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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 185 Transformation, the ultimate wind!

Feng Xiaoyu continued to get up and move forward, keeping her speed at half the speed of sound. Half an hour later, she had flown one-third of the distance across the Hurricane Grand Canyon.

Is there no demon territory in the middle of this third of the journey?

Of course there is, but Feng Xiaoyu came up with a wonderful countermeasure. Her fifth soul skill, Wind Concealment, can cover her traces 100%. In this hurricane canyon, unless there is a demon emperor or a big demon. The demon exists, otherwise no one can find her traces!

If she had thought of this earlier, maybe she wouldn’t have needed to spend such a high price to kill the Wind Dire Beast when she faced it before.

Suddenly, Feng Xiaoyu stopped again.

She stopped not because there was a demon in front of her.

Not far ahead, I saw that the dozens of meters wide canyon suddenly shrank, leaving less than five meters wide.

In this very narrow canyon, the wind flow in the air became more turbulent, and without the control of the demon, it turned into a wind blade.

If Feng Xiaoyu wanted to pass through this narrow section that was 100 meters long, it would be the same as passing through a wind blade array that was a hundred times denser than the hurricane wind blade array!

Feng Xiaoyu came to the wind outlet, and suddenly, a wind blade burst out from the narrow part, slicing across Feng Xiaoyu’s right cheek, and blood flowed down Feng Xiaoyu’s cheek.

She pressed the wound with one hand and used her soul power to stop the bleeding, then looked forward in shock.

Unexpectedly, the strength of these wind blades was no weaker than her hurricane wind blade array!

Barrier of Wind!

Feng Xiaoyu released his soul skill and applied a wind barrier to himself, then took a step forward and entered this narrow part.

The wind here was extremely violent and uncontrollable. Not only was Feng Xiaoyu unable to use the wind element here to accelerate himself, he was even resisted by the wind.

Her speed suddenly dropped sharply. This distance of one hundred meters used to take only the blink of an eye, but now, a quarter of an hour passed, and she had only covered half of it.

Click! Click! Click!

Feng Xiaoyu’s wind barrier has already appeared cracks. Due to the uncontrollability of the wind element here, she can only rely on her own soul power to release the wind barrier.

When Feng Xiaoyu was about ten meters away from the exit, the wind barrier shattered.

The wind blade cut towards Feng Xiaoyu without any resistance. Her head, body, arms and legs were all attacked to varying degrees, and countless blood marks appeared on her body.

Under the severe pain, Feng Xiaoyu was unusually awake, but her vision had become blurred due to excessive blood loss.

Hurricane strikes!

Using the last of his soul power, Feng Xiaoyu used the displacement characteristics of his soul skill to appear dozens of meters away.

Her vision was so blurred that she could hardly see anything, but she did not fall into unconsciousness. Instead, she forced herself to take out a bowl of Luo Chen’s secret fried rice from the space soul guide.

The effect of secret fried rice is to refresh and detoxify, plus a small amount of healing effect.

Feng Xiaoyu’s wound gradually recovered, but due to the refreshing effect of the secret fried rice, she did not pass out, and she completely endured the pain caused by the wound.

As a young girl, she has endured too many hardships that she should not have to endure at her age.

But Feng Xiaoyu knows that if you don’t experience wind and rain, how can you see a rainbow? Now that you have embarked on the road to becoming a god, there is no turning back!

The next two-thirds of the journey to the Hurricane Grand Canyon is equally dangerous and dangerous, and the previous Wind Blade Array is relatively simple.

With divine power suppressing all cultivation levels, climbing a mountain rock hundreds of meters high with only the physical body may end up being shattered to pieces if one is not careful.

If you are moving forward under the resistance of strong wind currents, if you don’t keep your feet firmly planted, you will be blown hundreds of meters away, and all your efforts will be wasted.

The most dangerous thing is to pass through a hundred-meter-long cliff after cultivating the divine power seal, and the only thing that can lend Feng Xiaoyu strength is a rusty iron rope!

Feng Xiaoyu spent nearly six hours in this hurricane canyon!

