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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 9 Little Rabbit

“What is the function of my martial spirit? Hehe, this is a secret for the time being…”

When Ling Mo mentioned the function of Wuhun, he immediately stopped, although it was impossible to keep this secret secret.

“Haha, you kid, your temperament and personality are becoming more and more similar to that of my friend…”

The master smiled slightly and didn’t care. Seeing Ling Mo’s intentions, he had no intention of becoming his teacher, so he didn’t intend to continue asking.

However, he is extremely passionate about martial arts and will not give up his research on Lingmo’s martial arts, but now is not the time.

After completing the admission procedures with the master, Ling Mo and Tang San came to the legendary Douluo’s first dungeon site, Qishe.

No… As soon as he walked into the gate of Qishe, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him and rushed towards the two of them.

Just as Tang San reacted and was about to take action, he found that Lingmo Xuanyu’s hand had already been deployed, and he instantly struck a palm with the man, then followed closely and struck him with two consecutive palms, knocking him to the ground.

“Niang Xipi, so unbeatable…”

Before he could finish his thoughts, Ling Mo had already guessed that there would be a sneak attack, if not for any other reason than because he was familiar with various versions of Douluo and was already very familiar with the plot inside.

Therefore, he was well prepared and could react faster than Tang San, directly knocking the opponent down with three fierce palms.

“If you defeat me, you will be the boss of our Qishe from now on…”

Wang Sheng was stunned by Ling Mo. He was stunned for a long time, and finally recovered and said sincerely. It seemed that he was not disappointed because of his failure.

“Boss? Hehe, it sounds good, but I don’t like this name. I prefer you to call me the krypton gold boss!”

“Krypton gold boss? Is that something?”

Everyone was confused, the boss had heard of it before, what does this krypton gold mean?

Forgive them for not having experienced Mr. Ma’s krypton gold era, otherwise they would know the meaning of krypton gold.

The end of the old era and the beginning of the new era. Mr. Ma single-handedly created the era of krypton gold, which enabled thousands of young people to make great achievements in dire straits and immeasurable achievements.

“You don’t have to worry about what the money boss means, just call him…”

Ling Mo didn’t bother to explain to them that among this group of people, the one named Wang Sheng still had a small role to play, and the rest were just passers-by, chatting nonsense with them.

“Krypton gold boss, if you defeat me, you will be the boss of our Qishe from now on. This is the rule of our Qishe…”


Tang San was stunned for a moment, confused! What kind of rules does this small dormitory have?

“Okay! Don’t worry, with me, the giant of light and the krypton gold boss, no one can bully you…”

The yin and yang were strange, Ling Mo knew what happened to Qishe, and said while making the bed! There were a group of younger brothers next to him, and they seemed to admire him very much.

It only took Lingmo less than a few minutes to make these children admire him like a torrential river!

“What is the Giant of Light? Boss, is your martial spirit the Giant of Light?”

Some people were very puzzled and asked one after another, and Tang San had three black lines on his head. He really admired Ling Mo’s character. He could get along wherever he went, and he became one with this group of friends in a few minutes.

“Martial spirit? No, my martial spirit is Diga, Shining Diga…”

Before he finished speaking, a light voice suddenly came from the door, “Excuse me, is this Qishe?”

“Oh my god, little rabbit…”

At first glance, she saw a little head sticking out of the door. Ling Mo recognized it at a glance. This little rabbit was Xiao Wu.

Okay, everyone is here now! Xiao Wu’s appearance directly interrupted Ling Mo’s words. The other friends were also very dissatisfied and wanted to hear Ling Mo continue to tell those weird stories.

“Wow, so kawaii…”

Ling Mo flashed and came directly in front of Xiao Wu, wanting to see what the legendary Douluo heroine looked like.

At this glance, Ling Mo’s heart melted, such a cute little girl, no wonder a man of steel like Tang San could be moved by her.

“But it’s a little small…”

The only flaw was that he was still too young. Of course… Ling Mo didn’t want to do anything. Really, he didn’t want to do anything, just admire it.

“What’s the meaning?”

