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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 20 Still so arrogant without monitoring? !

Oscar said in surprise: “What uncle profiteer? This is our dean, the founder of Shrek Academy, the four-eyed owl Flanders. A seventy-eighth level soul saint. Even more powerful than Teacher Zhao.” And he possesses a flying beast spirit. It is quite rare among fighting spirit masters. Fatty is his direct disciple.”

Isn’t he just a bird-man who sticks a feather in his head? We didn’t see how strong he was in the original work? Besides being cowardly, I am still cowardly!

Gu Chen picked his nose and thought to himself.

Xiao Wu said: “Xiao San, do you think this profiteer uncle will still remember us?” Since there are two bosses, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, guarding her, she is not afraid of being discovered.

Tang San smiled bitterly and said, “It’s only been two days, so he probably won’t forget it. However, since he is the dean, he shouldn’t care about your offense to him.”

Oscar chuckled and said in a low voice: “You are wrong about this. Our Dean Flender is famous for holding grudges. Of course, his greatest advantage is to protect his shortcomings.”

Flanders, who was walking towards them, suddenly drifted his eyes in their direction, and happened to stop on Oscar, with a trace of amusement flashing in his eyes.

Oscar was horrified, “Oh no, he might have heard what I said. This is terrible.”

Flanders walked to a total of nine students and stopped. His unique hoarse voice with a bit of magnetism sounded, “This year is very good, we have six more little monsters. I, Flanders, the president of Shrek Academy, welcome you on behalf of the academy. Later, you Everyone pays one hundred gold coins to Teacher Li, who is in charge of finance.”

At this time, Flanders couldn’t help but look at Gu Chen. He had witnessed the battle between Gu Chen and Tang Hao.

Even Zhao Wuji was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Although it was just a physical fight, Gu Chen could fight a titled Douluo back and forth, which was incredible!

When Flanders looked at Gu Chen, apart from shock and excitement, there was only admiration.

“Mubai!” Flanders said.

“Dean.” Dai Mubai took a step forward. He seemed to respect Flanders, and even had a bit of admiration for him.

Flanders said: “Six more juniors and juniors are here. Tell them the rules of the academy. Then go back and rest, and try to restore your condition to the best possible level. Today’s first class , will start in the evening. Oscar, the exception is you and Ning Rongrong. You two follow me.”

Oscar’s face suddenly fell, and he reluctantly walked to Flanders and saluted. When he saw Ning Rongrong walking to his side, his expression became better.

Flanders waved his hand and said: “Others can go and rest. Remember, get yourself into the best condition before it gets dark. Don’t blame me for not reminding you. The teaching in this college is different from other places. You even will be in danger.”

Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun left without looking back. Gu Chen also held Gu Yuena’s hand and planned to go to Soto City to have fun.

Gu Chen knew that what they were about to face were the fighting spirits in the Soto City Great Spirit Fighting Arena, but even he could fight Zhao Wuji, let alone those soul masters of the same level?

He and Na’er didn’t need to recharge their batteries like others.

Tang San was not in a hurry to leave, he wanted to see how the dean in front of him taught. Oscar and Ning Rongrong’s martial arts are both auxiliary, which should be the reason why they do not attend evening classes. But what made Tang San very strange was, why should teaching be conducted at night?

Tang San didn’t leave, so Xiao Wu was naturally not in a hurry to leave, standing beside Tang San and watching quietly.

Gu Chen brought Gu Yuena to Soto City. After having a big meal, they wandered to a relatively remote corner.

Suddenly, an old woman bumped into Gu Chen. After Gu Chen got out of the way, the old woman fell directly to the ground.


Seeing this, Gu Chen sneered. How many young people in the past life lost their money and their families were broken up because of their love affair with porcelain?

Gu Chen hated the kind of people who were too old to die, but came out to cause harm to society.

Gu Chen ignored the old woman and planned to leave directly.

But the old lady refused to give up: “Oh, my old waist, you bumped into me and you didn’t apologize. My waist is almost broken! See you at the City Lord’s Mansion! You are finished!”

Gu Chen turned around and said, “Haha, don’t you know that big cities like Soto City have image stones?”

The image stone is something similar to a soul guide, and its function is the same as monitoring in previous lives. This is what Gu Chen learned at Notting College.

