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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 143 Enslaving Bibi Dong

Looking at Gu Chen’s close eyes, Gu Yuena’s heart seemed to be touched. She nodded vigorously and said, “Brother Chen, I will always be with you, no matter where you are.”

Gu Chen hugged Gu Yuena again and pecked her tender pink lips.

But at this moment, a teacher from Wuhun Academy with poor vision not far away saw the two of them and shouted: “Students over there, what are you doing!”

Although Wuhun Academy does not explicitly prohibit students from falling in love, if a student is caught kissing on the spot and is discovered by the teacher, he will still be caught and given a lecture by the Academic Affairs Office.

“Let’s go!” Gu Chen grabbed Gu Yuena’s slender waist, led her to jump a few times, and left the scene.

When Gu Chen and Gu Yuena returned to Tianzi Class 1, Hua Buluo and others were already practicing in the classroom.

Seeing the two people coming in, the eight people stopped practicing and looked at Gu Chen and Gu Yuena.

“I have received a mission from the Pope to leave Wuhun City and will not be able to come back until five years later. During this period, you can practice with peace of mind and strive to improve your cultivation to level 70 Soul Saint.” Gu Chen said.

Luo Chen stood up immediately and said worriedly: “Brother Chen, the Pope has sent you another mission? Is it dangerous? Do you want us to go with you?”

Gu Chen shook his head and said: “No, the Pope only allows me and Na’er to go. What you have to do is to spend all your time practicing and not miss out on actual combat. Na’er and I left Wuhun City, You can ask the dean to be the referee for you, just say it was me who said so.”

“Yes!” Hua Buluo and others had no choice but to agree.


A white light flashed, and six god-given soul rings appeared in Gu Chen’s palm.

There were only five god-given soul rings in his system backpack, but he temporarily spent 1,500 system points in the system mall to purchase a god-given soul ring.

Gu Chen placed the six god-given soul rings in the hands of Hua Buluo, Feng Xiaoyu, Xuan Mo, Jin Zi, Xue Youyou and Mo Yun respectively.

Luo Chen and Ling Xiaojiu naturally knew what this was, and they knew that their companions could also possess hundred thousand year soul rings.

“This is a god-given soul ring. When you reach the bottleneck of your soul power, crush it and absorb it. At that time, you will also be able to have a hundred thousand year soul ring of your own. Mo Yun, when you reach fifty years of cultivation Just use it when you reach level 60. Don’t rush to break through when you reach level 60. When I come back, I will give you another god-given soul ring. The same goes for others. When you reach level 70 Soul Saint If there is a bottleneck, continue practicing and don’t break through.” Gu Chen explained.

After Hua Buluo and others knew that the beads in their hands were soul rings given by gods, their eyes suddenly shone, and their eyes looking at Gu Chen were filled with gratitude.

“Yes, boss!”

“I have to leave Wuhun City now. You can continue practicing.” Gu Chen said.

After Gu Chen asked Gu Yuena to stay in the classroom to practice, he left Wuhun Academy.

There is a branch hall outside Wuhun Academy, which is the branch hall where Bibi Dong lives.

Yes, the purpose of Gu Chen’s trip was to use the high-level enslavement talisman to enslave Bibi Dong.

However, as soon as Gu Chen approached the branch hall, which was a hundred meters away, he was already discovered by Bibi Dong, who had the strength of a level 98 peerless Douluo.

Bibi Dong’s body instantly passed through the window on the fifth floor and flew to the sky above the branch hall. She looked down at Gu Chen: “Boy, I couldn’t kill you last time, but you dare to come to me alone? Don’t you want to live anymore?”

Gu Chen frowned. His enslavement talisman also had a distance limit. Only when he was within ten meters of Bibi Dong could he enslave Bibi Dong through the enslavement talisman.

Gu Chen took action directly, and the Golden Dragon King’s martial soul instantly possessed him. The third soul ring behind him lit up, and the pair of golden dragon wings appeared behind him. With a sudden flap of the dragon wings, Gu Chen quickly swept towards Bibi Dong.

When Bibi Dong saw that Gu Chen actually attacked her, she felt that her dignity as a peerless Douluo had been challenged. She was furious and possessed the Death Spider Emperor’s martial spirit, and her third spirit ring also lit up.

The third soul skill – Death Spider Web Binding!

A dark purple spider web was spit out by Bibi Dong, shrouding Gu Chen with dense purple poisonous gas. The death spider web continued to expand during the flight, bounding towards Gu Chen.

Gu Chen sneered, his fourth and sixth soul rings lit up at the same time, and the five-pointed star light seal appeared around him. Even Bibi Dong’s peerless Douluo-level poisonous gas could only arouse a burst of soul energy on the light seal. The force ripples, but cannot break it.

Gu Chen’s fourth soul skill, Golden Dragon Detection Claw, used all his strength to swing at the spider web in front of him. With the blessing of Gu Chen’s powerful strength, penetrating power and tearing attributes, the dark purple death spider web was actually torn in half. .

“Do you want to die?” Bibi Dong shouted angrily, and released the sixth soul skill, the blood-sucking spider sting, and shot towards Gu Chen.

But Gu Chen’s figure flickered, and at the same time the fourth soul ring behind his back lit up. His body seemed to turn into afterimages, directly passing by the blood-sucking spider thorn.

Forbidden Ordinary·Dragon Emperor Chong!

This is the second fourth soul skill that Gu Chen has obtained after his fourth soul ring became a hundred thousand year soul ring!

His third soul skill, Golden Dragon Flying, had already boosted his speed to close to the speed of sound. With the speed increase of Forbidden Ordinary and Dragon Emperor Chong, Gu Chen’s flying speed truly reached the speed of sound!

In an instant, Gu Chen had arrived in front of Bibi Dong!


The high-level slavery talisman was thrown out, and as Gu Chen’s thoughts bound Bibi Dong’s soul, Bibi Dong’s body froze. After a few seconds, she quickly withdrew her martial soul, landed on the ground, and knelt down on one knee towards Gu Chen.

“Bibi Dong pays homage to the Holy Son.”

“Huh!” Gu Chen let out a long breath. Although the process was a bit bumpy, he finally succeeded in enslaving Bibi Dong through the advanced enslavement talisman.

“Bibi Dong, I remember that Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo, Snake Spear Douluo, Array Douluo and Demon Bear Douluo are all loyal to you, right?” Gu Chen asked condescendingly.

Bibi Dong, who was controlled by the high-level slave talisman, was 100% loyal to Gu Chen. She quickly and respectfully said: “Yes.”

Gu Chen nodded, feeling secretly happy, buy one and get five free, it was a huge profit!

Gu Chen suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and said to Bi Dong: “Summon the five titled Douluo. I want to meet them. In addition, you command them to be loyal to me!”

Although those five titled Douluo may not be truly loyal to Gu Chen because of Bibi Dong’s words, there is no doubt that the five Douluo who are completely loyal to Bibi Dong are loyal to Gu Chen under Bibi Dong’s order. At least it can reach more than 50%.

In this way, Gu Chen can completely use the intermediate enslavement talisman to enslave the five titled Douluo and make them his own.

There were still seven days left before leaving Wuhun City, and Bibi Dong set the time for the five titled Douluo to meet Gu Chen in five days.

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(Additional update on National Day, brothers~)


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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