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment by the sudden arrival of Ling Mo, and then became slightly dissatisfied.

“The new guy, this is the boss of our dormitory, the krypton gold boss! According to the rules of our Qisha, you must fight him and defeat him. You will be the boss of our Qisha. If you lose, you have to obey The boss’s arrangement…”

At this time, Wang Sheng came up and explained.

“Fight? Hehe, I like…”

Hearing this, Xiao Wu suddenly smiled happily. This girl was a typical militant, and she immediately became excited when she heard that there was a fight.

“A hundred thousand year old little rabbit, I wonder if I can steal her magical powers? Let’s try…”

It just so happened that Ling Mo also wanted to test the double pupil to see if he could steal Xiao Wu’s magical power.

The stealing of double pupils covers everything. Except for the highest level titled Douluo, which Ling Mo cannot steal, Ling Mo can steal all martial spirits and the special magical powers of soul beasts.

Xiao Wu’s body is a hundred thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit, and she does not possess a martial spirit, but the magical power that comes with her talent is what Ling Mo wants to steal.

Without saying a word, Ling Mo instantly opened his double eyes, read Xiao Wu’s message instantly, and stole all her jutsu skills.

“Well! It seems that after Xiao Wu turned into a human form, all her previous magical powers have been reshaped, so now without a soul ring, I can’t steal much…”

This discovery disappointed Lingmo. She thought she could spy on the magical powers of a 100,000-year soul beast, but she only stole a soft skill.

“Come on! Watch this…”

When she heard about the fight, Xiao Wu couldn’t wait any longer. Before Lingmo took the initiative, she took the lead in attacking.

She rushed over in an instant, clamped her calf around Lingmo’s neck in an instant, and twisted it in an instant, about to flip Lingmo to the ground.

However… just when everyone thought Lingmo would definitely fall, he smiled slightly, and when he fell, he supported himself with his hands on the ground, clamped his legs fiercely, and fought back in Xiao Wu’s way.

In an instant, the two people were squeezed together and fell to the ground. The scene was very strange. They seemed to use the same fighting skills. They were as light as a swallow and as soft as mud, fighting together.

This fight made Xiao Wu blush and was very shocked. How could this guy use the same fighting skills as her?

She used her calf to kick Lingmo out, but she didn’t expect that Lingmo held her tightly and didn’t let go.

“Let me go!”

Xiao Wu was anxious. This posture didn’t look good no matter how she looked at it, and… no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get rid of Lingmo’s restraints.

He seemed to know her fighting skills better than she did. Whenever she wanted to attack further, he would react first, and you couldn’t subdue him at all.

“Hehe, as long as you admit defeat, I will let you go…”

Lingmo’s move is called giving someone a taste of his own medicine, which is especially useful for girls.

If Lingmo’s opponent is Tang San, he will never let Tang San get close to him, mainly because he doesn’t like men.

Haha… Although Xiao Wu is Tang San’s future wife, this doesn’t prevent Lingmo from training her! While they haven’t come together yet, take advantage of her as much as possible.

I just don’t know if Tang San will beat Lingmo to death when he thinks of this matter in the future?

“I admit defeat!”

Xiao Wu’s face turned red with anger, and she said helplessly.

I didn’t expect that the legendary leader of Douluo would also surrender one day.

“Okay! I’ll shout one, two, three, and let go together…”

“One, two, three…”

They both let go at the same time, but… Lingmo really underestimated the revenge of girls. After letting go without any preparation, Xiaowu kicked him suddenly.


In an instant, the whole person was rushed out like a cannonball. In the air, before he could release the force, Xiaowu rushed over again.

“Stinky boy, I let you bully me, I’ll beat you into a pig head…”

Another inverted hook, with his legs clamped, he directly threw Lingmo’s body in the air and threw it out again.

This set of combined moves directly beat Lingmo out of temper. Sure enough… Only villains and women are difficult to raise in the world. The ancients did not lie to me…

“I surrender, stop hitting, stop hitting…”

This beating made Lingmo’s nose and face swollen. It is estimated that Ultraman would not recognize that this is their village kid…


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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