The old woman stood up, pointed the crutch in her hand at Gu Chen, and said with a ferocious smile: “I’ve seen it all, there are no image stones on this street!”

What the hell, are you still so arrogant? !

Gu Chen immediately kicked her up. Although he barely used any strength, he still kicked the old woman to the opposite corner wall, and a stream of blood flowed out of her mouth.

“What the hell, you’re so arrogant without surveillance?”

Gu Chen left a few words and left with Gu Yuena.


The old woman, who was not seriously injured, heard this and was so angry that she spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

While shopping in Soto City, the two met Ning Rongrong who had escaped to eat and drink, but Gu Chen didn’t say anything. After all, no one would waste their time teaching an unrelated person a lesson.

As night fell, the dean of Shrek Academy, the four-eyed owl Flanders, was standing on the playground, looking at all nine students in front of him.

Gu Chen, Gu Yuena, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing, who looked cool and tidy, were all ready for class in the evening, and they were all in high spirits.

However, Flanders’ attention was not on them, but on the other two students.

“Oscar, have you completed twenty laps?” Flanders’s eyes gave people a sharp feeling, making people dare not look at him.

Oscar coughed, nodded, and said, “Dean, I’m done.”

Flanders snorted coldly, “I’m asking you, not you.”

Oscar turned to look at Ning Rongrong, who was also looking at him, with a pair of beautiful big eyes full of innocence.

Oscar gritted his teeth, nodded, and said, “Yes, we have finished running.”

Flanders smiled. If there were two words to describe his smile, then the word “sinister” would be more appropriate.

“Very well, Oscar, I didn’t expect you to be very friendly. Come here.” Flanders pointed to the position in front of him.

There was a wry smile on Oscar’s face, but he did not look at Ning Rongrong anymore and strode to stand in front of Flanders.

Flender sealed his soul power and asked him to run another twenty laps.

His eyes turned to Ning Rongrong, who looked pitiful and innocent, “Tell me, have you completed the lessons I assigned you this morning?”

Ning Rongrong shook her head honestly and said, “I don’t. The distance is too long, and I’m hungry, so I can’t hold on.”

Flanders smiled slightly and said: “So, you ran to Soto City alone, had a big meal, and walked around the commercial street of Soto City. You just came back to find Oscar, right? ?Gu Chen, you should have seen Ning Rongrong in Soto City, right?”

Ning Rongrong widened her beautiful eyes, “Are you spying on me?”

Flanders’s face suddenly turned cold, “As the dean, I am responsible for every student in the academy. If Oscar lied because he couldn’t bear to let you be punished, it is excusable. Then, you are guilty The mistake you made is an unforgivable crime. Leaving the academy without permission, not following the academy’s arrangements, and letting your seniors lie for you. None of these are mistakes that an excellent soul master should make. If this is on the battlefield, your result will be only One, that is military law, just one death.”

Ning Rongrong frowned, the gentle look on his face gradually disappeared, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and his expression revealed a bit of contempt and disdain, “This is not a battlefield, it’s just an academy.”

Flanders nodded and said: “Yes, this is just an academy, but this is my Shrek Academy. Now, I’ll give you two options. One, pack your things and leave here immediately. You don’t deserve to be Become a member here. The other way is to prove to me that you have the qualifications to stay here and the determination not to break the rules in the future.”

Ning Rongrong smiled. Even though she was only twelve years old, she had to admit that her smile was really cute and beautiful. That harmless smile made people feel a little heartbroken.

“Fland, who do you think you are? You’re just a little soul saint.”

Ning Rongrong’s true nature as a witch was revealed as she spoke in an ignorant, arrogant and disdainful manner.

To be honest, I don’t know how many people on Douluo Continent work harder than Ning Rongrong, and I don’t know how many people with better character and morals than Ning Rongrong do. But those people will return to dust, and dust will return to dust, and this Ning Rongrong Can actually become a god.

Gu Chen didn’t know whether to say that God has no eyes, or that Tang San’s aura as the protagonist was too strong? Uh, okay, those losers in the God Realm seem to be really blind!

If you can send 50,000 words tomorrow, you can apply for a contract. Hope it passes.


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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