the next battle.

Anyone familiar with Hercules’ temper knows that he can’t stand this kind of humiliation.

Sure enough… after Lingmo finished speaking, Hercules took action directly.

“Looking for death!”

As soon as the voice fell, a huge fist smashed down, accompanied by rolling thunder and flashing sparks.

The force of that punch was enough to collapse a mountain, and its power was huge…

Who would have thought… Just when everyone thought Lingmo was going to avoid his edge, a surprising scene appeared.

Lingmo just pointed his right hand lightly, and the peacock shadow behind him instantly turned into thousands of sword qi, shooting towards Hercules head-on.

“What? Is this sword qi?”

“Why do I feel that this is a blade of grass?”

Yes, everyone only saw the sword qi emitted by Lingmo, and its shape was like a blade of grass.

What kind of soul skill is this? Using grass as a sword?

Everyone was stunned by Lingmo’s sword. Without the help of any weapons, he could actually issue such a terrifying sword.

All grass and trees can be swords, what realm is this?

What Lingmo launched was the second sword of the Nine-Leaf Grass Sword Technique that he had just comprehended some time ago…

Slashing the Sky…

The power of this sword was not inferior to the Heaven and Earth, and…this sword did not need the help of the Immortal Sword to be launched.

The millions of sword qi were like locusts passing through, leaving no grass where they passed.

After a moment, the air between heaven and earth condensed, and a huge explosion occurred at a certain critical point.

Amid the sensation, Lingmo did not retreat a step from beginning to end, but…the Hercules was directly repelled hundreds of meters by Lingmo’s sword.

And…his body was covered with sword marks, and the wounds were bleeding, looking very bloody.

“How…is this possible!”

“No matter how weak Hercules is, it is impossible that he can’t even take a sword from a Level 95 Titled Douluo, right?”

“Oh my God! This sword is really incredible…the sword intent is so moving and unstoppable.

It seems that the sword qi contains the righteousness of heaven and earth, and its majesty is inviolable…”

Everyone was surprised by Lingmo’s sword.

“Isn’t his martial spirit the Peacock? Why is he using sword energy?”

Someone raised a question, but only Ling Mo knew about this question.

Others couldn’t think of it even if they tried hard. Without Wuhun in the world, there was still someone who could send out such a powerful sword.

This is the limitation of Douluo’s world, and Lingmo just does not fall within this limitation.

“Crazy Thunder King Kong? I think it’s nothing more than that. Are there any other tricks?…”

Ling Mo forced Hercules back with a single blow of his sword, severely injuring him with absolute crushing force.

Such courage is really amazing.

Only he himself knows the secret of this.

Although Zhan Cang Qiong was extremely powerful, Ling Mo had only scratched the surface.

If he had fully understood it and understood it clearly, Hercules should not have been seriously injured, but would have died directly.

That’s right…the power of this sword is so abnormal.

Group explosive skills have huge lethality, which is different from the single-target explosion that opens up the world.

This sword can be used in conjunction with the realm of time stasis and the realm of divine punishment.

The power will be greatly improved, and the lethality will be explosive.

As Ling Mo said before, he is now wearing a cheat. If he can’t even beat a second-level god, then stop being a fool and go home to feed the pigs.

What’s more, Ling Mo didn’t even use the Immortal Killing Sword now, nor did he forcefully enter the realm of heaven and man.

This sword alone has severely damaged Hercules, which shows how terrifying Ling Mo’s strength growth rate is.

In fact, a large part of the reason for this is because of Tianmen’s baptism. Lingmo’s current state is not a god, but better than a god…

“Ahem…I lost!”

Hercules looked pale and had no strength to fight anymore. Although he was very dissatisfied, he just lost.

This guy was also magnanimous. After admitting defeat, he closed his eyes and let Ling Mo do whatever he wanted.

Instead of running away immediately, it can be seen that although this guy has a bad temper, he is a rare hero with a temper…


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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