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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 462 Confrontation

finally come!

Everyone looked around and saw Bibi Dong’s figure appearing at the door ahead.

Alongside him was Qian Daoliu. As soon as the old man appeared, Tang Chen stood up from his seat.


“Qian Daoliu!”

“Tang Chen…”

The two people’s eyes collided instantly, and a nameless murderous aura broke out instantly.

When everyone noticed, their soles felt cold and they felt an inexplicable suffocation.

“What a powerful suppressive force!”

“I didn’t expect that two old monsters at the level of giants on the mainland would appear! It seems that there will be fun this time…”

From the position of Qibao Glazed Sect, Kendao Chenxin said in a low voice.

Obviously…it seems that the only person in the world who has heard the secrets of these two people is Kendao Chenxin.

The rest of the people only heard his name but never saw him! They all thought that these two people were supposed to be dead, but they didn’t expect to be alive and well now.

“These two seem to be living fossils in the soul master world. I didn’t expect to be lucky enough to meet them today…”

Ning Fengzhi also cast a surprised look and said in a low voice.

Judging from the cards alone, the two most powerful sects in this council are Haotian Sect and Wuhun Palace.

Everyone chose to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and see what kind of sparks the two sects could collide with.

The moment Tang Chen stood up, the Shura divine power in his body boiled instantly, and in less than a moment, it swept through the entire hall.

During the confrontation, everyone could see the evil spirit between the two.

I thought they would take action, but the appearance of a voice directly stopped the fight.

“Everyone, welcome to the Temple of Jue!”

Just listening to Ling Mo’s words, a ball of cyan light slowly flowed out. In less than a moment, the murderous intention generated by the two people’s confrontation was eliminated in an instant.

“Huh? The momentum of the two Extreme Douluo was eliminated with just one sentence?”

“Now it seems that this master of the Absolute Temple is on a higher level…”

Originally, everyone thought that these two old monsters were the pinnacle of combat power here, but after Ling Mo’s momentum appeared, their momentum seemed so weak…

“Haha, little friend, I miss you so much after not seeing you for a long time!”

The conflict was resolved by Ling Mo, Qian Daoliu laughed loudly, then walked up to him, pretending to be very friendly with Ling Mo.

Ling Mo really wanted to say something, not familiar…

But Qian Renxue seemed to be watching from behind, so she might as well give him a step down.

“Everyone from Wuhun Hall, please take your seats!”

After saying that, Ling Mo immediately arranged the location of Wuhun Palace, then slowly walked through the aisle in the hall and returned to his position.

“Very good! It seems that everyone respects me and comes all the way.

Here, I would like to thank everyone in advance! Now that everyone is here, the meeting can begin…”

The seven major sects have already arrived, and the following three sects have walked in with Wuhun Palace. It can be seen that they have submitted to Wuhun Palace and follow its lead.

Ling Mo didn’t say much about this. No matter who they surrendered to, it didn’t matter anymore.

“Sect Master Ling! I wonder what happened when this eight-party meeting was suddenly convened and all of us were called here?”

After being quiet for a long time, Yu Zhenyuan of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family couldn’t help but say.

He came here confused and still doesn’t know what happened.

“Yes! Now this hall has gathered all the sect forces in the entire continent, and Taishan Beidou from the soul master world has also arrived. Sect Master Ling can speak directly if he has anything to say…”

Suddenly, a group of doubtful voices came from below, and everyone was curious.

Why did Ling Mo convene the Eight-Party Council this time?

Ling Mo was very satisfied with their reaction, which was completely expected.

“It’s very simple! Presumably, everyone has seen what’s going on outside before coming to the Temple of Jue, right?”

After looking back and forth at the people below, Ling Mo said with a smile.

Today’s Northland has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is no longer the Northland it once was.

On the north bank outside, a thick city wall has been built and divided into several camps.

They can definitely see such a big project.

“Sect Leader Ling will tell you straight. What is the purpose of the city defense construction outside? Why did the Jueshen Temple suddenly embark on such a big project?”

It was Davis who asked the question. As the heir to the Xingluo throne, he needed to know this.

Because… all those constructions were done in his Star Luo Realm, like a barb growing on their back, which could kill them at any time. Can they not be nervous?

“It’s very simple! Everyone…if my calculations are correct, there will be a war waiting for us in the next three years.

And this war will determine the direction of the world and determine… the life and death of everyone here.

I can tell you very clearly that I am not sure that I can win this battle, so… I specially held this meeting.

Today, the life and death of the mainland will depend on every decision of everyone here. Life or death depends entirely on your decision…”

Ling Mo immediately dropped an explosive piece of news, and instantly the entire hall fell silent.


“Has the matter gotten this serious?”

Suddenly, the entire hall began to talk, and everyone was not calm anymore.

Even everyone in Wuhun Palace showed shocked eyes.

“What’s going on? Please speak up, Master Ling…”

Bibi Dong stood up, looked at Ling Mo, and said deeply.

“It’s very simple! I believe everyone has experienced the turmoil three years ago, right? You should also know it.

The turmoil first broke out in the north…

And why did my Ghost Gate secretly station troops in the north? With your intelligence, it should not be difficult to guess, right?”

A simple question, everyone knew the mystery as soon as they thought about it.

There is still turmoil in the north…

Otherwise, Ghost Gate would not have made such a big move and traveled thousands of miles to garrison in the north.

“Master Ling, if you have something to say, just say it! Don’t play dumb anymore…”

Yu Zhenyuan stood up and said.

The only one who didn’t speak in the field was Haotian Sect, because they already knew the secret.

Tang Chen didn’t care about the process of the parliament from beginning to end, and his eyes were always on Qian Daoliu.

If it weren’t for Ling Mo’s face, he would definitely beat Qian Daoliu to death with one hammer.

You know, he is now a demigod, one step away from becoming a god.

And Qian Daoliu has not reached this level yet.

Due to the Shura power in his body, Tang Chen’s strength can be said to be the strongest one present except Lingmo.

“It’s very simple! Now… in the North Seaside area, there is a door leading to the dark world.

This door is the reason for the outbreak of the disaster.

Three years ago, I entered the dark restricted area and found that there were millions of dark creatures gathered there, and they could pass through the dark door at any time and rush to the mainland.

And… I might as well tell you that I have been to the God Realm, and there… the same disaster as us is happening there.

Three years ago, I set up a barrier to try to prevent dark creatures from descending on the mainland.

But… this barrier will not last long. Within three years, there will definitely be variables.

So… next, there will be a real life-and-death battle waiting for us.”


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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