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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 168 Precision sniper, massacre of the city!

On the same day, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was wiped out, and none of the disciples in the sect survived. However, the Wuhun Palace also sacrificed several titled Douluo including the Fourth Son of Wang Qi, as well as several elders.

And that night, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena also took the Wuhun Palace soul master legion entrusted to him by Hua Bu Luo Eight and Qian Xunji, and sneaked towards the Dream Empire, a subsidiary kingdom of the Tiandou Empire.

After sneaking into the Dream Kingdom overnight, Gu Chen stopped.

“According to reliable information, the Dream Kingdom has three main cities. If we can capture them, then the remaining three or two small cities will be out of the question,” Gu Chen said.

“Luo Chen, Feng Xiaoyu, you two will follow five Soul Douluo and seven Soul Saints, bring one-third of the troops, and be responsible for attacking the main city of Wolong City; Xue Youyou, Xuanmo, you two will follow The other five Soul Douluo and seven Soul Saints brought another third of the troops to attack the main city of Tianrong City. The remaining people all followed Na’er and me to attack the main city and also create the Dream Empire. Shengyan City in the royal city.” Gu Chen arranged.

Gu Chen looked at the night and said, “It’s almost dawn. Without further ado, let’s set off.”

“Yes, Brother Chen!” Luo Chen and Xue Youyou shouted, and each picked five Soul Douluo and seven Soul Saints from the team, and led more than 200 martial souls with realms above and below the Soul Lord. After the palace soul masters took a map of the Dream Kingdom, they went to kill the city they were responsible for conquering.

Gu Chen and Gu Yuena took Ling Xiaojiu, Jin Zi, Hua Buluo, Xuan Mo, and the remaining army of spirit masters from the Spirit Hall to kill the royal city of Shengyan City.

Breaking dawn is the sleepiest time for people. On the city wall of Shengyan City, the soldiers leaned on their weapons and fell asleep. Only the middle-aged man wearing the uniform of a city defense military captain was still staring ahead energetically.

After Gu Chen led the army of soul masters to sneak close to Shengyan City for 700 meters, he raised his right hand to signal everyone to stop.

He lay on the soil with the fragrance of fragrant grass. The location where Gu Chen was was on the slope of a hill. He looked towards Shengyan City, condescendingly.

A Kar-98k sniper rifle appeared in Gu Chen’s hand as if by magic. After installing the various accessories, he observed Shengyan City through the six-fold mirror.

Soon, his eyes were fixed on the city defense military captain, because on the entire city wall, the only person who was still fully awake was the city defense military colonel.

The crosshair in the six-power scope, the machine sight of the Kar-98k and Gu Chen’s gaze remained on the same straight line, three points and one line, and what the crosshair was aiming at was the captain of the city defense army. head.

Gu Chen suddenly closed his eyes, and his mental power radiated outward slightly. In his mind, he quickly calculated the effects of wind speed and distance on bullets. He frowned and said, “Xiaojiu, give me a boost in mental power.”

Behind Gu Chen, Ling Xiaojiu quickly took a step forward and released the Nine-leaf Sword Grass martial spirit. She sang in a very sweet voice: “Nine-leaf Nourishing Awakening Grass!”

An ethereal ball of light emitted from the Nine-leaf Sword Grass martial spirit and penetrated into Gu Chen’s eyebrows.

Gu Chen’s frown relaxed, and his mind became clear. He opened his eyes, slightly adjusted the aiming direction of the Kar-98k, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

You know how difficult it is to snipe someone from a distance of 700 meters. Even before, he could only snipe Dai Wuliang from a distance of 500 meters.

However, the bullet spun and shot out, forming an arc in the air. In the blink of an eye, it was 700 meters away and penetrated into the eyebrows of the city defense military colonel!

You must know that the Dream Kingdom is just a very small kingdom. Even the city defense military captain only has the cultivation level of the Soul Emperor. Naturally, he cannot withstand bullet attacks.

