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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 181 Demon

Under the effect of Ling Xiaojiu’s spiritual power recovery soul skill, Feng Xiaoyu’s mental power quickly recovered, and she also opened her eyes.

“What am I?” Feng Xiaoyu was still a little weak. She sat up and saw Luo Chen and others surrounding her. Feng Xiaoyu said in confusion.

Gu Yuena said: “Xiao Yu, when I found you, your body was already embedded in the rock for thirty or forty meters, but it should be the wind god’s power that protected you from harm, but your mental power It consumes too much.”

Hearing Gu Yuena’s words, Feng Xiaoyu remembered everything. She said in surprise: “Sister Na’er, I have completed the first test of Fengshen!”

“You release the martial spirit, and I’ll see if the life of your spirit ring has been increased.” Gu Chen came over and said.

Just one day ago, Hua Buluo, who was in the Star Dou Forest, contacted him through the communication rune stone and informed him that his strength had improved as a result of the divine test reward and that he was learning to communicate with plants with the help of the Ten Thousand Demon King, completing the first Things about the second exam.

Feng Xiaoyu nodded and stood up. Her mental weakness made her body sway. She released her martial spirit and possessed the hurricane bird martial spirit.

Purple, purple, purple, black, black, red, red!

Feeling the power emanating from her soul ring, she was very excited: “Brother Chen, each of my soul rings has increased the life span by five thousand years!”

“Well, you can sense the position of the God of Wind and see what the content of your second test of the God of Wind is?” Gu Chen asked.

Feng Xiaoyu closed his eyes as he was told, and tried to communicate with the Wind God’s position through the Wind God’s mark on his forehead.

After a while, she opened her eyes and said with a somewhat solemn expression: “The second test of Fengshen, crossing, Hurricane Grand Canyon.”

“Hurricane Grand Canyon? That’s not in Douluo Continent!” Luo Chen said worriedly. If this is the case, is it possible for Feng Xiaoyu to complete the divine test?

Feng Xiaoyu shook his head and said: “I will not give up, because only by becoming a god can I help everyone. I will not hold you back. I plan to set off today and find a way to go to the continent where the Hurricane Grand Canyon is located. .”

“Sister Xiao Yu, I will accompany you!” Luo Chen said anxiously. He would not let Feng Xiaoyu go alone. After all, it was not clear what kind of dangers there were in that unknown continent!

“You don’t have to argue, all of us will go with you, Xiao Yu.” Gu Chen said calmly.

“But, but…” Feng Xiaoyu didn’t want to drag down her friends. She was about to say something, but was interrupted by Gu Chen.

Gu Chen took out something that looked like a golden key from his system backpack. He said calmly: “This is a teleportation array. As long as Xiao Yu can tell me the specific location of the Hurricane Grand Canyon, I can teleport through this space key structure.” Formation, this way, I can permanently connect this place to the Hurricane Canyon.”

When Luo Chen and Feng Xiaoyu heard this, they were overjoyed. Luo Chen said: “In this case, it couldn’t be better. Sister Xiao Yu, let’s help you complete the divine test together!”

Feng Xiaoyu was communicating with the god, and through constant induction, he clarified the specific coordinates of the location of the Hurricane Grand Canyon.

Soon, the scope of the entire continent shrunk to an area the size of Soto City, and the Hurricane Grand Canyon occupied two-thirds of this area.

Gu Chen threw the Space Key, and the golden key shone brightly in the air, eventually turning into a six-pointed star array. The other end of the six-pointed star array was the midpoint of the coordinates of the Hurricane Grand Canyon given by Feng Xiaoyu.

The soul power injected by Gu Chen is enough for this teleportation array to exist for an hour. As long as the person entering the teleportation array is below the limit Douluo, then in addition to the soul power required to maintain the existence of the teleportation array itself, the soul power consumed to teleport others can be said to be It’s minimal.

“Once the teleportation array is set up, the location of the teleportation destination will always be fixed, but the teleportation array can be turned into a key and controlled by me at any time.” Gu Chen said, “Of course, if I arrive at the teleportation array through the teleportation array, The other end of the teleportation array, then unless I return to the original position through the teleportation array again, I will not be able to close the teleportation array, and the teleportation array will also be fixed at the set position.”

“But Brother Chen, if we arrive at the Hurricane Grand Canyon, but the teleportation array left at Wuhun Academy is taken away by others, wouldn’t we be unable to come back?” Luo Chen said.

Gu Chen smiled lightly and said: “This teleportation array is connected to my blood. Except for me and the people I allow, no one can set up or close the teleportation array. However, everyone can inject soul power into the teleportation array and recharge it.” That’s all.”

“Without further ado, Na’er, you stay here to take care of Xue Youyou and Xuan Mo. Let’s go to the Hurricane Grand Canyon with Xiao Yu,” Gu Chen said.

“Yeah.” Gu Yuena nodded obediently.

Gu Chen waved his hand and took the lead into the six-pointed star teleportation array. His figure disappeared instantly: “Let’s go!”

Feng Xiaoyu, Luo Chen and others looked at each other, lined up, and the five of them entered the six-pointed star teleportation array at the same time.

Another continent, Hurricane Canyon.

Gu Chen and others can be said to be lucky, but not very lucky.

Fortunately, when the six people appeared here, they were already in the Hurricane Canyon.

But unfortunately, the location where they appeared was a demon’s lair.

Yes, it is a demon, not a soul beast.

There are no soul beasts on this continent, and demons are the only creatures here that harm humans.

Demons are mostly transformed by the spiritual consciousness of things in the world. For example, the demon in front of Gu Chen and others is the fusion of rock and wind – the wind rock python!

This demon named Wind Rock Python is obviously quite advanced. If it is measured by the age of the soul beast, then this Wind Rock Python can be called a half-million-year-old beast!

If Gu Yuena were here, he might be able to communicate with such existences through the laws of elements, but Gu Chen, who had not unlocked all the seals, could only escape with everyone at this time.

If Gu Chen fought to the death without breaking the seal, he might be able to kill Fengyan Python without being seriously injured, but he could not guarantee the safety of Feng Xiaoyu and others.

The Fengyan Python’s body slowly circled and approached Gu Chen and the others. It didn’t know what kind of strength this uninvited guest had, and it planned to test Gu Chen.


A wind blade that was almost solidified slashed towards Gu Chen.

Gu Chen’s hair suddenly stood up. The Golden Dragon King’s martial soul completed possession in an instant. His sixth hundred thousand year soul ring lit up, and golden runes appeared in front of him. This was his defensive sixth soul. Technique, don’t use Golden Dragon!

However, Gu Chen’s sixth soul skill that had always been invincible was broken by the wind blade in an instant, but the wind blade also exhausted its energy and dissipated in the air.


The Wind Rock Snake roared. It saw that the strength of the group of ants in front of it was completely inferior to itself. What it wanted to do was to turn the life energy of the six ants in front of it into its own dinner!

“Let’s go!” Gu Chen shouted suddenly, the golden dragon wings opened in an instant, and the golden dragon claws appeared. Gu Chen’s left hand held Feng Xiaoyu and Luo Chen’s collars at the same time, and his right hand held the golden dragon gun, the slender gun body. Passing through the belts of Ling Xiaojiu, Jin Zi and Mo Yun, he lifted them up and threw them behind his back.

He spread his dragon wings, raised his speed to supersonic speed, and fled away in one direction.

Thanks to book friends Four Seasons Rufeng and Xinheng for their rewards, and to book friends Four Seasons Rufeng for their monthly tickets. Thanks, Xiaobai!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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