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Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits — Chapter 90 Eye contact output

“Let’s go!”

Amidst the endless calls, Ling Mo left the Soul Fighting Stage with Shrek and the others!

Ling Mo vaguely felt that Ye Lingling, who was kicked out of the Soul Fighting Platform by him, was still using his eyes to hurt him!

So infuriating! As soon as he came up, he aimed his kick at the butt, which made her unable to stand firmly.

The Imperial Fighter Team was dejected, but everyone at Shrek Academy was extremely happy!

“Very good, you won, you not only defeated your opponent, but also defeated yourself.

Today’s team battle spirit, even the test in the second stage of the trial, you all passed my test with excellent results. “

In the lounge, the master said with satisfaction! Ling Mo also took off his disguise and no longer had to play Dai Mubai.

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“Master, when we get back, is it time to give us a holiday?”

Upon hearing that the test was passed, everyone smiled, and Oscar even leaned forward and smiled obscenely.

Flanders said angrily: “You little guys, don’t be too proud.”

“Haha, Flanders! Don’t be so harsh! Today, these children performed very well. It’s time to give them a holiday and have a good rest…”

The master had spoken. If Flanders still had any doubts, he decided to take action directly.


When they heard about the holiday, these people immediately became happy!

Next, Flanders waved his hand and said he wanted to treat him!

You know, he is quite stingy, even he is willing to treat me, which shows that I am really happy today.

“Okay, you go and settle the points. I’ll treat you later!” Flanders waved his hand, and the group went to settle the points happily.

Ling Mo also followed, and he didn’t have many points to settle! However, he couldn’t bear Zhu Zhuqing’s request and was pulled away by her.

“Girl, come to my room tonight…” On the way, Ling Mo had bad thoughts again and said directly in Zhu Zhuqing’s ear.

When Zhu Zhuqing heard this, his face immediately turned red and he said angrily: “What else do you want to do? It’s been a long day today…”

“It doesn’t matter, I have reset skills, I can do it again…”

“Reset skills? What is that?” Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a moment, very confused!

Ling Mo looked around to make sure there was no one around, then explained in her ear.

After hearing Ling Mo’s explanation, Zhu Zhuqing’s face turned red instantly.

“Bah, you are shameless! People are not serious, soul skills are not serious, I don’t want it…”

In the midst of laughter, Shrek and his group went to settle their points in a generous manner. Later, when they arrived at the agreed upon hotel, Flanders really didn’t lie and he really treated them.

When heading to the hotel, Ling Mo left for a moment. Everyone didn’t know what he was going to do and didn’t care.

After all, Ling Mo’s whereabouts have always been like this! They have long been used to it.

“Hey… aren’t those members of the Royal Fighter Team? Why are they also in this hotel…”

As soon as Ling Mo walked back to the hotel, he noticed on the way that members of the Royal Fighter Team were also walking over!

Since he no longer wore the mask and his hair turned black, these people did not recognize him.

There is one exception, and that is Ye Lingling.

After all, Ling Mo’s kick was very memorable to her!

“It’s you!” Ye Lingling glared at Ling Mo coldly as he approached, and continued to speak with his eyes.

“This little beauty, even though I’m very handsome, you won’t use such crude means to chat with me, right? Do we… know each other?”

Of course Ling Mo would not admit it. Tang San and the others had already entered. Ling Mo was the only one in front of the hotel, and there were Yu Tianheng and others in front.

“Lingling, what’s wrong?”

Realizing that something was wrong, Yu Tianheng and others turned around and asked, looking at Ling Mo, they always felt very familiar, but also very strange.

“I will remember you even when you turn into ashes! I will remember your kick, and sooner or later I will return it to you…”

When Ye Lingling thought of that kick just now, she couldn’t help but get angry! He rubbed his butt, getting angrier as he thought about it.

“I don’t quite understand what you mean! Let’s meet again if we are destined…” Ling Mo smiled and turned around and left!

He had no intention of continuing to quarrel with her, lest Zhu Zhuqing see the trouble.

Feeling a pair of eyes watching her from behind, Ling Mo hurriedly walked into the hotel to find Flanders and the others.

