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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 22 Fighting Soul

Soon it was time for Gu Chen and Gu Yuena’s personal soul fighting, but what was surprising was that Gu Chen and Gu Yuena were lined up together.

In other words, they are opponents on the soul fighting stage!

Gu Chen and Gu Yuena looked at each other, and Gu Chen said: “How about we don’t activate the martial arts, and just fight with the golden dragon spear and the silver dragon spear, just click and stop, and hone our marksmanship?”

Gu Yuena nodded slightly: “Okay.”

On the spirit fighting stage, a middle-aged man in a tuxedo was standing in the center. He cleared his throat and said loudly: “Now, the first one-on-one spirit fighting in our fifteen spirit fighting arena will be held. , there will be two Soul Lords on the stage. They are the Soul Lord Golden Dragon God who possesses the Beast Martial Soul Golden Dragon, and the Soul Lord Silver Dragon God who possesses the Beast Martial Soul Colorful Dragon. Will the Gold Dragon God or the Silver Dragon God win? What? Let us wait and see. Next, we invite two soul masters to come on stage.”

As soon as Gu Chen and Gu Yuena came on the stage, cheers erupted from the audience.

The girls in the audience cheered for Gu Chen, who had regular features and sharp edges. Sure enough, as long as a person is handsome, his outlook will follow his facial features.

When the boys saw Gu Yuena’s beautiful figure, their eyes lit up, and they all wanted to turn into hungry wolves and pounce on her.


Gu Chen summoned the Golden Dragon Spear, and saw a flash of golden light. The golden light suddenly lit up with his palm as the center, and then extended to both ends, transforming into a spear.

A silver spear, more than two feet long, is very slender. On the slender body of the gun, there are fine silver scales. The scales are hexagonal and very delicate and well-proportioned. This spear only has a tip on one end, and the length of the tip accounts for about one-third of the length of the spear. The tip is tapered as a whole, with a total of twelve grooves on it.

“Come on.” Gu Yuena said calmly.

Gu Chen did not release his soul power, but bullied himself forward and thrust out the golden dragon spear.

Gu Yuena’s fighting consciousness was not weaker than Gu Chen’s. As she dodged sideways, the silver dragon spear covered with silver scales slashed sideways at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen changed from stabbing to sweeping and used the golden dragon spear to block the attack of the silver dragon spear. At the same time, he surpassed Gu Yuena’s physical strength out of thin air. After knocking away the silver dragon spear, he jumped up high and slashed downwards with the golden dragon spear.

Gu Yuena had no time to dodge, so she had to kneel on the ground, holding the silver dragon gun up with both hands, and collided with the golden dragon gun that was struck in the middle of the gun handle, making a metallic explosion sound.

Gu Chen’s blow was so powerful that some cracks appeared on the ground where Gu Yuena was half-kneeling.

Seeing this, Gu Chen was afraid of hurting Gu Yuena, so he quickly stopped his efforts and planned to lift the Golden Dragon Spear. But this move was noticed by the keen Gu Yuena. At the moment when the combined force of the golden dragon gun and the silver dragon gun was zero, Gu Yuena stood up, turned around and flicked the silver dragon gun. The next second, the silver dragon gun exploded. Stab in front of Gu Chen’s throat.

Damn it! At that time, the silver dragon gun was only 0.00001 centimeters away from my throat!


Gu Chen swallowed, and the golden dragon gun dissipated: “I lost.”

Gu Yuena took back the silver dragon gun and smiled.


Cheers suddenly rang out, and a beautiful little girl, so powerful, immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and there was thunderous applause.

The host reacted, quickly came to the Soul Fighting Stage, and announced loudly: “The Soul Silver Dragon God has won, with a record of one win and zero losses. The Soul Golden Dragon God has a record of zero wins and one loss. Please come down and proceed. Points registration.”

Gu Chen took Gu Yuena’s hand and left the soul fighting stage. At this time, Dai Mubai, who was watching Zhu Zhuqing’s battle with Tang San, also happened to come out of the auditorium.

“How about it, you all won, right?” Dai Mubai said with a smile.

“She won, I lost.” Gu Chen said calmly.

Dai Mubai didn’t know that Gu Chen’s opponent was Gu Yuena, and he was surprised: “How is it possible? Your strength can defeat the Soul Emperor, how can you lose?”

“I’m matched with Na’er.” Gu Chen said.

Dai Mubai looked like he suddenly understood: “Oh, with your wife-protecting nature, you will definitely not let her get hurt.”

