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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 163 The Sixth Soul Skill of Friends

After leaving the branch hall of Wuhun Palace, Gu Chen checked the system messages that he had previously skipped.


“Congratulations to the host for completing the system selection task. Rewards: Teleportation Array*10, God-level Slave Talisman*1, All Soul Beast Talent Enhancement Card (after use, the cultivation speed of all soul beasts willing to be loyal to the host increases by 10%)*1, 10 Ten thousand system points have been stored in the system backpack, please check the host.”

Since Bibi Dong successfully achieved the status of Rakshasa God and became a first-level god, Gu Chen’s system mission was also completed.

After Gu Chen and Gu Yuena entered Wuhun City, they did not go directly to meet Pope Qian Xunji, but went to Wuhun Academy first.

As usual, Luo Chen and others were still practicing in the classroom. When they saw Gu Chen and Gu Yuena come in, they greeted them in surprise.


“Brother Chen! Sister Na’er!”

Gu Chen nodded and said, “Except for Mo Yun, you should all have reached level 70, right?”

Luo Chen replied: “Well, Mo Yun has now reached the threshold of level 60, and we have reached the threshold of level 70. We followed your instructions and did not break through, but waited for you to come back.”

Gu Chen smiled with satisfaction. He spent 8,000 system points to redeem eight god-given soul rings from the system mall.

But even so, Gu Chen still had as many as 196,000 system points left.

Seeing the god-given soul ring in Gu Chen’s hand, Luo Chen and others’ eyes lit up and they looked at Gu Chen eagerly.

They who have absorbed the god-given soul ring know the benefits of the god-given soul ring all too well. The soul skills that the 100,000-year-old god-given soul ring bestows on them are all extremely powerful.

“Before absorbing the soul rings, please tell me what your sixth soul skill is.” Gu Chen said after handing the god-given soul rings to the eight people respectively.

The first one to speak was Jin Zi: “Boss, my first sixth soul skill is called Golden Crocodile Xiaotian. It is a sonic soul skill. Its effect is to launch a powerful sonic attack on the fan-shaped area in front, affecting The range can reach up to 100 meters. My second soul skill is called Golden Crocodile Sky Break…” After introducing his first hundred thousand year soul skill, he introduced the Golden Crocodile Sky Break.

After Jin Zi, Hua Buluo was introduced. He took a step forward and said: “My first sixth soul skill is called Sakura Monitor. Its effect is to create a cherry blossom that can monitor sounds within a hundred meters. Once If it is created, it will exist forever. If it is damaged, it will explode on its own. The explosion effect is two-thirds of the Sakura time bomb. The monitored sound will be stored in the sixth soul ring of Hua Bu Luo, which can be used by the newly manufactured Sakura monitor. Play it.”

“This skill is really good. How many Sakura monitors can you make?” Gu Chen said happily.

“I can make up to ten in a day, but each one I make will only consume 5% of my soul power.” Hua Buluo replied.

Gu Chen asked Hua Buluo for ten cherry blossom monitors that Hua Buluo had made previously.

Due to the characteristic that once the Sakura Monitor is made, it will last forever. Within three years after he obtained the sixth soul ring, he would use his soul power every week to create 10 Sakura Monitors and store them. In three years, he had a total of One hundred and fifty-six Sakura monitors were produced.

Among them, Luo Chen and others each asked for ten and left. Counting Gu Chen’s departure, Hua Buluo had more than seventy cherry blossom monitors in his possession.

“Brother Chen, my second 100,000-year-old soul skill, the invisible cherry blossom mine, is to create a cherry blossom mine that will become invisible after being attached to the ground or a building. It can last for one month and will dissipate on its own after one month.” . After the Sakura mine is invisible, if the force exceeds five kilograms, it will explode on its own, and the explosion effect is 1.5 times that of the Sakura time bomb.” Hua Buluo introduced, with a deep respect for Gu Chen in his tone when he spoke. You must know that Gu Chen has brought him so many blessings, and he is nothing less than his reborn parent!

After Hua Buluo’s introduction, it was Feng Xiaoyu who looked at Gu Chen as if she were her master. She said, “Brother Chen, my first hundred thousand year soul ring skill is hurricane cutting. The effect of the formation is to make my body move quickly, cut the air within a ten-meter radius, or cut the air in a certain direction, causing huge damage by tearing the air. If I use all my soul power to use the hurricane cutting formation, I can even Tear apart space. My second hundred thousand year soul skill is Hurricane Wind Blade Array, which has the effect of summoning one hundred and eight wind blades to form a wind blade array for cutting attacks.”

“They are all highly lethal soul skills, even comparable to the offensive soul skills of an attack-type soul master.” Gu Chen said.

“Thank you, Brother Chen.” Upon hearing the compliment, Feng Xiaoyu responded with a smile.

“Xuan Mo, it’s your turn.” Gu Chen looked at Xuan Mo, who was standing further back. Ling Xiaojiu and Feng Xiao Yu in front of him could not block his tall figure at all.

Xuan Mo scratched his head and said: “Boss, my first 100,000-year-old soul skill is called the Attack Formation. Its effect is to lay out a formation with a diameter of ten meters on the ground. Friends who enter the formation can control the attack formation and attack it. Fire soul power cannonballs from any position within a thousand meters, and the explosion effect of the shells is equivalent to a cherry blossom time bomb that never falls. The attack formation lasts for ten minutes, and can fire up to ten soul power cannonballs.”

“My second 100,000-year-old soul skill is called the Imperial Formation. Its effect is to lay out a ten-meter-diameter formation on the ground, which can protect the allies who enter the formation. The Imperial Formation can perfectly withstand damage from Titled Douluo and below. Or withstand three Title Douluo-level injuries, the imperial formation lasts for ten minutes.” Xuan Mo said.

Ok, Ok!

Gu Chen nodded secretly. Xuan Mo’s offensive soul skill was originally Shanye Clash. Now with the offensive formation, he can be regarded as a soul master who can attack and defend.

“Brother Chen, my first hundred thousand year soul skill is the Domain of Ice. The effect is to increase the effect of the first to fifth soul skills by 50% during the duration of the soul skill. My The second 100,000-year-old soul skill is Ice Crystal Puppet. Its effect is to summon an ice crystal puppet. The ice crystal puppet has 500% of my physical quality and 50% of my soul power level.” Xue Youyou introduced road.

Xue Youyou’s sixth soul skill is not so heaven-defying. Even though the ice crystal puppet has five times the physical fitness of her own body, Xue Youyou, a delicate girl, even if she is an attack-type soul master, her physical fitness can be as high as Where to go?

Although she is an attack-type soul master, her soul skills are all control-oriented. Even the increase in soul skills is mostly based on the mastery of ice elements.

The last one to introduce soul skills was Mo Yun. Since his god-given soul ring was the fifth soul ring, his god-given soul ring had barely reached the threshold of one hundred thousand years.

At this time, Mo Yun was sixteen or seventeen years old, and his body had grown relatively quickly. He was already taller than Ling Xiaojiu and Feng Xiaoyu.

I’m really not in the water! These are the introductions to Hua Bu Luo and their soul skills! The next chapter is definitely not good, and the next chapter is the last chapter of this volume, so everyone must read it!

Finally, I would like to thank book friend Kang Ning and brother 15137433281, (野°3°)- for their monthly votes.


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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