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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 118 The Death of Dai Zichen and the Transformation of Hua Buluo

“What the hell!” Dai Zichen went crazy. Hua Buluo from Wuhun Palace dared to show off in front of him!

As soon as the referee announced the start, Dai Zichen rushed towards Hua Buluo. His third soul skill, White Tiger King Kong Transformation, was released. Dai Zichen slapped Hua Buluo with one claw.

The fifth soul skill—Sakura Formation!

Hua Bu Luo directly activates the fifth soul skill. Within a radius of twenty meters, countless cherry blossoms appear with Hua Bu Luo as the center.

The cherry blossoms were fluttering in the wind. With Hua Buluo’s wave of his hand, countless cherry blossoms seemed to have spiritual consciousness and attacked Dai Zichen crazily. Countless cherry blossoms cut wounds on Dai Zichen’s body and directly broke his white tiger. King Kong changes.

The fourth soul ring behind Dai Zichen lit up and roared towards Hua Buluo. Dai Zichen’s fourth soul skill was called White Tiger Roar, which was a sonic skill.

The powerful sound waves shook apart the surrounding cherry blossoms, and some of the cherry blossoms that were closer to Dai Zichen were directly shaken away. The powerful sound waves distorted the air, and finally hit Hua Buluo.

However, a big gap in realm doomed everything. Dai Zichen was not Gu Chen or Gu Yuena. He did not have the ability to fight beyond the next level, and his soul ring configuration was just a regular thousand-year soul ring.

Although Hua Buluo was knocked back two steps by the sound wave and his blood was surging, he did not suffer any substantial damage.

“Scatter, Senbonzakura!” Hua Buluo’s magnetic voice came out, and countless cherry blossoms bloomed and flew towards Dai Zichen, everything was full of beauty.

The cherry blossoms dancing with the fingertips swept across Dai Zichen’s body, and there were gaps in his body, and blood spurted out.

“It will be fun to add some taste and mischief to the battle. Hua Bu Luo did a great job.” On the rostrum, Gu Chen watched everything with interest.

“We must retreat first!” On the ring, Dai Zichen knew that he would die if he continued to attack, so he planned to retreat.

The second soul skill——Sakura Storm!

A whirlwind surrounded Dai Zichen with countless cherry blossoms. Dai Zichen took a step back, and his right leg that stepped out was cut by countless cherry blossoms like blades. The blood line burst open and spread all over the ground.

New wounds kept appearing on Dai Zichen’s body, and he knew that he would never succeed.

“I admit…” Dai Zichen was about to admit defeat, but a cherry blossom had quietly fallen on his blond hair.


The cherry blossoms exploded with a bang, and Dai Zichen’s upper body was turned into a blood mist in the explosion. His upper body was missing and fell to the ground, without any life left.

“Wow! Mr. Hua is not only good-looking, but also very powerful!”

“Young Master Hua is invincible!”

“I will never marry unless I am a pretty girl in this life!”

The young girls in the audience were boiling with excitement as they brutally killed Dai Zichen without any suspense. They all screamed and their hearts moved secretly.

However, at this moment, the body of a prince on the rostrum suddenly rose into the air.

Dai Wuliang released seven soul rings, and he shouted angrily: “You dare to kill my son, I want you to die!”

Before he finished speaking, the pressure of Soul Saint swept over Hua Buluo. The huge pressure forced Hua Buluo to kneel down, but he stood with his tenacious perseverance, his pink eyes full of dissatisfaction. His back kept bending under the strong pressure, but he never fell down.

Gu Chen frowned and stood up.

But Dai Heng flew up one step ahead of him. He waved his hand and released the soul power of the Titled Douluo, which offset Dai Wuliang’s pressure. Dai Heng showed the majesty of the Star Luo Emperor: “Nonsense! In front of all the people, you are so talkative. ?”

“But, he killed my son!” Dai Wuliang said unwillingly.

Dai Heng simply surrendered to this stupid donkey. Was he trying to stop him?

I am saving him!

If the master of Wuhun Palace next to him takes action, will Dai Wuliang still have a chance to survive?

“Go back!” Dai Heng scolded.

Dai Wuliang reluctantly punched the ring. Although it did not hurt Hua Buluo, it caused the ring to collapse. He still did not dare to disobey Dai Heng’s order, so he had to return to the podium.

“My condolences, Your Majesty Prince.” Gu Chen looked at Dai Wuliang jokingly and mocked.

“Don’t worry about it, Lord!” Dai Wuliang’s expression was sinister. He looked at Gu Chen with a resentful look and said coldly.

The Star Luo City Soul Master Conference came to an end, and the 800-year-old soul bone also fell into Hua Buluo’s hands.

But neither Hua Buluo nor anyone else looked down upon this eight-hundred-year-old soul bone.

“Boss, I’ll give you this soul bone.” Hua Buluo said.

Gu Chen nodded and accepted the soul bone.

“By the way, I have a 1,300-year-old purple electric bird left leg bone here and a 1,100-year-old pangolin trunk bone. They are just suitable for Xiao Yu and Xuan Mo. Take them.” Gu Chen will Dai Heng took out the two soul bones he got and said.

“Thank you, brother.”

“Thank you, boss!”

Feng Xiaoyu and Xuanmo stepped forward and took the soul bone.

“Go and absorb it now, otherwise the night will be long and you will have many dreams.” Gu Chen said with a smile.

The two nodded and headed to the tenth floor.

“Hua Bu Luo, you did well in this competition, this is your reward.” Gu Chen then looked at Hua Bu Luo, who was looking enviously at Feng Xiao who had received the thousand-year soul bone. Yu and Xuanmo.

But he is limited to envy. He will not feel jealous or hateful towards his companions who have been through life and death.

Hearing Gu Chen’s words, Hua Buluo looked over expectantly and saw an extra card in Gu Chen’s hand.


Gu Chen swung the talent enhancement card in his hand in the direction of Hua Buluo. The card burst out and disappeared into Hua Buluo’s body in an instant.

“This!” The impurities in Hua Buluo’s body were continuously expelled, and then turned into fly ash and dissipated. Hua Buluo’s bloodline, physique, and soul power levels were significantly improved.

A burst of energy fluctuations came from Hua Buluo’s body. In an instant, Hua Buluo actually broke through to level 53.

“Boss, what is this?” Hua Buluo finally opened his eyes and looked at Gu Chen excitedly.

“This is your reward. Your talent is a top talent. It is possible to cultivate to the limit of Douluo. And it is to advance your talent to another level. Now you have the talent to become a god-level powerhouse. !” Gu Chen looked at him with a smile.

“God-level powerhouse!” Hua Buluo exclaimed in disbelief. The word “god-level” was too ethereal for him, but the boss in front of him who he completely trusted told himself that he had the power to become a god-level powerhouse. How could he not be overjoyed by his talent?

“Of course, you have to rely on your own efforts. I have a friend who also has a god-level talent, but he surrendered before he was fifteen years old, and when he lost the chance of jelly grass again, he has completely lost it. The hope of becoming a god. I don’t want you to be like him, do you understand?” Gu Chen said.

“Yes, boss!” Hua Buluo nodded vigorously.

Thanks to book friend Xinheng for the tip!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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