Gu Chen’s heart skipped a beat and he covered it up: “What nonsense are you talking about? She and I are brother and sister.”

“The sixth match of two versus two, the gold and silver dragon gods versus the dragon and snake combination!”

“It’s our turn, let’s talk back.” Gu Chen said, leading Gu Yuena towards the two-on-two soul fighting platform.

At the other end of the Soul Fighting Platform, there was a man with blue hair and a face as white as jade. Next to him, there was a girl with dark green hair.

“Yu Tianheng, martial soul blue electric tyrannosaurus, level 39 attack-type battle soul master.”

“Dugu Yan, Wuhun Jade Scale Snake, Level 38 Control System Battle Soul Lord.”

A man and a woman on the opposite side introduced themselves. To Gu Chen’s surprise, they turned out to be two people from the Imperial Fighting Team. However, since the Shrek Seven Devils could later meet them in the Soto City Soul Fighting Arena, then the two of them were This is not surprising.

The original book said that the Royal Battle Team came to Soto City recently, but it did not say how recently it was. Even if it was half a year in advance, it was still considered a recent arrival!

“Gu Chen, Golden Dragon of Martial Soul, level 39 attack-type battle soul master.”

“Gu Yuena, the Seven Colorful Martial Spirit Dragon, the 39th-level Control System War Spirit Lord.”

Although Gu Chen and Gu Yuena think it’s silly to fight to repay martial souls, they have to follow the local customs.

At this time, Yu Tianheng’s martial spirit possessed him, and a dazzling blue light suddenly lit up from the center of Yu Tianheng’s eyebrows. Then, the blue light spread instantly and fell from the center of his eyebrows to his whole body.

Strips of blue-purple electric electricity burst out like small snakes and swam around his body. On the surface, Yu Tianheng’s changes are not great. Except for the addition of a blue lightning mark on his forehead, only his right arm has changed due to the possession of the martial spirit, turning into a dragon claw covered with blue scales. .

But just this change is already more than most beast spirit owners.

However, the ones opposite him were no ordinary beast spirit owners. Gold and silver scales covered Gu Chen and Gu Yuena respectively, completing the whole body transformation.

At the same time, purple, black, black, and purple, purple, and black super-life soul rings appeared behind the two of them, which was shocking!

In a VIP box in the spirit fighting arena, an old man couldn’t hold it in any longer. He slapped the table and stood up, muttering to himself: “How can there be such a genius in the world? No, these two people must fight for my spirit.” For the palace’s use!”

In the spirit fighting arena below, Dugu Yan has also completed the possession of the martial spirit. Dugu Yan’s body with green eyes seems to have become extremely soft at this time.

She gently swayed her upper body and clung to Yu Tianheng’s back. Her green eyes became particularly sharp and her breath was cold. There was no human emotion at all, as if she had really become a cold-blooded animal like a snake.

There is a diamond-shaped green scale between Dugu Yan’s eyebrows, and her legs fuse together to form a thick snake tail. Well, it looks very similar to a Pipi eel…

The first soul skill—green scales and red poison!

The second soul skill – green scales and blue poison!

As soon as the soul fighting began, Dugu Yan released the first two soul skills, trying to add attribute bonuses to Yu Tianheng.

But how could Gu Chen, who was familiar with the original work, get what she wanted? He immediately strained his voice and said to Gu Yuena: “This poisonous mist has attribute bonus effects. Don’t let the poisonous mist touch Yu Tianheng!”

Although Gu Yuena didn’t know how Gu Chen transmitted the message to her, she still nodded.

The first soul skill – Elemental Tide!

Gaining stronger control over the elements, Gu Yuena directly controlled the wind element particles around Dugu Yan dozens of meters away, blowing up a strong wind and blowing the poisonous mist in the opposite direction, directly out of the Soul Fighting Platform.

Dugu Yan was furious and released his third soul skill, Blue Scale Purple Poison, but he still could not escape the fate of the poisonous mist being blown away.

“Tianheng, with that girl here, my martial spirit is almost useless. Kill her first!” Duguyan said to Yu Tianheng.


Yu Tianheng agreed and ran towards Gu Yuena, releasing his first soul skill, Thunder Dragon Claw.

In order to apply for the contract as early as possible, today’s two chapters will be released early in the morning. I have applied for a contract now and hope it will be approved. Also, please give me a recommendation vote. There have been a lot less recommendation votes in the past two days. Σu003e―(〃°ω°〃)→


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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