Finally, a ray of dawn shone in from the mouth of the canyon a thousand meters away. With her good eyesight, she had already seen the figures of Gu Chen and others.

While she was traveling through the Hurricane Grand Canyon, Luo Shiyu had already led Gu Chen and others from the outside to the other end of the canyon.

Although the journey is much longer due to the detour, there are not so many dangers outside the Hurricane Canyon!

As early as two hours ago, her friends had arrived at this end of the canyon waiting for her.

Feng Xiaoyu’s steps were a little frivolous, and her body had reached its limit after six hours of tension.

After another thousand meters, we will succeed!

Feng Xiaoyu smiled.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A very familiar creature stood at the mouth of the canyon like a roadblock.

It is none other than the Great Demon – Wind Rock Python!

“It’s this big demon! Brother Chen, what should we do! Even you can only take us to escape, how can Sister Xiao Yu defeat it!” Luo Chen said anxiously, you know, this big demon’s The cultivation level is equivalent to that of a ferocious beast that lasts for half a million years!

Gu Chen said calmly: “It is obviously not a coincidence that the Wind Rock Python appears here. This may be a test set by the God of Wind for Xiao Yu. Since it is a test, there is no reason why it cannot be passed.”

“It turned out to be it! Damn it, even when I was taking the assessment, the thing blocking the entrance of the canyon was just a demon emperor!” Luo Shiyu looked worried. It had been nearly a thousand years since she had encountered such a demon king. As a successor, how could she not be worried about Feng Xiaoyu?

Although Feng Xiaoyu also looked ugly, she quickly found a countermeasure.

She accelerated her speed to the speed of sound and blasted towards the Wind Rock Python.

Fengyan python had been staring at her from beginning to end, how could he not notice Feng Xiaoyu’s movements? Seeing Feng Xiaoyu planning to go around, Fengyan Python hissed, and his eyes showed a humanized look of ridicule.

A group of wind blades appeared behind it, blocking Feng Xiaoyu’s path like a wall.

This wind blade array is very dense and there is no way to avoid it. If Feng Xiaoyu forces his way through the wind blade array, he will definitely be torn into pieces!

But the corner of Feng Xiaoyu’s mouth raised, her third soul ring lit up, and the hurricane thrust the soul skill that had saved her countless times in the hurricane canyon, causing her body to pass through the wind blade array in an instant. Formation appeared outside the canyon.

However, even though she passed through the wind blade array through the displacement of her soul skills, she still inevitably came into contact with the wind blades. After leaving the Hurricane Grand Canyon, her body suddenly had ten more blood marks.

These ten blood marks were all deep enough to show the bones, and the most serious one almost cut her body in half!

Feng Yanmang roared and was about to chase him out, but was blocked by an invisible barrier of divine power and unable to leave the Hurricane Grand Canyon.

“Traveling through the Hurricane Grand Canyon, the test is passed. Unyielding and moving forward, who says women are inferior to men? The reward is doubled. At the end of the second test, the affinity of the Wind God has increased by 20%, and the current total is 40%.” Feng. Before Xiao Yu fell into coma, she only heard a mechanical female voice.

At the same time, a divine power appeared, wrapping Feng Xiaoyu’s body and repairing her injuries.

Her wounds scabbed and fell off quickly. Because the wounds were too dense, when the scabs fell off, it was like she had shed a layer of skin, and the new skin inside was white and glowing, like a transformation.

Although Feng Xiaoyu had fallen into a coma, her martial spirit was released on its own. The phantom of the hurricane bird appeared and was slowly transformed by a divine power. The hurricane bird continued to change and grow.

In the end, the hurricane bird shone with green light. No, it should not be called a hurricane bird anymore. Feng Xiaoyu’s martial spirit had evolved under the transformation of divine power.

Now her martial spirit is the ultimate wind – Blue Bird!

Thank you to the book friend for the reward just now. Thank you to the book friend for the monthly ticket that is annoying and fascinating on rainy days. Thank you, Xiaobai!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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