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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 272 Instant kill, the terrifying light of death!

Several other leaders of the underground forces in the room were also moved. Except for the Soul Saint, the weakest in the room, who chose to withdraw secretly, the other leaders all agreed to the plan.

Finally, everyone looked at Xue Liming, who was sitting in the main seat.

After all, the person with the highest status here is Xue Liming, the leader of the Tianyan Alliance, a member of the Tiandou royal family, and a titled Douluo.

Xue Liming’s eyes swept across the faces of the remaining nine people. After a long time, he nodded.

“I agree! Leader Zhang Wuliang will take charge of this matter!” Xue Liming said.

Zhang Wuliang’s commanding ability is obvious to all, and everyone else agrees.

Zhang Wuliang stood up and said, “Since everyone is willing to believe in me, I will not let you down.”

“If my information is correct, the leaders of the Red Flame Gang, the Black Cloud Gang, the Nebula League, the Ghost Wolf Gang, and the Yellow Turban League are all Contra-level powerhouses, while the leaders of the Tiger Roar League, the Sunset League, and the Taiping League are It is the Soul Saint cultivation level. In this case, Guo Guo of the Red Flame Gang, Xiao Gang of the Black Cloud Gang, Rou’er of the Nebula League, Lin and Lin of the Ghost Wolf Gang and the Yellow Turban League will be responsible for the main attack. The remaining three You are responsible for assisting Gang Leader Guo and others in escaping from Wuhun City after they succeed.” Zhang Wuliang paused, then looked at Xue Liming, who was at the head, and said, “Guild Leader Xue and Gang Leader Guo, who were in charge of the main attack, entered the palace together. , be on guard against the appearance of Titled Douluo in Wuhun City at any time.”

“And I, together with the three brothers responsible for supporting you, will direct you to fight at any time through the soul skill of Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission and the Soul Skill of God’s Perspective Detection!” Zhang Wuliang said.

The rest of the people had no objections to Zhang Wuliang’s arrangement. His arrangement could maximize everyone’s role.

In the Palace of the Spirit Empire, the towering Death Light Tower was surrounded by a colorful halo, and faint soul power fluctuations spread on the Death Light Tower.

At this moment, six figures entered the palace complex of the Spirit Empire Palace and quickly approached the Death Light Tower.

These six figures are Xue Liming and others!

They did not make any cover-up, and soon they were discovered by the guards in the palace.

Dozens of guards wearing golden armor released their martial souls, and they turned out to be soul king-level warriors!

Guo, the leader of the Red Flame Gang, snorted coldly when he saw this. He released his martial spirit, and a huge fireball condensed out of thin air and hit the guards.

Contra’s casual attack is absolutely fatal to the Soul King.

The fireball hit several guards head-on, turning their bodies into ashes.

However, Gang Leader Guo’s attack was also sensed by the Death Light Tower!

Under the control of Gu Chen, the Death Light Tower has scanned all the guards, servants and maids in the palace and palace complex, and identified them as one of its own.

And those who attack their own people are naturally enemies.

A ray of light emitted from the Death Light Tower. This ray of light carried strange energy fluctuations and instantly scanned the bodies of six people.

Soon, the Death Light Tower made a “buzzing” sound, and terrifying soul power gathered at the top of the tower.

Undoubtedly, Xue Liming and others have been recognized as enemies by the Death Light Tower.

Xue Liming saw the Death Light Tower condensing soul power on its own. At first, she didn’t pay any attention to it, but quickly approached it.

Leader Xiao of the Black Cloud Gang and Leader Lin of the Yellow Turban Alliance have already released their soul skills and bombarded the Death Light Tower.

The soul skills of the two fiercely bombarded the Death Light Tower, but the Death Light Tower was actually unscathed!

“This Death Light Tower is definitely not a mortal thing!” Lin Jiao, leader of the Yellow Turban Alliance, said.

But at this moment, an anxious and frightened voice sounded in the minds of the six people.

“Quick! Run!”

The person who spoke was Zhang Wuliang, who was in charge of the command outside the palace complex. From his God’s perspective, the soul power condensed in the Death Light Tower actually gave him a feeling of death!

Although his innate soul power is only level five, his spiritual power is no less than that of an ordinary titled Douluo after training to the Soul Emperor level.

Even at such a long distance, his mental power could convey the feeling of death. So, how powerful should the attack concentrated by this Death Light Tower be? !

He no longer cared about the so-called loyalty, he changed direction, and his body was like an arrow that was taken off the string, and shot away towards the outside of Wuhun City, leaving only the three of them on the ground looking at each other.

Hearing Zhang Wuliang’s words, Gang Leader Guo and the other five people were stunned. They wanted to ask questions with some confusion, but they never got a reply from Zhang Wuliang.

Only Rou’er from the Nebula Alliance turned around and ran away without any reason. A purple soul ring lit up, and a pink propeller-like thing appeared behind her, pushing her body towards the outside of the city. And go.

Rou’er’s martial soul has a charm attribute, and her spiritual power is higher than most soul masters of the same realm. From Zhang Wuliang’s words, she felt endless fear.

Therefore, she did not ask questions or hesitate, and made the most correct decision at the first time.

Xue Liming, who was at the front, just frowned when she heard Zhang Wuliang’s words, thinking that Zhang Wuliang was too timid.

Seeing that the titled Douluo from Wuhun City did not appear, he released his Swan Wuhun, the black ten thousand year soul ring lit up, and a golden ray burst towards the Death Light Tower.

However, the Death Light Tower’s energy storage has also been completed!

A terrifying seven-colored ray burst out from the top of the tower, piercing the space with the force of destroying the heaven and earth, and burst towards the snowy dawn!

Feeling the terrifying aura of the light of death, Xue Liming was immediately frightened to the point of confusion, his liver and gallbladder bursting, and he felt regretful in his heart! Since I put Zhang Wuliang in charge of command, I should listen to him!

The intensity of this beam is probably something that only Extreme Douluo can emit!

Could it be said that this pagoda is really a gift from God?

Xue Liming, with deep fear, regret, confusion and unwillingness, was overwhelmed by the light of death. His soul was scattered in the light of death, and his body was annihilated by the light of death!

After the light of death drowned Xue Liming, it also engulfed Leader Lin of the Yellow Turban Alliance and Leader Lin of the Ghost Wolf Gang who were in the same straight line as Xue Liming!

“Quick! Run!” Gang Leader Guo of the Red Flame Gang and Gang Leader Xiao of the Black Cloud Gang, who had survived the attack, saw the seven-colored soul power once again condensed at the top of the Death Light Tower. They shouted in horror and instantly withdrew from the palace. , fled outside Wuhun City.

However, the coverage area of ​​the Death Light Tower is the entire Wuhun City, plus the ten-mile radius outside Wuhun City!

In just five seconds, the two of them escaped from Wuhun City.

But the next second, their bodies were swallowed up by a burst of death light!

The top of the Death Light Tower condensed its soul power for the third time. In the previous scan, the Death Light Tower connected the spiritual power of Zhang Wuliang and the six people, and brought the three people responsible for the support outside the palace into the enemy’s range. This time The light of death is aimed at these three people!

These three people were not fools. They had already escaped from Wuhun City after discovering that Xue Liming was dead.

However, the speed of the three of them was far inferior to Rou’er, and they started to escape much later than Zhang Wuliang. Although they escaped from Wuhun City, they failed to escape from the coverage of the Death Light Tower.

Five seconds later, a bolt of death light burst out from the top of the Death Light Tower, swallowing up the three people!

Thanks to Book Friends 20200418102840676 and Book Friends Bajibaji for their monthly votes.

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Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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