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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 7 Nottingham College

At present, the understanding of Wuhun needs to be studied slowly.

Perhaps only after obtaining the soul ring can Ling Mo truly understand the specific mystery of this martial soul.

In the afternoon, Tang San and Tang Hao learned to blacksmith. Ling Mo felt bored staying there, so he chose to leave.

“Mistress! I’m going back first. See you at Notting College tomorrow…”

After saying that, Ling Momo left without looking back. Looking at his leaving figure, Tang Hao, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

“Mistress! How do you know this boy?”

Tang Hao’s sudden question made Tang San tense up. Is there something wrong with Ling Mo? Why did my father ask that?

If Ling Mo had no problem, Tang San didn’t quite believe it, because everything he showed was too suspicious.

Although Tang San already regarded Ling Mo as a friend in his heart, he still had a grudge against him.

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The unique skill of Tang Clan that Shanlun Lingmo showed earlier made Tang San suspicious. He was not sure whether Ling Mo was a disciple of Tang Clan like him.

“Dad, do you think there is something wrong with Xiaomo?”

Tang San hid his inner worries and asked pretending to be ignorant.

“This kid is very strange, but he is not bad at all. He is a generous person and is worthy of close friendship!”

In the morning, Tang Hao deliberately tested Ling Mo and competed with him for porridge to see how he would react.

And his performance was no different from that of ordinary children, so Tang Hao also relaxed.

But he always felt that this kid was very strange, as if he was hiding something secretly, very deeply! This is why Tang Hao showed that meaningful smile before entering the room.

That was the last test, but Lingmo’s performance later was also perfect, with no flaws at all. Judging from this performance, he should have no problem.

“Strange? What’s wrong?”

Tang San was curious, did Tang Hao see anything? Isn’t he an ordinary blacksmith? Why can he see things that he can’t see?

“Okay! Keep on hammering, hammer it ten thousand times and prepare dinner…”

After calming down, Tang Hao returned to his previous lazy look, and went back to the small dark room to sleep dejectedly, which made Tang San feel bad all over.

“Mad! This damn Tang Hao actually dares to test me…”

On the way back to Daoxiang Village, Ling Mo’s pale face looked very haggard. The wave of temptations to steal the martial soul just now almost got him involved.

But I have to say that today’s harvest was very great. Not only did I master Tang San’s Tang Sect secrets, but I also met the legendary hunk Tang Hao.

Although he looks very embarrassed, no matter how embarrassed he is, he is still a famous titled Douluo.

After returning to the small tree house, Ling Mo fell asleep. Her mental state was too exhausted this day, and she felt sleepy, so she fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Ultraman came to Lingmo and shouted to the small tree house: “Xiaomo, come down quickly! We are about to set off…”

I have to say that this is a very dedicated village chief, even more dedicated than the old Jack next door.

Old Jack was considered a well-known big shot in the world. He personally escorted the God Realm law enforcers to school. He also said that Tang Hao was the most useless person in their village, one of the best.

It is estimated that Ultraman has also followed the path of Old Jack. In order to give the future great god a chance to go to school, the story of one against three fighting the three giants in the next village is widely circulated.

“Good morning, Grandpa Village Chief!”

After leaving the small tree house where she had lived for six years, Ling Mo slowly climbed down. After leaving this time, she probably would never come back.

I can’t help but feel a little sad. After all, this is a piece of pure land deep in my heart. I can’t help but feel a little reluctant to be with you during countless dark nights.

The swelling on Ultraman’s face has been reduced a lot, but some dark marks can still be seen vaguely.

The two of them walked together and headed for Notting College. From the Holy Soul Village next door, Old Jack also took Tang San out.

“Is this Notting City? The legendary Douluo Traveler’s first dungeon after leaving the Novice Village? It looks a bit interesting…”

After going around and around, Ling Mo followed Ultraman and finally arrived at the door of Notting Academy. At this time… the people standing at the door were none other than Tang San and Old Jack.

In addition, besides the two of them, there is also a concierge who watches the door.

“Old Jack, what are you doing here?”

He saw Old Jack from a distance, and Ultraman ran up to him excitedly to say hello. It seemed like they knew each other.

“Xiaosan, I didn’t expect you to come faster than me…”

Ling Mo walked up and said hello to Tang San, while Ultraman and Old Jack chatted for a while before realizing their current situation.

“This little brother, we come from Daoxiang Village, Shenghun Village. These two children are working-study students this year. What procedures do we need to go through?”

It seemed that the concierge didn’t want them to go in, so Tang San and the others were delayed here for a long time.

“Can a golden phoenix still emerge from a grass nest? There are people in a small village who have soul power? Are you kidding me? Don’t bother me, get out of here quickly, or I’ll beat you up…”

As soon as these words came out, Tang San’s eyes flashed with murderous intent, and Ling Mo’s temper flared up.


Old Jack and Ultraman were furious. These city people basically looked down on country people like them, and now they were even more embarrassed. The two of them were immediately furious.

“Get out of here quickly, I won’t do it if I say no! What a bullshit Holy Soul Village, Daoxiang Village!”

The concierge said sarcastically, ignoring the two people who were so angry that they kept mocking.

In fact, this phenomenon often happens in the city. Just as the concierge said, how can a phoenix appear in a pile of chickens? Don’t even think about it.

Basically, it is impossible for these villages to have people with soul power, and Notting College has not accepted part-time students for several years.

Two people suddenly appeared this year, which sounds unrealistic.

There was a murderous intent in Tang San’s eyes, and a sleeve arrow appeared silently in his right hand, and he was already on the verge of action.

Lingmo discovered that something was wrong with Tang San, and thought that this kid was really a ruthless person, who was decisive and merciless.

Just the stimulation of words made him want to kill. If the stalemate continued, he might really take action.

“Hehe, this young man! I see that your forehead is black, and there will be a bloody disaster in the near future…”

At this time, Lingmo sneaked to the front, looking like we are very familiar with each other, avoiding Tang San, and came directly to the concierge.

Ultraman was even more confused, “Xiao Mo, what are you doing…”

The concierge looked at the six-year-old kid in front of him and said disdainfully: “Haha, I have a blood disaster? Believe it or not, I will make you a blood disaster immediately?”

Ling Mo did not answer him, and instantly opened his double pupils. The moment his eyes met the concierge’s, the concierge was in a trance and knelt down instantly.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

Tang San observed more carefully, but because he was behind Ling Mo, he did not see his eyes.

But he felt that it must be Ling Mo’s doing, otherwise the arrogant concierge would not have knelt down.

“Alas, if you have something to say, just say it nicely. Why do you have such a big courtesy? It’s so embarrassing!”

While saying sorry, Ling Mo exerted a little force on his palm, held the concierge’s hand, and exerted force instantly, pinching his palm until it hurt.

“It hurts, it hurts, let me go!”

The pain came, and the concierge finally woke up from his trance and screamed loudly.

But the louder he yelled, the more excited Lingmo became. He was also very angry. If he didn’t teach this guy a lesson, he wouldn’t know why the flowers were so red.

“Okay! That’s enough…”

At this time, a rather stiff voice came from behind. Everyone looked back and saw a middle-aged man in black clothes who appeared behind them at some point.

Lingmo recognized the man’s identity at once. According to the original story, the man in front of him should be Tang San’s future teacher, Yu Xiaogang, a well-known master in the soul master world, right?

“Master, you’re back…”

Upon seeing the master, the doorman seemed to have found a savior and was ecstatic.


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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