A line of blood burst out, and the body of the city defense military captain fell to the ground with a “plop” sound.

But those sleepy-eyed city defense soldiers thought that one of their companions couldn’t hold back their sleepiness and fell to the ground because they couldn’t rely on their weapons. So, they just laughed inwardly and continued to take a peaceful nap.

Gu Chen saw all this through the six-fold mirror. He sneered and put the Kar-98k sniper rifle back into his system backpack. He stood up and waved his hand: “Attack!”

Shengyan City is the royal city of the Dream Kingdom, and all the people who live in it are dignitaries of the Dream Kingdom.

If you ask, are there no ordinary people inside? The answer is yes. The people who originally lived in Shengyan City were all driven out decades ago. Now, only the officials and dignitaries of the Dream Kingdom are left living in Shengyan City.

A ray of dawn has shone from the distant horizon, and on the city wall, countless city defense troops have put down their weapons and are sleeping soundly leaning on the city wall.

But at this moment, countless black shadows jumped onto the city wall. The throats of these city defenders, whose cultivation level was no higher than that of a great soul master, were wiped out in their sleep.

The soul masters from the branch of Wuhun Palace in the city quickly opened the city gate and let in the army of soul masters from Wuhun Palace.

“How to deal with these dignitaries?” asked a Soul Douluo. Wuhun Palace’s developed information network let them know that only dignitaries existed in Shengyan City.

Gu Chen sneered and said: “Massacre the city! You are responsible for massacring the city. Xiaojiu, the four of you come with me to the palace.”

Gu Chen has also been to the branch of Wuhun Hall in Shengyan City. He knows that none of the powerful people in Shengyan City are good.

“Yes!” Ling Xiaojiu and the others nodded.

The five Soul Douluo and seven Soul Saints led the soul masters into the city.

The soul masters of the Wuhun Palace with soul powers above level 40 are responsible for killing, while the soul masters of the Wuhun Palace below level 40 are responsible for arson and looting in the city.

When Gu Chen and others entered the palace, they were discovered by Lingbo, the leader of the Dream Kingdom.

The leader of the Dream Kingdom, Lingbo, was a level 89 Soul Douluo. Appearing with him were twelve soul saint level princes.

“Who is your Excellency, and why did you break into my dream palace?” Ling Bao, the leader of the dream kingdom, said in a deep voice, with deep fear in his tone. Although Gu Chen and Gu Yuena did not release their martial souls, the auras they exuded made his hair quiver.

Gu Chen grinned, showing his clean white teeth. The Golden Dragon King’s martial soul possessed him. Three black and three red terrifying soul rings appeared behind him. Gu Chen sneered and said: “Gu Chen, the holy son of the Wuhun Palace, is hereby ordered. Come and deal with the disloyal ministers!”

In addition to Gu Chen, Gu Yuena, Ling Xiaojiu and other five people also released martial spirits and soul rings.

Lingbo, the leader of the Meng Kingdom, was shocked. A month ago, Wuhun Palace did come to recruit him, but he rejected him. However, Lingbo never expected that just because of this, Wuhun Palace would kill him. Destroy the country.

And each of the six people in front of them actually possesses more than two hundred thousand year soul rings!

What’s wrong with this world? ! Is it possible that all hundred thousand year soul rings are ruined? !

“Aren’t you afraid of the Tiandou Empire’s revenge? Our Dream Kingdom is a vassal state of the Tiandou Empire!” Ling Bao, the leader of the Dream Kingdom, also tried to save the fate of the Dream Kingdom.

“Do you think the current Tiandou Empire is still capable of starting a war with us?” Gu Chen asked.

Ling Yi, the leader of Meng Kingdom, was speechless for a moment.

Please give me a reward, there will be a story about spreading dog food tomorrow. I heard that it’s popular to trick dogs into killing them recently? Squinting:-Dω)


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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