Yu Tianheng and others looked confused, and looked at each other when Ling Mo passed by.

“Such familiar eyes, who is this person?”

The changes in Ling Mo were so great that they could not even imagine that the one who defeated them just now was Ling Mo.

Shrek’s group also passed by here just now, and Dai Mubai’s figure also appeared among them, so Ling Mo was not combined with the person who defeated them just now.

“Lingling, let’s go!” With a greeting, the members of the Royal Dou Team helped each other into the hotel.

As soon as you enter the hotel! Ling Mo saw the people sitting in the restaurant. The dishes on the table had not been touched yet, and they were still talking about something.

Ling Mo noticed that there was a young man sitting next to Flanders. It seemed that this man should be Qin Ming.

“Hey, Dean, did you spend a lot of money today? The food is so rich…”

Ling Mo glanced at the food on the table and sat down next to Zhu Zhuqing unceremoniously to start eating.

Ling Mo sat down generously, which aroused Qin Ming’s doubts. He had just learned about the situation of the Shrek Seven Devils.

However, he was a little confused about the eighth person, Lingmo, and hurriedly looked at Flanders.

Flanders explained: “Let me introduce you, this is the eighth member of our Shrek Academy, Lingmo… Wuhun Five Color Divine Light, thirty-three level…”

“No, it’s forty-three level!”

Flanders was interrupted by Lingmo as soon as he finished speaking!

“What? Forty-three level?”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

When did this happen? I remember that when Lingmo just left, he was only thirty-three level. How come he was forty-three in the blink of an eye?

“Xiaomo, are you kidding? Are you really forty-three?” Tang San asked.

If it is said that the only person in Shrek Academy who can put pressure on Tang San is Lingmo!

I ​​thought the gap between them was only a few levels, but I didn’t expect Lingmo to rise so fast all of a sudden, even faster than the master’s devil training.

“Why would I lie to you! Hey…”

As he said, Lingmo directly activated his martial soul, and in the surprised eyes of everyone, a black soul ring slowly appeared.


“Ten thousand year soul ring…”

“Oh my god! He is not a human at all…”

“Is he still a human?”


When the ten thousand year soul ring appeared, everyone was at a loss!

This is only the fourth soul ring, and he has absorbed the ten thousand year soul ring. Is he still a human?

“Ten thousand year soul ring? Xiaomo, how did you do it?”

The master was stunned. According to his theory, the fourth soul ring could not absorb the ten thousand year soul ring at all. How did Lingmo do it?

He firmly believed in his theory, but every time Lingmo appeared, it seemed to tell him that his theory was wrong.

“Nothing is impossible! Master, you are too obsessed with the so-called theory and completely abandon the existence of miracles!

The so-called limit is just a framework based on the predecessors. Since the predecessors dared to try to break through themselves, why should we follow the old path?

So! I don’t believe in any theory, I only believe in myself. Obviously… I succeeded…”

Lingmo said indifferently, not knowing how much of a blow his words had given the master.

Not only was Lingmo hit hard, but Tang San would also hit him once in the future.

There is no shortage of elixirs in Lingmo’s small tower. When the time comes, I will put some on Tang San. What kind of ten thousand year spirit ring is that? Isn’t it simple?

“What is genius? It means to dare to try and take risks! If you want to get something that others can’t get, you have to dare to do what others dare not do…”

It’s confirmed, it will be on the shelves on Friday! I hope the first order will have a good result, and the results will be explosive and continuous…


Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people’s martial arts spirits

Status: Completed Author:


If you were given a spirit that could steal your opponent's spirit and magical powers, what would you do?
Traveling across the Douluo Continent, you unexpectedly awakened the five-color divine light, and had two supreme spirits with double pupils! Not only did you strengthen your own physique, but you could also steal your opponent's spirit, no matter how powerful the opponent's spirit was, or how good his spirit skills were! Lingmo could make it his own...
This is a different Douluo, a Douluo Continent full of stealing, trickery, and humor.
"I heard that Tang San's hidden weapon next door is very powerful? Don't panic, I'll steal his first..."


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