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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 77 Confused Dugu Bo

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After Lingmo put forward the conditions, Dugubo started to think about it!

If Ling Mo said it true, he would not be at a loss. On the contrary, he could be cured of the poison in his body.

“I can join your sect, but the premise is that you must first eliminate the poison on me and my granddaughter’s poison…”

After thinking for a long time, Dugu Bo finally compromised!

Ling Mo gave him the feeling that he was no less than a scheming old guy, good at scheming, and had seized his lifeline from the very beginning, which kept him in a passive situation.

“no problem!”

Ling Mo responded casually and walked directly in the direction of the Ice and Fire Eyes.

He wanted to see what the legendary cornucopia looked like.

Walking forward, you will see a very special pool!

The area is not large, but it is divided into two parts. In the oval pool, the color of the water is actually milky white and vermilion.

What’s even more strange is that although they are in the same pool, they are clearly distinct from each other. They do not invade each other and always stay on their own side.

“Is this the legendary two-dimensional eye of ice and fire? It is indeed unique, Dugu Bo, you are really lucky.

If it weren’t for the Ice and Fire Eyes, you would have died long ago!

If my guess is correct, you should have used the power of the ice and fire eyes to barely suppress the poison in your body, right? “

As soon as these words came out, Dugu Bo’s heart trembled, and his original doubts about Ling Mo were completely dispelled.

“Ice and Fire Eyes? Are you talking about this pool?”

Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment. He didn’t know what this pool was called.

“That’s right! It’s true that I relied on this pool to survive until now…”

Then he asked, Ling Mo was too shocked.

Of course Ling Mo would not tell him, he had read this from books.

“How do I know? You don’t need to know too much! You just need to know that I can save you…”

After saying that, Ling Mo focused on the two fairy medicine plants on both sides of the ice and fire eyes.

Star anise, black ice grass, fierce apricot!

In the original work, Tang San relied on these two immortal grasses, plus the nearby Youxiang Qiluo Immortal, to enter the Ice and Fire Eyes.

In the eyes of Ice and Fire, there are two kinds of poison, namely cold poison and fire poison.

Even Ling Mo will be killed instantly once he enters!

Now that the level has reached level 35, if you use these three immortal grasses to practice in the eyes of ice and fire for a period of time, you may have unexpected gains.

Thinking to himself, Ling Mo took action directly! In Dugu Bo’s surprised eyes, he saw Ling Mo opening the peacock’s colorful wings and instantly arriving at the edge of the octagonal black ice grass.

“What is he going to do?”

Dugu Bo knew very well how powerful the Ice and Fire Eyes were. With Ling Mo’s strength, he could easily be killed instantly.

Although Ling Mo shocked Dugu Bo a lot, his strength was still a soul master in his thirties, so how could he possibly get close to the Ice and Fire Eyes.

“Senior, won’t you stop me?”

Ling Mo’s behavior was simply seeking death! Dugu Bo, who had just found some hope, didn’t want Ling Mo to die like this.

I turned around and asked Master Gui behind me, but to my surprise, Master Gui didn’t say a word from beginning to end.

Dugu Bo suddenly turned around and asked, a strange smile appeared on the skull, as if to say, “It’s a small scene, don’t panic, hold on still…”

This reaction really confused Dugu Bo, and he became even more confused about the relationship between the two!

Sure enough, neither of them are serious people, so they can hang out together.

Under Dugu Bo’s surprised gaze, Ling Mo quickly picked up two fairy medicine plants!

The moment I bought it, it was biting with frost and burning red at the same time! It’s as if it’s cooked.


The five-color divine light turned on instantly, instantly swallowing up the erosion caused by the two elixirs.

After squeezing it down, Lingmo ate it directly! Then he picked the Youxiang Qiluoxian, and after eating it, it plunged into the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

“Fuck! I don’t want to die…”

Dugu Bo screamed in fright, it was so crazy! He couldn’t remain calm at all.

What if Ling Mo dies and he burps as well? I finally had a hope, but it’s gone just like that?

“He…he…he…won’t stop him?”

While Dugu Bo looked at Ling Mo who was swallowed up by the two eyes of ice and fire, he turned back and waved his hand to signal Master Gui. Didn’t you stop him?

Now it seems that Dugu Bo is more like a fool. No one else is worried and he is the only one panicking.

“Made, what’s all this! Why do I feel like I’m superfluous…”

Master Gui was indifferent and Dugu Bo was speechless! I don’t understand more and more what these two guys are doing.

I can only pray that Ling Mo must not die! If you die, no one can cure your poison.

Ling Mo entered the Eye of Ice and Fire and stayed there for three days! In the past three days, Dugu Bo was extremely anxious and did not dare to leave. He just waited for Ling Mo to come out.

Master Gui was standing behind him, and he could clearly see the giant sword. If he dared to leave, it might strike him.

This girl is so wronged. You said you were seeking death, so you had to drag me with you! Who did I offend?

If it weren’t for the fact that Ling Mo’s aura hadn’t dissipated, Dugu Bo would have run away!

For three whole days, Dugu Bo was extremely anxious.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the entire Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire exploded, splashing water everywhere.

In an instant, a beam of five-colored divine light rushed out from the bottom of the pool, and gradually a peacock phantom emerged!

And Lingmo slowly rose from the water, surrounded by holy light, and spread his wings, and an invisible repressive force came with it.

“What a strong repressive force! What kind of martial soul is this?”

Dugu Bo was shocked at once, this was the repression from the martial soul!

High-level martial souls have more or less repressive power on low-level martial souls.

Commonly known as bloodline repression.

And Lingmo’s martial soul suppressed him very strongly, like the king of beast martial souls, inviolable.

“Peacock? Which family is this descendant from… Why have I never seen this martial soul?”

Dugu Bo was completely shocked. Even he couldn’t understand Lingmo’s martial soul.

No wonder, after all, even the awakened god Su Yuntao couldn’t understand the martial soul, so Dugu Bo was nothing. It would be strange if he could understand it.

“Well… cool, haha…”

This is a terrible line!

Lingmo laughed loudly, rushed out of the water, and slowly stood beside the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire.

In these three days, Lingmo’s gains were really huge! Most of them are unimaginable.

It’s more profitable than robbing ten tombs!

Using the impact of the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire, Lingmo practiced at the bottom for three days, and his cultivation soared to the sky, directly reaching level 40!

Moreover, the beam of five-color divine light in his body finally emerged in its true form.

That’s right… His five-color divine light is not a simple light source, but a peacock!

It’s just that this is a peacock without a physical body, but a peacock phantom with light as the carrier.

After digging it out, Lingmo only needs an opportunity to transform into a real peacock!

This opportunity may come from the five-color emperor flower, or it may come from other factors.

Now the whereabouts of the five-color emperor flower is unknown, and we can only slowly dig out other factors and slowly guide the martial soul out.

Lingmo has imagined that once the Peacock’s true body is used, there will be no god-level martial souls in the world. He is the real god.

Tracing back to the origin, the divine beast from ancient times, the Peacock King, why should he fear any martial soul in the world?

Three more chapters are sent, please vote for recommendation!


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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